Thursday, September 29, 2022

Takes (Radio Bremen series)

During research for Wonderworms (I still haven't found pics or more info), I found the title "Takes".  This includes the 4 series listed below, all from Radio Bremen. Maybe it's the main title for the series (Medienverbund) or the title of a school book or book series (Unterrichtsmaterial/ class resources). I haven't found any offers for sale. Books were published by Schroedel.

All Aboard (~1979) Book 1979

The Stone-Age Kid (1980) Book 1980

The London Outing (1983) Book 1982

Wonderworms (1984) Book 1983, teacher's book 47 pages 7,40 DM, student book 15 pages, 4 DM

There are also additional booklets in series RPZ-Informationen ~49 pages each, and SDZ-Informationen (latter one is Sprachdidaktisches Zentrum, Pädagogische Hochschule, Freiburg im Breisgau) ~91 pages.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Info 22: New label/tag/category "not TV" for DVDs

I have added the label "not TV" for mainly the modern DVD courses (new school book supplement DVDs like from Westermann, Cambridge University etc). So almost all that have not been aired. I kept the other labels, especially "series". Maybe I will make company lists later. Just broadcasts can be found via the chronological list.

I haven't included 16mm S8 and similar series (these can be found by the early year labels, or a blog search). Some series/VHS/DVDs are unsure if they have been aired (especially BBC productions).

I haven't named the new label "DVD" as some of the broadcasts also had been released as DVD later. Broadcasts include broadcasts from all countries.

Note that you can combine 2 or more labels for a search in the browser tab, eg WDR+2012.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Teens in the USA: Missouri: Cullen - Getting into Gear

Another part (episode 1) of this 6 part 2012 series. Missouri/San Diego. I found this pic and info some time ago on planet-schule. Surprisingly it's still there. Last aired Feb 2021. Movie was available up to July 2022. Sorry, I've seen that too late. But probably it will be rebroadcasted later.

15 yo teen boy Cullen lives in a rural town near Hermann, Missouri. He worked for a driving license. He wants to ride with his friends in his own car to play bowling. At school he learned farming.

1a. Traum auf vier Rädern

1b. Zwischen Gewächshaus und Tornadowarnung

1c. Der Tag der Prüfung

Main entry

Friday, September 23, 2022

Your Space

Year published/aired:

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes:  5 units each

Grade: A1-B1 

Genres: basics, grammar

Sub-subject: culture

Broadcaster: -

Production company:


Story: Martyn Hobbs, Julia Starr Keddle



Media: DVDx3

Media distribution: Loescher

Additional media: books, Class Audio CD, Teacher Test CD, Classware DVD-ROM

Working material: 

Material publisher: Cambridge University

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): A three-level course for young students (early teens and pre-teens) from Cambridge University. DVDs feature: Video diaries, viewpoints, communication, Culture, CLIL. Only Level 3 has extra lessons with another 5 episodes. Clips are obviously very short. The DVD-ROM pack also have audio CDs, whiteboard software, song lyrics etc.

There are special versions for Italy (and probably Spain). Pal, NTSC.

Episodes: Your Space DVD 1-3 (55 minutes total. 1 DVD has all 3 levels), purple cover NTSC, (Italy green cover, PAL)


Your Space 1

1. Video diary: My home (boy Dan) 1'29"

2. Viewpoints: My Life (different kids and teens)

3. Communication: Let's go ice-skating! (Mia, Joe, Dan, pictured) 

4. Culture: London (sightseeing)

5: CLIL: Rock Climbing (Sophia, Andy, older teens)

Your Space 2

1. Viewpoints: Free time (different kids and teens)

2. Video diaries: This is a disaster (Dan, playing e-guitar, mom)

3. Communication: Do you like scary films? (Dan, Mia, Joe)

4. Culture: New York

5. CLIL: Drama school (Buchi, Sophie, London Language and Drama School)

 Your Space 3

1. Video diaries: My Friends (Lauren, Leo, Daisy, Sam)

2. Viewpoints: Experiences (extreme sports, have you been aboard, theme park, performed in public)

3. Communication: Can I leave a message? (Lauren, Daisy, Sam)

4. Culture: Cambridge

5. CLIL: Extreme Environments (Antarctica)

Extra Lessons:

1. Viewpoints: Future plans (Jules, Renias, Antonia, Samuel)

2. Video Diary: Where I live (school, cinema)

3. Communication: Pizzas (eating in garden, order per telephone?)

4. Culture: The circus

5. CLIL: Recycling

Monday, September 19, 2022

World in Motion - Palier 2

This is a 2010 supplement Video DVD from Editions Didier (France) for books Enjoy 4e. Odile Martin-Coucher.

Info from an official PDF via (yes, 5 is double). Unknown length. Probably more than ~60 minutes. But rather few scenes of interest. 2 movie trailers. No scenes of kids/teens known.


1. Junk food (pictured)

-Fast food trash

-What's in a Big Mac?

2. Poetry slam

3. Wildlife: Do not trespass! (BBC, Australia, kangaroos)

4. Education for all

-The Big Read

-Every child needs a teacher

5. India Hollywood-style

-Trailer Slumdog Millionaire


5. Changing World (BBC documentaries)

-Global Warming

-Stop the sunshine

6. Peace Fighter

Trailer Gandhi

7. International Peace Day

-The Day after Peace (Jeremy Gilley + Dalai Lama)

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Hi there!

Year published/aired: 2012 (1. ed) ?

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes:  7 units each

Grade: A1-B1, 

Genres: basics, grammar

Sub-subject: culture

Broadcaster: -

Production company:


Story: Daniel Leclercq, Catherine Winter,



Media: DVD

Media distribution: Cambridge University

Additional media: books, audio CDs, DVD-ROMs, DVD,

Working material: 

Material publisher: Editions Bordas

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): An English course for teens by Editions Bordas (France). DVDs are included in the books. There are also class boxes with 2 CDs + 1 DVD (each grade).

Videos are from Cambridge University. Some or all clips might be taken from Your Space (Cambridge University).

The oldest book I found is from 2012 (Hi There!). New Hi There! I think starting in 2015. There's also a Cycle 4 version.

Episodes: unknown DVD length, there are not videos for all units (some have just audio or text). All or most videos are very shorts (~2 minutes) also available as MP3.


Hi There! 3e

Hi There! 4e

Hi There! 5e

Hi There! 6e

New Hi There! 3e

1. Life swap

2. The haunted house

3. Welcome Hau mai!

4. Street dancing

New Hi There! 4e

1. The climb (climbing wall)

3. The other side (school magazine) 

5. A frozen desert

6. Priorities (Nick talking to different people)

7. From bottle to T-shirt (recycling)

New Hi There! 5e

3. Dan's Home 

4. Let's go Ice-skating 

5. Along the Thames

6. Making plans

7. We've got talent! (animation ?)

New Hi There! 6e

1. Join the club (billard) Monica, Tracy 12 yo, Steve, Ben

3. Ben's horrible day (school is cool) Seafield school in Manchester ?

5. The present (pictured, 1'56'', chapter Let's go shopping) Steve, Jimmy + Tracy birthday shopping and visit Ben. They bought him a yellow shirt, but he wore the same when opening the door

6. Pass the salt! (school canteen) Ben, Tracy, others

Sunday, September 11, 2022

English Plus

Year published/aired:
2016 (1. ed) , 2020

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes:  8 units each

Grade: A1-B2 

Genres: basics, grammar

Sub-subject: culture

Broadcaster: -

Production company:


Story: Ben Wetz, Diana Pye, Nicholas Tims, James Styring



Media: DVD

Media distribution

Additional media: books, audio CDs, DVD-ROMs, DVD, Whiteboard DVD, Readers,

Working material: 

Material publisher: Oxford University

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): A 5 level course for teens aged 12-16 with mixed abilities. Starter + Levels 1-4. No DVD for Starter.

Student workbooks also has DVD-ROMs with videos.

There are at least 2 editions. Also New English Plus (also Interactive Whiteboard DVD ROMs iTools) and several country specific editions like a Spanish edition (2010), Swiss edition. Polish, Kasachstan, ... 

The 1st edition has 4 lines in rainbow style color and the word Plus in between. 2nd edition is in circular fidget spinner design.

CD-ROMs (released in 2010) are called MultiROM and has PC and Audio tracks. Interactive activities (not sure if videos, probably not).

There is also an unrelated earlier BBC English Plus course (30 DVDs + 30 CDs) based on Follow me! (1979) with 5h videos.

Episodes: unknown DVD length, most clips are very short ~1-4 minute each

DVD have Vox pop videos, functional videos, grammar animations, culture documentaries, cross-curricular documentaries. Optional subtitles in English.

Edition 1

English Plus DVD (1 DVD for all grades) 

Edition 2

English Plus 1&2 DVD

English Plus 3&4 DVD


Spanish Editions DVDs:

English + plus DVD 1

 English + plus DVD 2

2. Culture - Homes in the UK (pictured)


Swiss Edition (info taken from a sample vid)

1. A typical American teenager (Culture lesson clip, probably grade 2) 4'.12''

4. Grammar Animation (3 minutes)

Friday, September 9, 2022

The Isle of Wight - Portrait of the Queen's Isle

I found "The isle of Wight - Portrait of the Queen" on Planet Schule, without any info. I previously found Inselsommer - Isle of Wight (1983) in offline sources (broadcaster WDR ?) 

Today, I found this full title in a PDF media list, that this is a 2005 German documentary (30 minutes, VHS). Geography, Queen Victoria and traces of several English kings.

I haven't found many series about Queen(s)/the Royals in vintage (German) series. Probably in some general series about London/UK.

An 1998 documentary called Royal Windsor and Eton (55 minutes, sightseeing), no post here, and Scottish Sketchbook (ep 2 From Braermar to Ayr, Highland Games with Queen).

Elizabeth (1998) and movies about Shakespeare which are about Elizabeth I.

R.I.P. HM Elizabeth II!

Monday, September 5, 2022

Camden Town

Year published/aired:
2005 (1. ed)

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes:  ~6 units each

Grade: 5-11

Genres: basics, grammar

Sub-subject: culture

Broadcaster: -

Production company:





Media: DVD/online resources

Media distribution: Westermann (Diesterweg)

Additional media: books, audio CDs, DVD-ROMs, DVD, CD-ROMs

Working material: 

Material publisher: Westermann

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): A course for grades 5-11). Camden Town 1-7 and Oberstufe (Bavaria). Similar content, style and media like other German publishers (Cornelsen). Student's workbooks have DVDs. All other DVD sets are for teachers. There is also Camden Town Advanced, 3 DVDs for teachers UK/USA) and a similar series called Camden Market (also for grades 3-4 as Camden Market Junior). And in 2024 Camden Road. Pic showing Rebecca from Camden Town 2 (Unit 2, clip: Viewing Festivals, taken from the official book preview). More than half of the clips are simple animations (early grades).

Edition 2005 has 3 rows of grey (and colored) cirles on top of the cover, Edition 2012/2013 has a curved green line in the middle of the cover, one half is blue and a simple skyline above the title. The 2020 edition has a photo of a face on one corner and a photo of a bulding at the opposite corner. There might be even earlier editions but probably not with DVDs.

And Audio CD with DVD for teachers. New edition 3 has DVD for teachers. Older editions had a 3 disc set (Audio disc, DVD-ROM, Video DVD).

There are CD-ROMs Multimedia Language Trainer (year 2000?, unknown if have videos, probably not, later called Multimedia Sprachtrainer). Audio CDs have kids and grown ups. Interactive Whiteboard DVD-ROMs don't have videos (but audio and pics).

There are related series like Notting Hill Gate. And Take. Running time of that is ~24 minutes each grade.. More info soon.

Some samples can be watched on the official site. At least titles of contents can be watched on the BiBox site. Previews for units 1-3 but needs logged-in as teacher for almost all clips. There are also (watermarked) previews of books showing some tiny screen caps of clips.

Some characters: Sam, Alex, Georgia (Camden Town 1), Leanne, Rebecca, Daniel (Camden Town 2). Jessica, Pranav, Joshua (Camden Town 3).

Episodes: ~ 61 minutes videos total for teacher DVD 5 (each grade) but also has animated clips (not listed here). Camden Town 2 (2013) has 22 minutes videos (at least on one disc, also lots more audio contents). Not sure about CD-ROM contents. Clips of DVDs (might differ from edition):

Camden Town 1

2. Haverstock School

4. Jobs around the house

8. At Camden Market (Sam and Alex looking for a birthday present for Georgia, movie poster)

9. Pets

Camden Town 2

2. Water Festival

7. Festivals (pictured)

8. Sightseeing in London

12. School rules

14. Karate with Jessica

Camden Town 3.

4. Jessica, Joshua and Pranav (introduction, also Karate, see DVD 2)

6. Rugby - A sport for tough guys 

10. Queen Victoria

13. Lewis Hamilton

17. Expedition Tips

18. "2 

Camden Town 4

1. Lake Park Lancers vs. Neuqua Valley Wildcats

2. The Perks of Being a Wallflower

3. Macy's parade (Thanksgiving)

4. Cool Cowboys (The Cowboys of Hawaii)

6. History: Native Americans

7. A New York city guide

9. Ellis Island

10. Wilderness therapy

12. Passport program

13. Lights, camera, action1 (Hollywood)

14. A better life (Cowboy)

15. Interview with Dylan Sprayberry

16. Quinceanera

18. Philadelphia sights and attractions

Camden Town 5 (also on G8 ?)

1. Welcome to Camden!

3. The school day in Great Britain

5. Hobbies

7. British Money

9. This is my pet

11. Places in Britain

13. At Camden Market

Camden Town 6

1. Multicultural Britain

2. News report (Brexit)

3. Meet South Africa (1): Cape Town

4. " 2 Safari

5. My Backyard

6. Water (Koleka Putuma)

7. American Dream

8. Obama in Camden

Camden Town 7

Teen Troubles 

Weirdest British sports

Rugby - A sport for tough guys

Who was Florence Nightingale?

Why we celebrate Valentine's Day

Facts about Ireland

Camden Town Oberstufe (Bayern E) 2022 (not available yet)



Camden Town Advanced - The UK: Between tradition and change 

Camden Town Advamnced - The USA: Dreams and realities

Camden Town Advanced - Globalization and global challenges

Thursday, September 1, 2022

e for English

Year published/aired:
(2014) 2017 (2022)

Year produced/filmed: 2016 ?

# of episodes: 

Grade: A2-B1 (3-6)

Genres: basics, grammar

Sub-subject: culture

Broadcaster: -

Production company:


Story: Mathias Degoute, Severine Bourdet, others

Editor: Catherine Laurent


Media: DVD

Media distribution: Editions Didier (now: Editions Hatier)

Additional media: books, audio CDs, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM

Working material: 

Material publisher:

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): Another French course by Editions Didier. Now also DVDs for grades 3+4. But few vids in 5+6. This time also including many trailers from feature films, (so fewer clips of interest). But most clips are set in the USA. 

New edition from 2017 (Edition2016-2017). There is also a brand new edition 2021-2022. Pic from 4e (vid 2) Zach and Jenny (USA). Taken from the book. The previous edition is from 2014 (Not sure if this has DVDs as well).

Episodes: DVD length differs ~19-45 minutes (total)


e for English 3e (45 minutes)

1-2. The 2015 Google Science Fair: trailer & Awards Ceremony
3. Early Alzheimer's diagnosis (teen boy UK)
4. Diagnostic device for Ebola (teen girl USA)
5. Darcy Oake at Britain's Got talent, 2104
6. A spoof advert (video game?)
7. Earth Hour 2015 Official Video
8. extract from film Ali, 2001 (Will Smith)
9. Separate but equal (Civil Rights movement)
10. Martin Luther King's early life
11. I have a dream
12. Fighting for Freedom (Rosa Parks)
13. extract from film Equilibrium (dystopia)
14. An interview with artist Shepard Fairey (Obama Hope poster)
15. Banksy does New York (Art in the Streets)
16. Take a tour of New Zealand
17. Step into the moko shop (tattoo artist)
18. Shakespeare Lives - Anniversary trailer
19. Great British actors deliver Shakespeare's immortal line
20. Alastair Sooke about The Farm, Joan Miro (painting)

 e for English 4e

1. An extract from the film Ferris Bueller's Day Off
2. An interview with American pupils Zach and Jenny
3. Peek into an American high school! (Spirit Week Day)
4. Happy Birthday Canada!
5. Discover the Secret to suspenseful stories with British writer Chris d'Lacey, author of The Last Dragon Chronicles.
6. Freestyle hurling (Gaelic Spirit)
7. It's not just about scoring. (Gaelic Athletic Association) hockey?
8. 2006 100 year of the Easter Rising (Dublin Croke Park stadium)
9. The Irish language today (singer, also on audio CD)
10. A flash mob at Dublin Airport (Irish dancing)
11. An extract from the film Knowing, 2009 (Time capsule)
12. A time capsule is opened 100 years later on Oklahoma
13. Chat with your future self (girl and computerized girl)
14. Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock
15. Beat Bullying (British footballer Rio Ferdinand, anti-bullying wristband)
16. The BFG trailer
17. Romeo + Juliet, trailer 1996 (DiCaprio)


  e for English 5e (total 19 minutes)

1. Trick-or-Treat with the President and First Lady (Obama)
2. Haunted White House tour (wax museum ?)
3. A day in New York City (teen boys Jack and Finn)
4. A place that I've fallen in love with (NYC)
5. extract from film Big Hero 6 (animated)
6. It's really fun (design a robot)
7. Meet Grayhawk Perkins (Native American singer and storyteller from Louisiana)

  e for English 6e

1. Meet Rile's emotions! (animation)
2. Where are you from? What is the BCSS Academy? (Bobby Charlton Soccer Academy)
3. Keep calm and...  (Simon Says "Keep Calm!") at class
4. 11-year-old Akeelah in the movie Akeelah and the Bee (2006)
5. An extract from the film Baryard, 2006 (animated)
6. An extract from the film Hook, 1992
7. An extract from the film Paddington

Elementary School English (YBM Kim, 2020)

  I found another South Korean clips on YouTube from uploader Jayedu. Playlist 2020GH English Class. Not exactly sure about the title. Grade...