Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The London Outing


Year published/aired: 1983

Year produced/filmed

# of episodes: 5

Grade: 5-6

Genres: Sightseeing

Sub-subject: London

Broadcaster: RB

Production company: FWU


Editor: Lothar Humburg, Hans Bergmann


Media: VHSx2

Additional media:

Working material: Teacher's note

Material publisher: Schroedel

Novel available: 

Other literature: yes

Plot (short): 12 yo homesick Emma from Wales moved to a suburb of London. With her pal Stan she made an awarded photo safari for school on foot as they missed the bus. A 2nd group made a Sightseeing tour in London by bus. They all met at Piccadilly Circus. In the final episode a slide-show of them is shown.


Unit 1: The New Girl, 40 minutes (Units 1-2)

2. Making Plans

3. Riding on a Bus, 45 (or less likely 54) minutes (Units 3-5 )

4. Open Day

5. Tape-Slide Show


Monograph: Michael Legutke (RPZ): The London Outing: Unterricht-Fernsehkurs im Medienverbund...

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