Monday, August 22, 2022

Camden Market

Year published/aired:
2005 (1. ed)

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes:  ~6 units each?

Grade: 5-10 (3-4 junior)

Genres: basics, grammar

Sub-subject: culture

Broadcaster: -

Production company:





Media: DVD/online resources

Media distribution: Westermann (Diesterweg)

Additional media: books, audio CDs, DVD-ROMs, DVD, CD-ROMs

Working material: 

Material publisher: Westermann

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): A course for grades 5-8 (older two editions 5-10), and 3-4 (and elementary 5/6 Camden Kids Junior) . Similar content, style and media like other German publishers (Cornelsen).

There are 2 DVDs called "Camden Market Clips 1/2" and 2/3. Camden Market Junior for grades 3-4 (edition 2) might have clip DVDs as well. All DVDs are for teachers. In 2024 also Camden Road.

And Audio CD with DVD for teachers. New edition 3 has DVD for teachers. Older editions had a 3 disc set (Audio disc, DVD-ROM, Video DVD).

Some clips were taken from DVD series Take. Running time of that is ~24 minutes each grade.

There are CD-ROMs Multimedia Language Trainer (year 2000?, unknown if have videos, probably not, later called Multimedia Sprachtrainer). Audio CDs probably have kids and grown ups. Interactive Whiteboard DVD-ROMs (at least for Camden Town) don't have videos (but audio and pics).

There are related series like Camden Town (incl. Camden Town Advanced, 3 DVDs for teachers UK/USA) and Notting Hill Gate. And Portobello Road, London Bridge. More info soon. Not all have DVDs. Camden Town has student's workbooks with DVDs.

Some samples can be watched on the official site. At least titles of contents can be watched on the BiBox 2.0 site. Previews for units 1-3 but needs logged-in as teacher for almost all clips. There are also (watermarked) previews of books showing some tiny screen caps of clips.

Episodes: ~ 61 minutes total for teacher DVD (each grade) but also has animated clips

DVD Clips 1/2 (unknown length) grades 5-6

-Welcome to our School (pictured) (Midhurst Rother College) with I think freckled George.


DVD 1 (teacher): A10 Your favourite place, 1 At Camden Market

Audio CD 1 with DVD for teacher:

-Meet Katie and George (girl with long blonde hair) another George


Camden Market Junior Clips 3/4: Survey time: Food

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