Sunday, September 11, 2022

English Plus

Year published/aired:
2016 (1. ed) , 2020

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes:  8 units each

Grade: A1-B2 

Genres: basics, grammar

Sub-subject: culture

Broadcaster: -

Production company:


Story: Ben Wetz, Diana Pye, Nicholas Tims, James Styring



Media: DVD

Media distribution

Additional media: books, audio CDs, DVD-ROMs, DVD, Whiteboard DVD, Readers,

Working material: 

Material publisher: Oxford University

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): A 5 level course for teens aged 12-16 with mixed abilities. Starter + Levels 1-4. No DVD for Starter.

Student workbooks also has DVD-ROMs with videos.

There are at least 2 editions. Also New English Plus (also Interactive Whiteboard DVD ROMs iTools) and several country specific editions like a Spanish edition (2010), Swiss edition. Polish, Kasachstan, ... 

The 1st edition has 4 lines in rainbow style color and the word Plus in between. 2nd edition is in circular fidget spinner design.

CD-ROMs (released in 2010) are called MultiROM and has PC and Audio tracks. Interactive activities (not sure if videos, probably not).

There is also an unrelated earlier BBC English Plus course (30 DVDs + 30 CDs) based on Follow me! (1979) with 5h videos.

Episodes: unknown DVD length, most clips are very short ~1-4 minute each

DVD have Vox pop videos, functional videos, grammar animations, culture documentaries, cross-curricular documentaries. Optional subtitles in English.

Edition 1

English Plus DVD (1 DVD for all grades) 

Edition 2

English Plus 1&2 DVD

English Plus 3&4 DVD


Spanish Editions DVDs:

English + plus DVD 1

 English + plus DVD 2

2. Culture - Homes in the UK (pictured)


Swiss Edition (info taken from a sample vid)

1. A typical American teenager (Culture lesson clip, probably grade 2) 4'.12''

4. Grammar Animation (3 minutes)

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