Sunday, March 17, 2024

Camden Road

Year published/aired:

Year produced/filmed: 2023?

# of episodes:  23 clips (grade 5)

Grade: 5

Genres: basics, grammar

Sub-subject: Everyday's situtations

Broadcaster: -

Production company: Miguel Amortegui

Producer: Miguel Amortegui




Media: DVD/online resources

Media distribution: Westermann (Diesterweg)

Additional media: books, audio CDs, DVD-ROMs

Working material: 

Material publisher: Westermann

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): A new course for (currently only) grade 5. Published in March 2024. For Bavarian middle schools (Realschule).

There is currently 1 teacher DVD which is in fact a DVD-ROM. Earlier courses are Camden Market Junior for grades 3-4, Camden Market, Camden Town (incl. Camden Town Advanced, 3 DVDs for teachers UK/USA) and Notting Hill Gate. And Portobello Road, London Bridge. Not all have DVDs. Camden Town has student's workbooks with DVDs.

On the official book preview there is the code (page 2) for watching all videos in HD. Not sure if this is a mistake. 6 units. In total 23 short clips, I think 15-23 are text only. There are some more data on the DVD-ROM including audio files and maybe scripts and solutions.

Episodes: ~ 5 minutes each

1. This is my pet (older teen boy+girl)

2. This is Gracies Room 

5. Breakfast Time (interviews)

6. A School Day in GB (incl gym) Midhurst Rother College

7. Celebrating Birthdays (interviews of different people old +young, incl. freckled boy George) 

9. Unit: Our sports (play golf with Jake...)

12. At Camden Market (girl Alex and boy Sam, pictured) 5'48"

15-23: Text only

23: Die einfache Vergangenheit von be

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Elementary School English (YBM Kim, 2020)

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