Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Enjoy English


Year published/aired: (2006) 2011 

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 

Grade: A2-B1 (3-6)

Genres: basics, grammar

Sub-subject: culture

Broadcaster: -

Production company:


Story: Odile Martin-Coucher, Sophie Plays,



Media: DVD

Media distribution: Editions Didier (now: Editions Hatier)

Additional media: books, audio CDs, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM

Working material: 

Material publisher:

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): A French course. At least 2 DVD sets for New Enjoy English (Enjoy English - Nouvelle Edition). Other courses from this publisher are E for English, Rise & Shine!, New Password, World in Motion - Palier 2 (DVD for Enjoy 4e), Happy Time, and others. Pic from New Enjoy English 5e (Quincy Market, Boston, taken from the book).

Episodes: unknown DVD length, I assume at least 60 minutes (I haven't found DVDs for grades 3e, 4e, but DVD-ROMs, and I haven't found DVDs for 1st ed. Enjoy English.) 2/3 chapters from the books, clips:


The New Enjoy English 5e 2DVD

-The British Bunch


-Hi from the U.S.

--Places to go... in Boston (Book 2) 5e

1. Boston Common (America's oldest park)

2. the New England Aquarium

3. Quincy Market (pictured)

4. The Museum of Science (dinosaurs and butterfly garden)


--American Sports (Book 3)

 5. Field Hockey

6. American Football

7. Wiffle Ball

--Yellowstone National Park (Book 4)

9. A major tourist attraction  (grizzly bears, bisons)

10. In the past... (hot springs)


The New Enjoy English 6e 2 DVD

-The British Bunch

(Tamara, Luis, Nathan, Matthew, Molly, Joseph, D'nai, Natalya)

--Introduce yourself and your friend

--Play "Imaginary identities"

--Write a poem with a friend

--Play a card game

--Now, play a memory game (book 2)


-Hello from Britain

-- A morning at Sandwich Technology School

1. Getting ready (school uniforms)

2. Start of the day (Getting off the bus, registration)

3. Packed lunches (lunch break)

4. ...


Sunday, August 28, 2022


Year published/aired: 2014 

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes:  8 units each, 4/5 levels

Grade: A1-A2+/B1

Genres: basics, grammar

Sub-subject: culture

Broadcaster: -

Production company:


Story: Brian Abbs, Ingrid Freebairn



Media: DVD

Media distribution: Pearson Longman

Additional media: books, Class audio CDs, teacher's book and DVD pack, MyEnglishLab, CD-ROM

Working material: Tamzin Thompson, David Todd, Sandy Zervas, Erika Stiles

Material publisher: Pearson Education

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): A 4 level course (Starter+Levels 1-3) from Pearson for ages 9-14 (A1-B1). British English. Pics from Today! 2. At least in Poland there'a a teacher's book with DVD level 4 (2016) author Catherine Bright. Books with DVD packs were released in 2015.

Surprisingly, there are other kids shown in the book (unit 1D) for the clip at the DVD rental shop (Brazilian Seb, South African Luke and red haired Sophie), pic 1 Communication Level 2, video sample. Pic 2 I found first is from a Polish version, level 2, clip "Using Video in and outside the Classroom, Odcinek 1: Fostering Communication.

Episodes: unknown (DVD) length

Each level has videos about Culture, Pronunciation, Grammar and Functional Dialog/ Communication.

Level 3 DVD Unit 1D: Speaking: Buying a train ticket (Tom, Dylan and Mr Jones)

Friday, August 26, 2022

Info 20: Update: Chronological list


As announced, after my TOP-10 list, I have  uploaded a pic of some of the earliest titles for better identification. I also have expanded the list 1984 (cont) -1986. As I have more and more modern DVD titles (on the A-Z list), it's better to separate more earlier ones. Maybe I have to  make a list for the modern DVD titles or another A-Z list without them.

I have added Five times Britain and The English Programme there. 

Another update: North of the Boarder (1980) is from BR, not WDR and also added 10th grade.

Go Ahead


This is an English course from Cornelsen for Bavarian schools only. I think there was no DVD for the 1st edition (I think in the 90s) but for the new, current 2017 edition. For the latter one there are at least clips of kids (mainly in school uniforms) at the Eggbuckland Community College in Plymouth (Go Ahead 5+6). In school book Go Ahead 6, I found the same scenes of English G Lighthouse 2 (at least 2 of the 6). So obviously not just Lighthouse, Headlight and Highlight DVDs (1. ed) are (almost) the same but also Go Ahead (2nd ed).


The pictured 1st edition of Go Ahead 8, also has a CD-ROM (English Coach, Multimedia Lernwelt) with multimedia clips, at least a slideshow where you see and hear teens living in UK and USA. Maybe no videos but slideshow with audio? Oldest book in ed 1 I found is from 1994, the one pictured from 2002. CD-ROM from 2003.

For a short film used in Go Ahead 8 see


Wednesday, August 24, 2022



Year published/aired: 2004 (1. ed), 2009

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes:  9 units each

Grade: A1-B1

Genres: basics, grammar

Sub-subject: culture, songs

Broadcaster: -

Production company:





Media: VHS, DVD

Media distribution: Pearson Longman, Stark

Additional media: books, Class audio CDs, DVD, DVD/CD-ROMs, Whiteboard Software, audio cassettes, slides,

Working material: Mario Herrera, Diane Pinkley

Material publisher: Pearson Education

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): A 7 level  (Starter+6) course for ages 5-12 (A1-B1). American and British English, latter one Backpack Gold (ed 2).

First edition published in 2004 (British DVDs maybe 2005). DVD edition 2 published in 2009. 

There is an Italian book with DVD-ROM Backpack: A video tour of the English-Speaking World (2015).

Pic 1 from chapter Let's Talk (Backpack Gold 2 DVD, nice bowl cut, same kids at least also on DVD 3, 2. edition), maybe the same boy in Backpack 4 with spiked hair, see update, pic 2 from Gold 1 (British English). A similar, earlier course (2003) is (New) English Adventure, coming soon.

Characters Kate, Nick and Theo and host Mike.

Episodes: unknown length (I assume ~60 minutes each DVD) but can be even less. 




Info 19: We are sailing, updates

I made a personal TOP-10 list with pics and added it to the right column. I will also make a list with pics for my chronological list for better identification. I did a long research (many hours) especially for some early titles without (good) pics, but I wasn't successfull. Note, that my personal TOP-10 list is not about the best course for learning English or best quality what also depends on the grades. Many titles aren't availabale anymore, anyway.

I found some new early titles, including We are Sailing (5th grade) in book Kommunikativer Fremdsprachenunterricht: Rückblick nach vorn (2003). I haven't found any informations about that, yet. Medienverbund, 4-6 episodes, video and audio tape, must be around 1980. 

At University Innsbruck, Austria, I found a library list with hundreds of videos and DVD (95% feature films) but also some new vintage titles including Play and Say (British Council) and 2 more of host Walter Sedlmayr (Einmal Schottland und zurück, Irland). Five by Five is from 1989 (was ~1986)

I have uploaded pics for Port of Secrets (1974, Norway) and On We Go (1972, book cover no screenshot).

I also found several new titles from Pearson, Oxford University and Cornelsen.

Monday, August 22, 2022

Camden Market

Year published/aired:
2005 (1. ed)

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes:  ~6 units each?

Grade: 5-10 (3-4 junior)

Genres: basics, grammar

Sub-subject: culture

Broadcaster: -

Production company:





Media: DVD/online resources

Media distribution: Westermann (Diesterweg)

Additional media: books, audio CDs, DVD-ROMs, DVD, CD-ROMs

Working material: 

Material publisher: Westermann

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): A course for grades 5-8 (older two editions 5-10), and 3-4 (and elementary 5/6 Camden Kids Junior) . Similar content, style and media like other German publishers (Cornelsen).

There are 2 DVDs called "Camden Market Clips 1/2" and 2/3. Camden Market Junior for grades 3-4 (edition 2) might have clip DVDs as well. All DVDs are for teachers. In 2024 also Camden Road.

And Audio CD with DVD for teachers. New edition 3 has DVD for teachers. Older editions had a 3 disc set (Audio disc, DVD-ROM, Video DVD).

Some clips were taken from DVD series Take. Running time of that is ~24 minutes each grade.

There are CD-ROMs Multimedia Language Trainer (year 2000?, unknown if have videos, probably not, later called Multimedia Sprachtrainer). Audio CDs probably have kids and grown ups. Interactive Whiteboard DVD-ROMs (at least for Camden Town) don't have videos (but audio and pics).

There are related series like Camden Town (incl. Camden Town Advanced, 3 DVDs for teachers UK/USA) and Notting Hill Gate. And Portobello Road, London Bridge. More info soon. Not all have DVDs. Camden Town has student's workbooks with DVDs.

Some samples can be watched on the official site. At least titles of contents can be watched on the BiBox 2.0 site. Previews for units 1-3 but needs logged-in as teacher for almost all clips. There are also (watermarked) previews of books showing some tiny screen caps of clips.

Episodes: ~ 61 minutes total for teacher DVD (each grade) but also has animated clips

DVD Clips 1/2 (unknown length) grades 5-6

-Welcome to our School (pictured) (Midhurst Rother College) with I think freckled George.


DVD 1 (teacher): A10 Your favourite place, 1 At Camden Market

Audio CD 1 with DVD for teacher:

-Meet Katie and George (girl with long blonde hair) another George


Camden Market Junior Clips 3/4: Survey time: Food

Thursday, August 18, 2022

English in Mind


Year published/aired: 2004 ?

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 14-16 units per level, Levels 1-6

Grade: A1-C1

Genres: basics, grammar

Sub-subject: culture

Broadcaster: -

Production company:


Story: Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks,



Media: DVD/online resources

Media distribution: Cambridge University Press

Additional media: books, audio CDs, DVD-ROMs, DVD, CD-ROMs

Working material: 

Material publisher: Loescher (Italy)

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): A 6 level course for beginners/teens/secondary students. 1 for elementary students.  I think the first edition was published in 2004. (Although I found an Italian version that should be in 2000). There were at least 3 DVD in 2007 just called "EIM TV" (DVD 1,2 and Starter DVD) ~40 minutes each, including interviews. The 2nd edition (2010) with a small EIM-TV logo has 6 DVDs (Starter+5). Some books have DVD-ROMs. Sections Culture in Mind, Everyday English, Check your progress.

There's also English in Mind for Spanish speakers, an Italian and other editions like CIIP (Suisse romande English in Mind 9e-11e). And American English in Mind (American English, DVD 2011). Pic from official YouTube preview 2nd edition Level 2 videostories (also inside the class).

Episodes: ~40 minutes each DVD (1st edition)

EiMTV interviews/drama


2nd Edition: 

Level Starter DVD

"Free Time" video sequences (photostories with 4 teens at a youth center)

Level 1-2 DVDs

"Team Spirit" video sequences from the book (community award project run by their school.)

Level 3-5

Making Waves (school radio station)


EiMTV interviews/drama from 1st edition also on each edition 2 DVDs

English in Mind 9

1. Meet Rakhee and Isaac (younger teens) Unit W-Welcome samples on eimciip.cambridge
2. It's all About Me, Part 1 Meet Tom and his family (Unit 1, pictured)
3. " part 2
4. Life Swap, Part 1 Natasha and Jordan change places for the day (Unit 5)
5. " part 2 (Unit 7)

Sunday, August 14, 2022



Year published/aired: 2011

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 4x12units

Grade: A2-B2

Genres: basics, grammar

Sub-subject: culture

Broadcaster: -

Production company: Phaebus Television Production


Story: Joanna Budden, Helen Hadkins, Samantha Lewis



Media: DVD/online resources

Media distribution

Additional media: books, class audio CDs, DVD-ROMs, DVD,

Working material:

Material publisher: Cambridge University Press

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): A four-level course for teens (Elementary - Upper-intermediate) A2 (Level 1), British English. Pic is from YouTube clip DVD trailer, showing 2 teen girls and a teen boy (Mia, Rosa, Ben) sitting outside in boots (unit 5 dream job) and some more sample clips. Other teens/characters: Lauren, Pippa, Cerys, Prakesh, Annabel, William, Tom, Melissa. Fraser, a 70 yo food scientist.

There's also a clip Interactive Teaching Tip#5 Word Bags 1 (pic 2 below not sure on what DVD, DVD-ROM or other media). 

1 DVD for each Level. I assume a running time of ~70 minutes each. At least 12 units each. ELTONs award nomination.

There's also Interactive for Spanish Speakers (might be different and at least has bonus clips)



Talking Heads:

Unit 1: Who do you live with? - What do you do at the weekends? 

Unit 2: What's your daily routine? - What's your favourite school subject?

Unit 3: What do you usually do o n holiday? - What's your favourite kind of weather?

Unit 4: What sports do you do? - What sports are you good at? Why?

Unit 5: What is your favourite famous person? Why - What is your dream job?

Unit 6: Doy you have any pets? Where do you like to go on holiday?

Unit 7: What's your favourite food? - Do you like cooking?

Unit 8: Where do you live? Can you describe your bedroom?

Unit 9: What do you do at the weekends? - How do you get to the station from here?

Unit 10: What are your favourite shops? What clothes do you wear in the summer/winter?

Unit 11: What do you do in your free time? - What kind of films do you like to watch?

Unit 12: What are you frightened of? - Have you ever been to a fancy dress party? What dod you go as?


Interactive interviews 

1&2: Meet my family (Ben and Mia visit Lauren)

3&4: Show jumping

5&6: A day at the zoo

7&8: What did they eat?

9&10 Let's go shopping

11&12: Super fans

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

American More!


Year published/aired: 2010 (DVDs 2011)

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: ?, Levels 1-6

Grade: A1-B1, JHS, (5-6 Germany)

Genres: basics, grammar

Sub-subject: culture

Broadcaster: -

Production company:


Story: Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks,



Media: DVD/online resources

Media distribution: Helbing Languages (Germany)

Additional media: books, class audio CDs, CD-ROMS, DVD,

Working material: Cheryl Pelteret,

Material publisher: Cambridge University Press

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): First a six-level course (four-level in 2nd edition) for lower secondary students. Pic is from Level 1 (1st ed.) student's book which has an interactive CD-ROM showing Michael, Tony, Anna and Noah (kids probably not on DVD). There are also DVDs and DVD-ROMs. Books have ~12 units each.

There is the main series More!, also with DVDs. German DVD titles are Kids in NYC - 6 teenage soaps on DVD (without title More!). And Kids in UK - 6 teenage soaps on DVD. Kids in NYC is in the British More! series. A related series is (American) English in Mind (EIM). More info later.

Most used English course in Austria. 1st edition is OOP. 2nd edition published in 2014.

Episodes: ~6 stories each, probably different kids/teens, same titles for More! and American More!, DVDs ~63 minutes each

DVD  Level 1 The Story of the Stones, 2011

(DVD The Story of the Stones - 12 animated stories on DVD) 12x5 minutes, same?

    DVD 2 Kids in NYC (6th grade) (episodes at least in German More! Kids in NYC)

     Jenny, Clare, Emma, Steve und Gerry (natives)

    • Homework First
    • The Baseball Star
    • The City Quiz
    • The Missing Cat
    • A Trip to the Airport
    • The Weatherman


    DVD 3 The School Magazine

    DVD 4 School Reporters (34 minutes total)

    probably no DVDs in the 6th level edition


    -The Twins (More! DVD/digital) Levels 1+2

    -The Mag (Levels 3+4)

    -The Girl Next Door (Levels 3+4)

    Saturday, August 6, 2022

    Guess What!


    Year published/aired: 2015

    Year produced/filmed:

    # of episodes: ?, Levels 1-4

    Grade: A1-A2

    Genres: short quiz

    Sub-subject: basics, geography,

    Broadcaster: -

    Production company:



    Editor: Lesley Koustaff


    Media: DVD/online resources

    Media distribution: Cambridge University Press

    Additional media: books, class audio CDs, CD-ROMS, DVD, flashcards,

    Working material: Susannah Reed

    Material publisher: Klett Sprachen (Germany), OOP

    Novel available:

    Other literature:

    Plot (short): Guess What! are different book series including Guess What! British English and Guess What! American English. Content and language integrated learning (CLIL).

    Most units are quite short ~4 minutes.

    There are also several, very short clips (Digital packs for Learners, like Guess What! Natural World - Storm, pictured) and packs for teachers. There are also animated adventure stories and other resources. Books have mainly illustrations suited for younger kids. Some teachers books have DVDs (I don't know all the contents).

    I think the clips are for British English. The regular unites also have live-action clips, including about geography (maybe only for higher levels).

    Also used in Spain and other countries, there are also special edition like Guess What! for Ecuador. Since 2022 there is a new edition with other cover images and a new digital pack (probably not having these clips).

    Episodes: ~16 seconds each (quiz), some examples:

    -Natural World - Storm

    -Food and Drink! - Pizza

    -Materials and Shapes - Glass


    -Fireworks Lesson (classroom activities) 5 minutes clip



    Info 18: Blog's 1st anniversary


    I'm blogging here with this blog for more than one year. (And more than 2 years on my wiki on wiki-site).

    I still have very few views. In total 3,315 views (including my views, which are most of them). Around 200 views a month and around 3 views a day. It's a niche blog, and most didn't show up on Google.

    I don't blog for a big audience or even money, but for knowledge and I hope it might be useful for someone.

    Unfortunatley, I'm running out of vintage series, but I recently found many from Cambridge University.

    Thursday, August 4, 2022

    Teens in the USA: San Diego: Justin - My first triathlon

    This is episode 5 from Teens in the USA, 2012 (2 in the set of 3 about San Diego). It's about 15 yo Justin. I think for 7th grade.

    Also showing him at technical education, and at a student camp of the US Army.

    Was recently available on the planet schule website. I think this is rebroadcasted from time to time and still an active series.


    Elementary School English (YBM Kim, 2020)

      I found another South Korean clips on YouTube from uploader Jayedu. Playlist 2020GH English Class. Not exactly sure about the title. Grade...