Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Captain Crimson


Year published/aired: 1997

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 8

Grade: 2-4

Genres: Adventure

Sub-subject: Sci-Fi, Comic

Broadcaster: BBC, CBBC

Production company:

Producer: Cas Lester

Story: Elly Brewer


Director: Cas Lester

Media: -?

Media publisher: 

Additional media: books, video game

Working material:

Material publisher: 

Novel available

Other literature:

Plot (short): Captain Crimson is a Comic hero character by artist Jeff. That 10 yo son Tom (Ben Brooks) and friend Amy finished the comic whose character comes to real life, played by Felix Dexter. The kids and granny have to hide him.

Part of the Look and Read series.

Episodes: 20 minutes each

1. Escape From the Black Beyond

2. Guzzle Trouble

3. Banana Drama

4. A Giant Celebration

5. It'll All Come Out in the Wash

6. Take the Bull By the Horns

7. Operation Recovery

8. Black to the Future

Monday, September 27, 2021

The Carsat Crisis


Year published/aired: 1986

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 13

Grade: Upper intermediate, advanced

Genres: Thriller

Sub-subject: English for Science and technology

Broadcaster: BBC

Production company: Anvil Film


Story: John Tully


Director: Roger Chevely

Media: VHS x2

Media publisher: BBC 

Additional media:

Working material: St. J. Yates, Tom Hutchinson and Andy Kennedy

Material publisher: 

Novel available

Other literature:

Plot (short): A thirteen-part television drama which teaches the English of science and technology at upper intermediate and advanced level. Shot on location in England and Germany, the drama tells the story of a crisis in space and how a project team on board a carrier satellite attempts to remedy a fault in a production unit mounted on the satellite. (taken from Google Books). BBC English by Radio and Television

Episodes: ~16 minutes each

Friday, September 24, 2021

Shadow Play


Year published/aired: 2004

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 5

Grade: 2-4

Genres: Adventure

Sub-subject: Fantasy

Broadcaster: BBC, CBBC

Production company:

Producer: Sarah Miller

Story: Carolyn Sally Jones


Director: Dirk Campbell

Media: VHS, DVD

Media publisher: BBC Worlwide Ltd.

Additional media: books, DVD + Video Plus Pack, songs, story book,...

Working material:

Material publisher: 

Novel available: yes

Other literature:

Plot (short): Victorian adventure of modern boy Ben (Jack Bannon). Set in Norfolk. During a storm in a manor, Ben can see into a Victorian world with the help of a video camera. Learning history about Victorian inventions, fairgrounds, songs, etc.

Just 5 episodes, but there also was an extended version (85 minutes).

Part of the Look and Read series.

Episodes: 20 minutes each

1. A Light at the Window

2. The Girl in Blue

3. A Flicker at the Fairground

4. Phantoms and Photographs

5. A Secret Comes to Light

Monday, September 20, 2021

The Legend of the Lost Keys


Year published/aired: 1998

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 10

Grade: 2-4

Genres: Adventure

Sub-subject: Fantasy

Broadcaster: BBC, CBBC

Production company:

Producer: Cas Lester

Story: Jim Eldridge


Director: Colin Cant

Media: VHS, DVD

Media publisher:

Additional media: books, poem, audio cassette, software, song book,...

Working material:

Material publisher: 

Novel available: yes

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Fantasy adventure including time travel with twins Mark (Jonathan Kitchens) and Lisa Astor (Abigail Ansell) visiting their uncle George (Andrew Sachs). There is a gateway to another, ancient, Roman-like, extraterrestrial world called Heritron.

Part of the Look and Read series.

Episodes: 20 minutes each

1. The Box

2. The First Key

3. The Watchers

4. Kidnap

5. The Crystal Connection

6. The Trap

7. The Box is Opened

8. Into the Box

9. Betrayed

10. The Final Hour

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Living English


Year published/aired: 2003

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 42

Grade: Beginners

Genres: basics, grammar

Sub-subject: everyday's situations

Broadcaster: Australia Network

Production company:




Media: DVDx8

Additional media: books, audio cassettes, DVD with extras

Working material: Diane Naughton

Material publisher: Pearson Longman

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Everyday's situations of "Sisters and Brothers". 90% of the series are studio parts. Hosts: Brenton Whittle, Michelle Crowden. Pic from ep 8. I mainly have seen an older teen girl called Anne. Also at least a photo showing kids.

Episodes: 15 minutes each

Episode 1. Pleased to meet you
Episode 2. Enjoy Your Stay
Episode 3. What time is it?
Episode 4. Second on the Left
Episode 5. Are you married?
Episode 6. He didn't write
Episode 7. Come to Lunch
Episode 8. This is my brother
Episode 9. The most beautiful city
Episode 10. What's the matter?
Episode 11. Let me Help
Episode 12. The day after tomorrow
Episode 13. What are you doing tomorrow?
Episode 14. Are there some kangaroos?
Episode 15. A big grey one
Episode 16. What Would you Like?
Episode 17. I usually catch a bus
Episode 18. There's a message for you
Episode 19. I haven’t found him
Episode 20. You walk sadly
Episode 21. Single trip or Daytrip?
Episode 22. Look after yourself
Episode 23. If I were you
Episode 24. The Most Expensive Wine
Episode 25. How many prawns?
Episode 26. I thought I saw him
Episode 27. It's made of gold
Episode 28. You should relax
Episode 29 - Do you have a wok?
Episode 30 - First, fry the prawns
Episode 31 - That was delicious
Episode 32 - He says he knows my brother
Episode 33 - Who Wants to Know?
Episode 34 - You were going too fast
Episode 35 - This is the house
Episode 36 - This is your nephew
Episode 37 - I had to find a job
Episode 38 - You should ring your parents
Episode 39 - How could you
Episode 40 - He said he loved me
Episode 41 - If I like you
Episode 42 - See you again

Stephen Speight

Stephen Speight is an author.

He studied in Oxford and taught in Dortmund, Germany.

He wrote the story for Moving to Marlborough, but the novel is not available (except tape scripts and material from others).

Other books (besides just school books like "Let's Go" , "Let's Learn English" or general learning books): (incomplete list) most (modern ones) published (in Germany) by Klett (now part of Egmont). He has a column "Would you have marked it wrong?" since ~1995 in Praxis des neusprachlichen Unterrichts.

(Bob and Jane I+II, Let's Learn English 1-2, also on vinyl 7" but 33 rpm, co-author ?, probably not, but books The Bridge, up to "You" are readers for Let's Learn English 3-5) 1966

The Bridge (1972) publisher Crüwell, grade 7-10

The Pier (1972) Crüwell, grade 6-8

The Matchbox (1972) Crüwell, grade 8-10

You (~1973) grade 8-10, Stories and poems. With Douglas K. Stevenson, Crüwell

The Gang (1974) Crüwell , grade 6-7, I own this

Robin Hood (1975 ) Crüwell, grade 6-7 (maybe same as Robin Hood and His Outlaws, Klett echo Readers, also for radio play, green cover)

The au pair (1979) Schroedel Crüwell 

(Is there anybody there? (1979) probably just by Anita Payne) Crüwell)

You 2 (YOU2, 1980) grade 9-10, Schroedel, Crüwell

The Last Man... The Lost Sister (1980) with Douglas Stevenson, Schroedel/Crüwell

Seven Short Stories (1981) with Douglas Stevenson. Sunflowers, Via the quarry, Blue ink, Sticks and stones, and chicken bones?, Baseball for Beginners, Dad was King, His own Image. For grade 11. Publisher Schroedel-Crüwell

Excuse Me Please (1981) Hueber

Britain: Get ready for the trip (1982) with Klaus Hinz, Schroedel

The Birdwatcher (1989), Klett, end of 2nd year

Fun with the Fosters (1989) Klett, Echo English Readers, also on audio Cassette, end of 3rd year

Tramp (1990) also on audio cassette, English Readers

Bed and Breakfast (1991) Teen Readers also on audio Cassette, grade ~7

The Fjord Murder (1992) also on Audio Cassette, also used in Japan, Ladder series as    フィヨルド殺人事件 (author スティーヴン・スペイト著)

The Computer Virus (1992) also on audio cassette, Klett 

No hard Feelings (1994) short story in People Around You (also on Audo CD, 3:16 this track)) Also in People Around you (but not on the audio CD and I think only in some editions): Europe old and young and "A Helping Hand".

Let's Read On (1995) Easy Stage Readers (Echo Readers), grade 5

Understanding England (1996) Englang Books

Summer School Adventures (1999) grade ~9

The Runaway (2003), Teen Readers, Klett (I own this)

Doomed to Die: A Nordic Thriller (2011)

Swindled (2013) Klett Sprachen

- More short stories of him inside other (school) books:

Boom or Doom (2 grown ups met after a long time, talking about ecology)

Info 9: Import from Wiki finished

I have now (manually) imported all posts from my wiki now (mainly the series, most other posts like broadcasters are currently missing here, but links to the wiki work). 

I will occasionally add some new series here and on the wiki, but I think I already have almost all (classic) series. I also have to fix some errors on the wiki, mainly adjusting some airing dates.

Mainly missing here are the remaining series from the Look and Read series.

Most of the remaining non-linked titles from the A-Z list are hard to find or too few infos. But I will try some off-line/library sources.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Zzaap and the Word Master


Year published/aired: 2001

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 6

Grade: 2-4

Genres: Adventure

Sub-subject: vocabulary

Broadcaster: BBC, CBBC

Production company:

Story: Berlie Doherty


Director: Michael Kerrigan

Media: VHS

Media publisher:

Additional media: Story Book, ....

Working material:

Material publisher: 

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Kids Josie and Peter were sucked into a computer at school and have to solve puzzle in a strange world. Blue bug Zzaap helped them. Just 5+1 episodes.

Part of the Look and Read series.

Episodes: 20 minutes each

1. Into the Crystal Caverns

2. The Castle of Gloom

3. The Glen of the Green Man

4. No Hope Valley

5. The Word Master

6. Zzaap looks Back

Sunday, September 12, 2021


Year published/aired: 1996

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 10

Grade: 2-4

Genres: Adventure

Sub-subject: WWII

Broadcaster: BBC, CBBC

Production company:

Story: Derek Farmer


Director: Nicholas Whines

Media: VHS

Media publisher:

Additional media: Teacher's book, Comic, Audio cassette, ...

Working material: Derek Farmer

Material publisher: 

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): In WW2, 1942, 2 boys were sent to a farm of Aunty Amy and her granddaughter Polly on a farm. Another girl was sent elsewhere. Adventures including spies and POW and also 1960s scenes.

Part of the Look and Read series.

Episodes: 20 minutes each

1. Sent Away

2. Grainger Danger

3. Spies all around

4. Trouble for Mary

5. The Poster Comes to Life

6. Bombs in the Country

7. Surprise

8. The Pilot

9. The Secret Quarry

10. Captured

Friday, September 10, 2021

Earth Warp

Year published/aired: 1994

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 10

Grade: 2-4

Genres: Sci-Fi


Broadcaster: BBC, CBBC

Production company:

Producer: Ronald Smedley

Story: David Angus


Director: Peter Rose

Media: VHS

Media publisher:

Additional media: Pupil's pamphlet, teacher's note, audio cassettey. floppy disc, ...

Working material:

Material publisher: 

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Alien boy Ollie helps kids on Earth stopping pollution.

Part of the Look and Read series.

Episodes: 20 minutes each

1. It Came from Outer Space

2. An Uninvited Guest

3. Whoops!

4. Code Name Charley

5. Mystifying Magic

6. Monster Mayhem

7. Doctor Miracle

8. Betrayed

9. Hunt the Alien

10. The Final Countdown

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Through the Dragon's Eye

Year published/aired: 1989

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 10

Grade: 2-4

Genres: Adventure

Sub-subject: Fantasy

Broadcaster: BBC, CBBC

Production company:

Producer: Sue Weeks

Story: Christine, Christopher Russell



Media: VHS ?

Media publisher:

Additional media: Pupil's pamphlet, audio cassette, books ...

Working material:

Material publisher: 

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): 3 kids, a dragon and a big mouse have to save a magical land.

Part of the Look and Read series.

Episodes: 20 minutes each

1. The Dragon From Pelamar

2. Flight to Widge

3. The First Veeton

4. Word Magic

5. Clues in the Snow

6. Jenny's Scarf

7. The Waterfall of Words

8. The Great Battle

9. Danger on High

10. The Final Page

Monday, September 6, 2021

Geordie Racer

Year published/aired: 1988

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 10

Grade: 2-4

Genres: Adventure


Broadcaster: BBC, CBBC

Production company:

Producer: Sue Weeks

Story: Christopher Russell



Media: VHS ?

Media publisher:

Additional media: Pupil's pamphlet, audio cassette, books ...

Working material:

Material publisher: 

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Boy Spuggy likes pigeon racing. His family likes marathon racing. There is a series of robberies with messages on the pigeons.

Part of the Look and Read series.

Episodes: 20 minutes each

1. Runners and Fliers

2. Down in the Cellars

3. Pigeon Post

4. 'This is Radio Newcastle'

5. Race Day

6. Light of St Mary

7. Lost Bird

8. 'Have You Gone Daft, Young Man?'

9. 'If Only We Knew When...'

10. Run!

On We Go


Year published/aired: 1972

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 30

Grade: 6

Genres: basics, grammar

Sub-subject: everyday's situations

Broadcaster: BR

Production company:




Media: VHS

Additional media: 60 radio broadcast, books, vinyl, 3 audio cassettes

Working material: Harald Ponader, Michael Finkenstaedt, Jutta Ittner

Material publisher: TR-Verlagsunion

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Harald Ponader (1977): Lernbedingungen und Lernerfolg beim Einsatz von Schulfernsehen und Schulfunk ...

Plot (short): Everyday's situations of 4 young people (~18-20 yo, probably others than in the prequel) living at Mr. and Mrs. Yates in a suburb of London. No (or fewer) studio scenes like in the prequel. Realistic scenes, so also geography. Introduced by TV teacher, host Andrew. For more infos see the prequel Off We Go.

Episodes: 13-15 minutes each, color+b&w 

1. The lodgers

2. Kate's job

3. Ted's father

4. You can do it

5. A birthday present

6. Decoration

7. Visitors

8. A good lunch

9. Who's in the bathroom?

10. A sursprise for Mrs. Yates

11. Ted's girl-friend, 12. We like you, 13. The necklace, 14. Share with me, 15. One cold day, 16. Mark is ill, 17. The picnic, 18. A part in a play, 19. The painting, 20. First night, 21. The party, 22. Albert, 23. Mrs Yate's nephew, 24. Come to the dance, 25. Lessons, 26. The burglars, 27. Fancy dress, 28. What's the matter with Ann?, 29. Where is Mark?, 30. A new start

Info: Prequel was Off We Go (1970, 5th grade) . Also see Gesamtenglisch (1968). New entry, previously not on my Wiki.

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Badger Girl

Year published/aired: 1984

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 10

Grade: 2-4

Genres: Adventure


Broadcaster: BBC, CBBC

Production company:

Producer: Susan Patron

Story: Andrew Davies

Editor: Dick Allen


Media: VHS ?

Media publisher:

Additional media: Pupil's pamphlet, audio cassette, books ...

Working material: Andrew Davies

Material publisher: 

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): 3 city kids Debbie ("The Badger Girl"), Kiran and Norman on holiday on a farm. Adventure with animals at Darkmoor.

Part of the Look and Read series.

Episodes: 20 minutes each

1.Sounds in the Night

2. Stripey aka Stripey the Badger (ep pictured)

3. Running Away

4. The Badgerman

5. Lost on the Moor

6. The Secret Passage

7. Mick's Map

8. Finding the Ponies

9. Panic on the Lake

10. Stripey and the Superbadger

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Fair Ground!

Year published/aired: 1983

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 10

Grade: 2-4

Genres: Adventure


Broadcaster: BBC, CBBC

Production company:

Producer: Sue Weeks

Story: Christopher Russell



Media: VHS

Media publisher:

Additional media: Pupil's pamphlet, ...

Working material:

Material publisher: 

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Adventure about a boy called Ozzie and sabotage at a funfair.

Part of the Look and Read series.

Episodes: 20 minutes each

1. Trouble in the Tea-Leaves

2. Comings and Goings

3. Hired Hands

4. In the Dark

5. Come to the Fair!

6. Where is Rachel?

7. Ozzie Thinks Again

8. A Piece of Cake!

9. Talk or Ride...

10. Mixed Fortunes

Elementary School English (YBM Kim, 2020)

  I found another South Korean clips on YouTube from uploader Jayedu. Playlist 2020GH English Class. Not exactly sure about the title. Grade...