Monday, November 29, 2021

Books: SDZ-Informationen

SDZ stands for Sprachdidaktisches Zentrum (at Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg im Breisgau), Germany. SDZ-Informationen is a series of 1980s and 1990s booklets for teachers about teaching English (and for other subjects). I have posts of most of the TV series, some others, I previously didn't know at all. Not sure if all of them are real TV series or just school books. Needs further inverstigations.

The publishing years are often several years later than the TV series. Google is a poor source. Next to worldcat, there is, where for some of these (and other) books, there's at least a table of contents.

List of all known booklets (English)

How to Get a Scoop


Problems of a Rich Country 

ZOOM- Your English Magazine

Double Trouble

The London Outing

Moving to Marlborough

The Ballinish Bowl

The Secret of Adlington Hall

Going Abroad: Klassenfahrten nach GB (leaflet only?) 1988, Marita Schocker-von Ditfurth

Young People: Travelling - Leisure - Holidays (Landeskunde, 1984, Marita Schocker-von Ditfurth)  

Facts and views on jobs and works, (Landeskunde, 1986, Marita Schocker-von Ditfurth)

Scotland's For Me (1993 Carmen Dier) Tourist office commercial (clip)?

Xmas (1989 Carmen Dier)


Materialen zum Hörverstehen im Englishunterricht, 1991 Doris Kocher

Authentische Hörtexte im Englischunterricht der Sekundarstufe I, 1988

Filmstrip and slide catalog, 1984

A similar booklet series is RPZ-Informationen.

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