Thursday, September 16, 2021

Stephen Speight

Stephen Speight is an author.

He studied in Oxford and taught in Dortmund, Germany.

He wrote the story for Moving to Marlborough, but the novel is not available (except tape scripts and material from others).

Other books (besides just school books like "Let's Go" , "Let's Learn English" or general learning books): (incomplete list) most (modern ones) published (in Germany) by Klett (now part of Egmont). He has a column "Would you have marked it wrong?" since ~1995 in Praxis des neusprachlichen Unterrichts.

(Bob and Jane I+II, Let's Learn English 1-2, also on vinyl 7" but 33 rpm, co-author ?, probably not, but books The Bridge, up to "You" are readers for Let's Learn English 3-5) 1966

The Bridge (1972) publisher Crüwell, grade 7-10

The Pier (1972) Crüwell, grade 6-8

The Matchbox (1972) Crüwell, grade 8-10

You (~1973) grade 8-10, Stories and poems. With Douglas K. Stevenson, Crüwell

The Gang (1974) Crüwell , grade 6-7, I own this

Robin Hood (1975 ) Crüwell, grade 6-7 (maybe same as Robin Hood and His Outlaws, Klett echo Readers, also for radio play, green cover)

The au pair (1979) Schroedel Crüwell 

(Is there anybody there? (1979) probably just by Anita Payne) Crüwell)

You 2 (YOU2, 1980) grade 9-10, Schroedel, Crüwell

The Last Man... The Lost Sister (1980) with Douglas Stevenson, Schroedel/Crüwell

Seven Short Stories (1981) with Douglas Stevenson. Sunflowers, Via the quarry, Blue ink, Sticks and stones, and chicken bones?, Baseball for Beginners, Dad was King, His own Image. For grade 11. Publisher Schroedel-Crüwell

Excuse Me Please (1981) Hueber

Britain: Get ready for the trip (1982) with Klaus Hinz, Schroedel

The Birdwatcher (1989), Klett, end of 2nd year

Fun with the Fosters (1989) Klett, Echo English Readers, also on audio Cassette, end of 3rd year

Tramp (1990) also on audio cassette, English Readers

Bed and Breakfast (1991) Teen Readers also on audio Cassette, grade ~7

The Fjord Murder (1992) also on Audio Cassette, also used in Japan, Ladder series as    フィヨルド殺人事件 (author スティーヴン・スペイト著)

The Computer Virus (1992) also on audio cassette, Klett 

No hard Feelings (1994) short story in People Around You (also on Audo CD, 3:16 this track)) Also in People Around you (but not on the audio CD and I think only in some editions): Europe old and young and "A Helping Hand".

Let's Read On (1995) Easy Stage Readers (Echo Readers), grade 5

Understanding England (1996) Englang Books

Summer School Adventures (1999) grade ~9

The Runaway (2003), Teen Readers, Klett (I own this)

Doomed to Die: A Nordic Thriller (2011)

Swindled (2013) Klett Sprachen

- More short stories of him inside other (school) books:

Boom or Doom (2 grown ups met after a long time, talking about ecology)

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