Saturday, August 28, 2021

Sky Hunter

Year published/aired: 1978

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 10

Grade: 2-4

Genres: Adventure


Broadcaster: BBC, CBBC

Production company:

Producer: Roger Tonge

Story: Leonard Kingston



Media: VHS

Media publisher:

Additional media: Pupil's pamphlet, ...

Working material:

Material publisher: 

Novel available: Roy Apps

Other literature: 

Plot (short): 3 kids on holiday. Adventure about illegal bird trades. Remade as Sky Hunter II in 1992 with both actors then and in 1992.

Part of the Look and Read series.

Episodes: 20 minutes each

1. Strangers on the Canal

2. For Sale

3. The Birdman

4. Are they Crooks?

5. The Welsh Telegram

6. Proof at last!

7. A Friend in Need

8. Where's Jackie

9. Who can be trusted?

10. Back to the Wild

The Sadrina Project

The Sadrina Project - English for travel tourism. Aka Travel Business

Year published/aired: 1978

Year produced/filmed: 1977

# of episodes: 12

Grade: grown-ups

Genres: Travel Business

Sub-subject: Documentary

Broadcaster: BBC Cepta TV

Production company:

Story: Victor Pemberton



Director: Jack Dennis

Media: VHS x2

Media publisher:

Sponsor: Shell 

Additional media: books, audio cassettes,

Working material: Nick McIver

Material publisher: BBC

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Travel for Business. Encounters between toruists and staff in the travel industry in South East Asian countries. Less of interest as aimed at grown-ups and not students. But there are also students shown in a language lab in ep 1.

Series: English by Radio and Television

Episodes: 20 min each. VHS 120 minutes

Info: New entry, previously not on my wiki. Pic from ep 1.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

The King's Dragon

Year published/aired: 1977

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 10

Grade: 2-4

Genres: Adventure


Broadcaster: BBC, CBBC

Production company:

Story: Richard Carpenter


Producer: Sue Weeks


Media: VHS ?

Media publisher:

Additional media: Teacher's note, pupil's pamphlet,  4 radio programs, ...

Working material: Richard Carpenter,

Material publisher: 

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Grandson Billy West of a fisherman has to solve a mystery about a treasure with the help of journalist Ann. An archealogist digging near a castle but is threatend by a message cut out of a newspaper.

Part of the Look and Read series.

Episodes: 20 minutes each

1. Boy Finds Message

2. Questions at the Castle

3. What is King's Dragon?

4. Miss Wood in Danger?

5. Mr Day Helps With Story

6. Greed for Gold

7. Editor Asks For Proof

8. Run Around in Old Town

9. Archaeologist Digs Again

10. Banner Headlines  

Monday, August 23, 2021

Cloud Burst

Year published/aired: 1974

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 10

Grade: 2-4

Genres: Adventure

Sub-subject: Sci-Fi

Broadcaster: BBC, CBBC

Production company:

Producer: Sue Weeks

Story: Richard Carpenter



Media: VHS ?

Media publisher:

Additional media: Pupil's pamphlet, books, leaflet, radio ...

Working material:

Material publisher: 

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Jenny and Tim met scientist Ram Pandit with a secret weapon. Teaching by author Richard Carpenter (see series entry) and animated Mr Watchword (Wordy).

Part of the Look and Read series.

Episodes: 20 minutes each

1. Out of Control!

2. Ram Pandit

3. RAV1

4. The gas-gun

5. In the Hut

6. The Secret

7. To the Mill!

8. The Signal

9. Escape

10. Fire the Rockets!


Year published/aired: 1990 ? (1st ed) 

Year produced/filmed: 

# of episodes: 16 each

Grade: Beginners to high intermediate

Genres: Everyday's situations ? Lives in the USA 

Sub-subject: American English

Broadcaster: - ?

Production company: Cambridge University

Production country:  



Director: Christine A. Dean,

Media: VHS/DVD

Media publisher: Master Communications Group,

Additional media: several books, lab cassettes + guide, CD ROM, DVD ROM part, audio CD,

Working material: Jack C. Richards,

Material publisher:

Novel available: 

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Four-level course for grown-ups and teens. Currently 5 editions. There's also "New Interchange" And some more series by Cambridge University. Pic from Level 1 unit 4.


Episodes: ~4-6 minutes each ?

New Interchange Video 3: 

Unit 1 Dream Date; Unit 2 Urban artist; Unit 3 Kid sister; Unit 4 Bigfoot; Unit 5 Travel World; Unit 6 Heartbreak hotel; Unit 7 Saving Florida's manatees; Unit 8 Salsa!; Unit 9 Stress relief; Unit 10 Fort Steele - Heritage Town; Unit 11 If only...; Unit 12 Need information?; Unit 13 Car trouble; Unit 14 Behind the scenes in TV news; Unit 15 Entertainment or environment? A town debates; Unit 16 The ultimate challenge

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Teens in Canada


Year published/aired: 2013 

Year produced/filmed: 2012

# of episodes: 2

Grade: 7-13

Genres: Documentary teen lives 

Sub-subject: Canada

Broadcaster:  WDR

Production company: Sonder - Film Music

Production country: Germany 



Director: Josias Tschanz

Media: DVD?

Media publisher:

Additional media:

Working material:

Material publisher:

Novel available: 

Other literature: 

Plot (short):  Documentary teen lives in British Columbia (both teen girls as main character), also see episodes


Episodes: 15 minutes each

1. Taylor - Living for the Rodeo (pictured) 16 yo girl Taylor with her brother Logan near Frazer River, rodeo pro and con, interview, newspaper report

2. Naina - Shoot for the Moon (Sikhs, immigrants from India, family, radio moderator)

Info: New entry previously not on my wik.

There's also an (unrelated) series called Reports in English with subseries like Teens in London, and also 2 episodes about Canada. Working material on planet Schule. Vids had recently been removed. I think available/used in early 2021.

Young Britain


Year published/aired: 1995 

Year produced/filmed: 

# of episodes: 1 ?


Genres: Teen lives documentary ?



Production company:




Media: VHSx1

Media publisher: Santillana (Spain)

Additional media:

Working material: Diana Goodey

Material publisher: Richmond

Novel available: 

Other literature:  

Music:  Lars Beijbom (Sweden)

Plot (short):  Obviously a documentary. Maybe used in Spain only or mainly? Teen lives


Episodes: 61 minutes in total

Info: New entry previously not on my wiki. Diana Goodey also wrote series "Messages 1-3"

London Life

Year published/aired: 1993 

Year produced/filmed: 

# of episodes:

Grade: 8-10 ?




Production company:




Media: VHSx1

Media publisher: Santillana

Additional media:

Working material: Sarah Dague, Kathleen Keller, Joann Wagner

Material publisher: Santillana

Novel available: 

Other literature: 

Plot (short):  Obviously a documentary. Maybe used in Spain only or mainly? Prequel is A Living Society - Britain (1992). No more infos found. Not to be confused with the BBC series Watch and Listen : London Life. Not sure if teens and/or kids shown.


Episodes: 40 minutes in total


Info: New entry previously not on my wiki

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Me and My Future


Year published/aired: 2015 

Year produced/filmed: 2014

# of episodes:

Grade: 9-13

Genres: teens and their jobs

Sub-subject: Wales, England

Broadcaster: WDR

Production company:

Story: James Pastouna,

Editor: Stefanie Fischer,



Media publisher:

Additional media:

Working material: 

Material publisher:

Novel available: 

Other literature: 

Plot (short):  Documentary of older teens who quit university and choose jobs


Episodes: 10 minutes each

1. Rob and Volunteering (social worker in Llanrumney, Wales)

2. Tom and dancing (Liverpool) pictured (also showing other teen boys and girls) ballet

3. Jade and cooking (Cornwall)


Info: New entry previously not on my wiki 

Sub-series of Reports in English (1992-)

School Life in England


German title: In einer englischen Schule

Year published/aired: 2007

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 7

Grade: 3-6

Genres: school live, kids

Sub-subject: culture

Broadcaster: - ?

Production company: FWU, Gregory Hahn Film- und Fernsehproduktion

Story: Gregory Hahn


Director: Gregory Hahn

Media: DVDx1, VHSx2

Media Publisher: FWU

Additional media: DVD-ROM part

Working material:

Material publisher:

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): Bilingual. 7 short films about lives at an English school in Refort/Nottinghamshire. School uniforms. Breakfast Club and Lollipop Lady.

Episodes: 29 minutes total for each language (DVD=58 minutes)

1. Welcome to Retfort / Willkommen in Retfort

2. Thrumpton Primary School

3. The Lollipop Lady (School crossing patrollers)

4. Numeracy and Assembly

5. Literacy and School Lunch

6. On the Playground

7. Our School Uniform

Letters From Great Britain

Year published/aired: 1991

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 10


Genres: Geography


Broadcaster: BR

Production company:





Media: VHS

Media publisher:

Additional media:

Working material:

Material publisher:

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short):  Bilinguist lady Sasha Kehoe reporting in her letters culture, traditions, arts,...

Episodes: 30 minutes each

Wells - In the Shade of the Cathedral

Off to Scotland - In the Highlands near Blair Atholl

Green Sussex - Landscapes at the foots of the Downs (starting in Midhurst)

Sandwich and Kent - The Gateway to England

... (no more details found)

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The Boy From Space


Year published/aired: 1971

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 10

Grade: 2-4

Genres: Sci-Fi


Broadcaster: BBC, CBBC

Production company:

Producer: Claire Chovil

Story: Richard Carpenter


Director: Maddalena Fagandini

Media: DVD

Media publisher:

Additional media: Pupil's pamphlet (also on vinyl), teacher's note, ...

Working material:

Material publisher: 

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Dan and Helen find Bleep-Bleep, a boy from Space. Alien Thin-Space Man captures them. Originally aired in b&w. Slightly re-edit (new teaching segments) in 1980 and shown in color.

Part of the Look and Read series.

Episodes: 20 minutes each

1. The Meteorite

2. The Spinning Compass

3. The Man in the sand-pit

4. In danger!

5. The Hold-up

6. Where is Tom?

7. The Hunt for the Car

8. The Lake

9. Captured!

10. In the Spaceship

A Living Society - Britain

Year published/aired: ~1992

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 

Grade: 8-10

Genres: Society



Production company:


Story: Michael Walker



Media: VHSx1

Media publisher:

Additional media: script, photos, checklist

Working material: Steen Harbild, Paulette Moller

Material publisher: Klett (D), Grafisk (DK), Santillana (Spain)

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Obviously a documentary. Episodes/plot: Starlight Express, Friends, Taxi Driver, Leaving Home, Rock Garden, Last Day of School,... So either kids or teens.

Episodes: 70 (66) minutes total, see plot


Info: New entry, previously not on my wiki. Used in Germany, Denmark, Spain,... No pics found. A sequel is London Life.



Year published/aired: 1987

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 20 units


Genres: basics


Broadcaster: Yorkshire Television

Production company:


Story: Jane Revell



Media: VHSx1

Media publisher: Macmillan

Additional media:

Working material: Jane Revell

Material publisher: 

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Aimed at 11-16 yo. Short, obviously basic stuff for kids including songs. Complete contents on worldcat.

Episodes: 60 minutes in total

1 Numbers

2 Jobs

3 Countries 

4 Identifying Things

5 Instructions

6 Describing People


20 Song and dance

Info: New entry previously not on my wiki. Hard to find with this simple title. More famous works of her are: Buzz (BBC), Connect, Cross Country (not sure if these also were series, most or all at least audio and books).

Sunday, August 15, 2021



Year published/aired: 1991

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 204

Grade: 1-5

Genres: Basics

Sub-subject: Everyday's situations

Broadcaster: SWR, ITV, others

Production company: Workhouse, North Pole Productions

Producer: Michael Blakstad

Story: Don Arioli

Editor: Hanspeter Hauke (SWR)

Director: David Crozier

Media: VHS, DVD *

Media publisher: Oxford University Press, others

Additional media: CD-ROM, books, sheets, video games, app

Working material:

Material publisher: 

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Female wizard Wizadora (2 different actresses) teaching with puppets and kids Tom (pictured with telephone Phoebe) and Katie. More infos on Wikipedia. Different infos on German and English Wikipedias. First aired by SWR in 1993 or 1991. But at least first used in 1991. Aimed at 6-12 yo kids.

At least one DVD is not based on the series. Probably also some other unrelated media with the same title.

Episodes: 9 or 15 minutes each (15 minutes season 1)

Zoom In

Year published/aired: ~1986

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: ?

Grade: Intermediate, Pre-Intermediate

Genres: Documentary?



Production company:





Media: VHS

Additional media: books

Working material: Marion Geddes, Lindy Henny

Material publisher: Oxford University Press

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Documentaries? 2 different grades. Obviously also on VHS. There's also a modern (2010s) course with books and videos on USB (Oxford South Africa)


Zoom - Your English Magazine


Year published/aired: 1983 ?

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 

Grade: 7

Genres: magazine

Sub-subject: culture

Broadcaster: SWR, WDR, FR3, others

Production company:




Media: VHS

Additional media:

Working material: 

Material publisher: 

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Magazine / documentaries

Episodes: 30 minutes each (60 min on each VHS)

1-3 Workshop for workless teens, Owner of a Fish and Chips shop, an US broadcaster, Shakin Stevens

4-6 Technology in Wales, Cricket, St. Louis, Interview of Chris de Burgh and Helen Schneider

7-9 Milk man, gold digger in Wales, Mark Twain's Birth house, theatre workshop for workless teens


Exam works: Sigrid Mooney 1986, Anke Wittich 1983

Info: Also used in the Netherlands (at least 1988-1991) and France. Aired in Germany one a month on different channels

Youth Wave Radio


Year published/aired: 1990 ?

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 4

Grade: 7-10

Genres: documentary


Broadcaster: WDR

Production company:




Media: VHSx1 60 min total

Additional media:

Working material:

Material publisher: Cornelsen

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): DJ Mike presents 4 teens from different regions and social origins who listen to Youth Wave Radio. Each episode ends with different music chosen by the teens


1. Bobby's Story from Wales

2. Gita's Story from London

3. Katy's Story from Liverpool

4. Alistair's Story from Edinburg

Info: Also used in the Netherlands in 1992

Young Encounters

Year published/aired: 1986?

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 4 ?

Grade: 9-

Genres: Teen life

Sub-subject: documentary, USA

Broadcaster: RB

Production company: FWU





Media: VHSx2 ?

Media publisher:

Additional media:

Working material: Terry Moston

Material publisher: Schroedel

Novel available:

Other literature: yes

Plot (short): Teen life documentaries. Olly in the USA is a student from Bremen in Quincy, Illinois. In Radio Lollipop there are Nigel and Naomi in a children's hospital.

Episodes: ~20 minutes each (2 episodes on 1 VHS)

Pets and Vets - Training to nurse animals

Radio Lollipop - For Children in Hospital

"Olly in the USA" - A student exchange

Mixing and mingling - A day in a Holiday Centre

Literature: Exam work: Birgit Schumann (1989)

Young in Australia


Original title: Ung i Australien

Year published/aired: 1986

Year produced/filmed: 1986 ?

# of episodes: 5

Grade: 9-13




Production company: SR Utbildningsprogram (Sveriges Radio)


Editor Sweden: 

Director: Eskil Garpebring

Media: VHSx1

Media publisher:

Additional media:

Working material: 

Material publisher:

Novel available: 

Other literature: 

Plot (short):  Documentary, Teen lives in Australia and their parents (and jobs). School, sports. I found original photo cards (press /archive) photos for sale on the web. Photographed by Garpebring. Aka Young Australia. Press photos say aired in 1988, but books published in 1986 according worldcat also mentioning 1988, so probably filmed in 1986. Update: Aired on Swedish SVT in 1986. Maybe even filmed earlier.


1 Desert. Jonathan from Alice Springs (Öknen. Jonathan, Alice Springs) aka (title in Germany) The dead centre. (Boy ~12 yo side view, school of the air or other short wave radio) 

2. Young in Sydney (Ung i Sydney) aka Life in Sydney

3. Life on a Sheep Farm (Liver pa en farfarm)  aka Jimenbuen - a sheep station

4. Life in Melbourne

5. Life in Tasmania

Update: 2 pics. Confirmed 1986. Pictured is ep 2, another pic (ep 1) here

another episode

A World of English


Year published/aired: 1997

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 12 

Grade: 5-10

Genres: Documentary

Sub-subject: Geography


Production company:



Producer: Andrew Bampfield

Director: Andrew Bampfield

Media: VHSx1

Additional media: books

Working material:

Material publisher: Cambridge University Press, Klett (Germany)

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): English For School series. Sequel is Welcome to English. Short documentaries. School Life, sports (including swimming), also showing kids, etc (see episodes)

Presenters: Clare Hardie, James, Lance, Beverly Andrews
Actors: Lucy Turner, Samir Rerizani, Sue Rich, Sharon Bord,

Episodes: 5 minutes each
A School Day in the USA, Time for sport, In the Everglades National Park, Biscayne Bay, Life 1.400 years ago, A family History, From Cambridge to Antarctica, An Adventure Holiday, Through the Tunnel, The Young Musicians, Making Electricity, The Power of Flight


Words and Pictures


Year published/aired: 1970-

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 362+

Grade: 2-

Genres: Basics, Alphabet


Broadcaster: BBC, SFTV

Production company: BBC





Media Publisher: 

Additional media:

Working material: 

Material publisher:

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Long running kids program. Stories with puppets, real-life scenes, magazine,... Several producers and hosts. Early seasons in B&w. Pic from "The Letter V".

Episodes: 5-15 minutes each

The Tartan Case

Year published/aired: 1970

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 5

Grade: 9-10

Genres: everyday's situations, Detective story

Sub-subject: grammar

Broadcaster: WDR 

Production company:


Editor and Producer: 


Media: VHS

Additional media: Material for Students, Teachers

Working material: 

Material Publisher: Lensing

Novel available: 

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Obviously everyday's situations of main characters Ted and Bob (probably grown-ups) this time mainly set in Dover. Bob is simple minded.  Studio parts (7-9 minutes) and repetitions. 

(Similar series is The Second-Hand Car (1971)). 19 people showed. In the 1st episode, the tartan clothed suitcase of 17 yo Maggie was switched at the customs. While searching for it, she learned many thing at different locations.


Episodes: 22-23 minutes each

1. Anything to Declare

2. On the Trail

3. No Chips Without Fish Dravie

4. We Think You Can Help Us

5. A Cup of Tea



Info: New entry, previously not on my wiki. No infos and pics found online.


Title: Wonderworms - Die Erlebnisse zweier Bücherwürmer

Year published/aired: 1984

Year produced/filmed: 1983

# of episodes: 4

Grade: 5-6



Broadcaster: RB 

Production company: FWU


Editor and Producer: 

Director: Nigel Whittaker

Media: VHSx2

Additional media: Material for Students, Teachers, 3 cards

Working material: Wolfgang Thiel, Hans Bergmann, Nigel Whittaker, Ulrich Grewer, Viola Kessling, Colin Oakley

Material Publisher: Schroedel

Novel available: 

Other literature: yes

Books: Schroedel

Plot (short): 2 animated bookworms called Lookie and Bookie playing and commenting in real-life scenes of kids. Song texts are shown. Ep 1 Zoo in Bristol, Ep 2 toy factory in Wales, Ep 3 hot air balloon, ep 4 pottery.

Episodes: 15+10 minutes each

1. Going to the zoo

2. At a toy factory

3. Up in the air

4. At a may fair 



Exam work: Mären Schauf 1985

Info: No pics found, update: tag kids, Wales of ep . Update 2 (from worldcat): Production: FWU, director, full title. Also aired in 1992.

Friday, August 13, 2021

We 're Kids in Britain


Year published/aired: 1997 ? 

Year produced/filmed: 

# of episodes: 6 units ?


Genres: Everyday's situations



Production company: 





Media: DVDx1

Media Publisher: Longman Pearson

Additional media: Books

Working material: Gail Ellis

Material Publisher: Longman

Novel available: 

Other literature:

Plot (short): Lives of British Kids Luke and Jenny. Home, school, at play, festivals (eg. Christmas, pictured).

Info: Also available in French and I think Spanish.

Episodes: 40 min total
Home and Family

Guy Fawkes Day

A School Day


A Week in February

An Easter Outing

The Winning Team


Year published/aired: 1993

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 8 units





Production company:

Story: Nick Dawson



Media: VHSx1

Media Publisher: Longman

Additional media:

Working material: Brian Abbs

Material publisher: Pearson

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Photographer and newspaper reporter in Portsmouth. Blueprint series part #2.

Episodes: 40 minutes total

Welcome to English

Year published/aired: ~1998

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 11 

Grade: 5-10

Genres: Documentary

Sub-subject: Geography


Production company:



Producer: Andrew Bampfield

Director: Andrew Bampfield

Media: VHSx1

Additional media: books

Working material:

Material publisher: Cambridge University Press, Klett (Germany)

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): English For School series. Prequel is A World of English. Short documentaries.


Episodes: ~60 in total

THE NATURAL WORLD Sequence 2 Follow the seals; Sequence 3 A trip to the zoo; Theme C: THE WAY WE LIVE Sequence 4 Two families; Sequence 5 You're the cook; Theme D: PLANET EARTH Sequence 6 A space adventure; Sequence 7 A day at the seaside; Theme E: NATURAL FORCES Sequence 8 Today's weather; Sequence 9 Young surfers; Theme F: LIVING HISTORY Sequence 10 Looking for fossils: Sequence 11 Around Sydney

Weekend Stories


Year published/aired: 2002

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 4

Grade: 8

Genres: everyday's situations

Sub-subject: Geography

Broadcaster: WDR

Production company:

Story: Christiane von Stechow, Petra Lütke Brochtrup

Editor: Jörg Goralewski

Director: Barbara Derkow, Allen Woppert

Media: VHS

Additional media:

Working material: several books

Material publisher: Cornelsen , Ritterbach

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Students of the Kingsway Highschool in Chester talked every Friday after school what they going to do on the weekends.

Episodes: 15 minutes each

1. Tom's Story (He can't go to a Soccer game (Manchester) but his dad is camera man and Tom can act in a crime movie

2. Sophie's Story (visiting a zoo with her cousine)

3. Jane's Story (the man she worked for was being robbed and can't pay her so she can't buy a mountain bike), Wales

4. William's Story (14 yo boy from Wales has a romance and forgets the time, pictured)

Didactic suggestions: ep 4:

Internet research about Wales, showing random scene and guess what is about, non-verbal and verbal communication, collective writing of a poem

Walter and Connie


Year published/aired: 1962

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 39+39

Grade: 2-4

Genres: Everyday's situations

Sub-subject: grammar

Broadcaster: BBC,

Production company:


Story: John Wiles




Media publisher:

Additional media: books, vinyl

Working material:

Material publisher: Langenscheidt (Germany)

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Young couple, played by Brian McDermott and Anne Lawson teaching English in different scenes like at work, in a restaurant,... B&w.

Episodes: ~15 minutes each

39 episodes in 3 seasons. And there was a sequel series Walter and Connie Reporting.

Details on French Wikipedia.

Used in 50 countries. German title: Wir lernen Englisch (aired there in 1963). Part of Telekolleg.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021



Year published/aired: ~1992

Year produced/filmed: 1992

# of episodes: 6 units x3

Grade: Beginner, ~7

Genres: Documentary

Sub-subject: teen life


Producer: Robert Maidment, Dave Overton

Production company:

Story: Stephen Rabley

Editor: Chris Reynolds

Director: John Hay

Media: VHSx1

Media Publisher: Oxford University

Additional media: books

Working material:  Richard MacAndrew

Material publisher:

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Teen magazines about London, sports, fashion, cinema, school. 5 or 6 units each. Later there were VT2 and VT3 (1994).

Hosts: Charlotte Lee, Martin Lazery

Episodes: 40  min total (VT1)

Info: Also used in Spain

The Visitor

Year published/aired: 1984 

Year produced/filmed: 

# of episodes: 10

Grade: ~8

Genres: Adventure Sci-Fi



Production company: Skan Productions


Story: Michael Gorell Barnes


Director: Malcolm Hossick

Media: VHS 

Media Publisher: Nelson Filmscan

Additional media:

Working material: Doug Case, Ken Singleton

Material Publisher: Alhambra Longman

Novel available: 

Other literature:

Plot (short): Adventure of a girl I.O. from another planet and her English friends. In search for 3 keys, a sword and lamp to save the royal family on the other planet. Plots about Family and Friends, School, ...

Episodes: 90 minutes total 

Info: Also used in Spain. Currently no more infos known. Update: author, director. Danish/Swedish books edited by Doug Case, Ken Singleton. Logo. Animation: Keith Greig

A related series is obiously Starwise. Part 1: The Visitor. (Maybe that's the same).

View and Teach

Year published/aired: ~1965 

Year produced/filmed: ~1964

# of episodes: 24




Broadcaster: BBC

Production company: British Council


Editor: David Hicks

Director: Bernard Lewis

Media: VHS

Additional media: booklet

Working material: Lionel Billows, David Hicks, Desmond O'Connor

Material publisher: 

Novel available:

Other literature: yes

Plot (short): Films showing teaching in class. University of London. Children of 3 London schools acting. Archways School, Shelburne School, North Paddington School. Probably in b&w. There was a Series II with another 12 episodes, but episode titles are unknown.

Episodes:  15 minutes each

Series I: 12 Films for Teachers of English as a Second Language

1. Teaching a New Pattern

2. Oral Practice

3. Question and Answer

4. Sentence Patterns

5. Practice with Picture Sets

6. Conversation with the Blackboard

7. Acting a Story

8. Acting from Pictured

9. Bringing in the Outside World

10. Rhythms of English Speech

11. Tunes of English Speech

12. Planning Oral Work

A Video Souvenir of London

Year published/aired: 1986

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 1

Grade: ~8 ?

Genres: London



Production company:





Media: VHSx1

Media Publisher:

Additional media:

Working material:

Material publisher:

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Sightseeing in London showing parks, old and new buildings, the Thames River, English carnival.

Episodes: 1x 55 min

Video English


Year published/aired: 1982

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 8 VHS


Genres: Documentary



Production company:





Media: VHSx8

Additional media: books

Working material: Mike Potter

Material publisher: Macmillan

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Documentaries/reports. The British Council


1.1 Meeting People (pictured)

2.1. Loud Music

3.1 The Petrol Station

8.1 The Primary School



Varieties of American English

Year published/aired: 1977

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 3


Genres: American English



Production company: U.S. International Communication Agency


Story: Roger W. Shuy,




Media publisher:

Additional media:

Working material:

Material publisher: 

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): American English Dialects. Roger W. Shuy also performed. There's also a 1976 video tape, 30 minute interview. Also earlier series Living Language (1967) (US), Language in Education 1978 (AUS)

Episodes: 40/45 minutes each

Regional Dialects

Social Dialects

Stylistic Differences

USA - The Sound of ...


Year published/aired: 1998

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 12

Grade: 5-13 (8) *

Genres: Music

Sub-subject: USA, culture, politics, history

Broadcaster: SWR

Production company:




Media: DVDx1

Additional media: sheets, film scripts, song texts, ...

Working material: Wolfgang Biederstädt

Material publisher: 

Novel available:

Other literature: yes

Plot (short): Awarded documentaries, people of different regions and their music. German and English language. DVD for grade 8+. A Bildungsserver says 11th grade. Planet Schule says grade 5-13. Maybe german version for grade 5 or maybe even depending on episode. Or they later changed the rating. Mainly grown-ups shown, depending on episode High School students and maybe some kids (families).

Episodes: 30 minutes each

Mexicans in California

The Dust Bowl in Oklahoma

Cajuns in Lousiana

Hip Hop in the Bronx

Blues in New Orleans

Motown in Detroit

Highschool Kids in North Carolina

Navajos in Arizona

Gothic in Boston

Skyscrapers in Manhattan

Money in Las Vegas

Love and Peace in San Francisco

USA (1975)

This is about the 1975 series. For subjects USA do a search, for American English see Category:American English or tag here. There is also a 2003 series.

Year published/aired: 1975

Year produced/filmed: ~1974

# of episodes: 4

Grade: 8

Genres: Geography

Sub-subject: USA

Broadcaster: WDR

Production company:





Additional media: 

Working material:

Material publisher: 

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Documentary series. Agriculture, other economy, social issues. There is also a series "USA - Jenseits der großen Städte" (4 parts, 30 min each, ~1989 or earlier) obviously different.


1. New York (pollution, slums)

2. Detroit (cars)

3. North Dakota (wheat)

4. Mississippi (cotton)

USA (2003)


This is about the 2003 series. For subjects USA do a search, for American English see Category:American English or tag here. There is also a 1975 WDR series.

Year published/aired: 1999, 2003 (DVD)

Year produced/filmed: 1990s ?

# of episodes: 6

Grade: 7-12

Genres: Geography

Sub-subject: USA


Production company: Heil-Film ?




Media: DVDx5

Additional media: bilingual sheets, slides, short films

Working material:

Material publisher: 

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): German documentary series, I think by Heil-Film (Paul R. Heil). DVDs released in 2003 according the official site, but contains (bonus) scenes before 9/11. Part I originally released in 1999 (VHS ?). Part V in 2001?

Episodes: ~20-26 minutes each (incl bonus ?)

USA I: Der Osten - The East (DVD extras 9-11, Halloween, slides, 2 maps, quiz) Florida to Maine (pic 1)

USA II: Die Mitte - The Middle

USA III: Rocky Mountains

USA IV: Der Westen - West Coast

USA V: Von Küste zu Küste - From Coast to Coast

USA VI: Regionen & Themen - Regions & Themes

Monday, August 9, 2021



Year published/aired: ~1987 

Year produced/filmed: 1987

# of episodes: 4

Grade: 5

Genres: Time travel

Sub-subject: Everyday's situations

Broadcaster: SWR

Production company: 

Screenplay: Carl Fox-Duering

Editor and Producer: Jörg Goralewski

Director: Barbara Derkow

Media: VHSx4 ?

Additional media: 

Working material: 

Novel available: 

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Boy and Girl from year 2201 time traveled multiple times to a family back in 1987 Birmingham. They met kids Samantha and David. That life is strange to them. They learn lot of things like money, foods, traffic rules, Soccer, etc. But finally they return via a telephone booth in their future.

Episodes: ~14 minutes each, just have numbers (currently no episode posts)

Episode 1 (Two-Two-O-One)

Episode 2 (Two-Two-O-One)

Episode 3 (Two-Two-O-One)

Episode 4 (Two-Two-O-One)


9/PTS, later renamed Patsy (Keely Hawkes) pictured on left

9/PTR, later renamed Peter (Nicholas Pickard)

Samantha (Danielle Akers)

David (Justin Clark)

Aunt Agatha (Jane Wenham)

Cashier (Nancy Manningham)


Unit Manager: Frank Edelhagen

Production Manager: Wolfgang Pempelfort

This Is Our Youth

Year published/aired: 2002 *

Year produced/filmed: 2002

# of episodes: 1

Grade: 7

Genres: drama stage play



Production company: NCCC Coffehouse Theatre (Niagara County Community College)

Story: Kenneth Lonergan


Director: Jack Hunter


Media: VHSx1

Media distribution/sponsor:

Additional media:

Working material:

Material publisher:

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short):  Teen drama with 3 characters only set in 1982 New York. Stage play Oct 23, 2002 at Niagara County Community College. First premiered in 1996 and also played on Broadway and other locations. Cast include (not on this VHS) Kieran Culkin, Matt Damon and Michael Cera.

Cast here:  Dennis Ziegler, Rich McGrath, Warren Straub, Joshua A. Hibbard, Jessica Goldman, Tara Clark.

Episodes: 102 minutes 

Update: New entry previously not on my wiki. More infos about the (original) play on Wikipedia. Nothing much known about this 2002 version.

Trans Canada

Year published/aired: 1993 ?

Year produced/filmed: 

# of episodes: 4

Grade: 9-13

Genres: Geography

Sub-subject: politics

Broadcaster WDR

Production company:


Editor: Jörg Goralewski




Media distribution/sponsor:

Additional media:

Working material:

Material publisher: vgs Verlagsgesellschaft

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short):  Documentary Canada. Currently no more infos known.


1: Nova Scotia 

2: Ontario 

3: Alberta 

4: British Columbia


Update: New entry, previously not on my wiki

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Teens in the USA


Year published/aired: 2012

Year produced/filmed: ~2011

# of episodes: 6

Grade: 7/8

Genres: Teen lives

Sub-subject: culture/geography

Broadcaster WDR

Production company: Küppers & Horn Film

Story: Phillis Femmer

Editor: Stefanie Fischer




Media distribution/sponsor:

Additional media: sheets

Working material:

Material publisher:

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short):  6 teens, 2 cities, different interests, from different social classes. Hermann, Missouri (ep 1-3), San Diego (ep 4-6).

There are also other series Teens in London, Teens in Cornwall, Teens in South Africa. As parts of Reports in English.

Episodes: ~10 minutes each 

Teens in the USA - Missouri:

1. Cullen - Getting into Gear (driving license, 15 yo boy)

2. Katie - Between Wildlife and music

3. Lincoln - Keeping up with family traditions (pictured, 14 yo boy) 


4. Jasmine - Rhythm is it (15 yo Hip hop dance)

5. Justin - My first triathlon (15 yo)

6. Rosa - How to make a difference (15 yo Mexican girl, college, working) 

Update: Adding tag farm, American English. Still aired in 2021

Two Days in Summer


Year published/aired: ~1986

Year produced/filmed: 1986 ?

# of episodes: 2 (8 ?)

Grade: beginners (7 ?)



Broadcaster: BBC

Production company: London Weekend Television

Story: Jim Hill


Director: Nigel Miller

Producer:  Jane Hewland, Michael Chaplin

Media: VHSx2

Media distribution/sponsor: Longman ELT Video

Additional media: Student's workbook, teacher's manual

Working material: Brian Abbs, Ingrid Freebairn

Material publisher: Longman

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): Adventures of a Spanish teen girl in London

Episodes: 55 minutes (total)

Info: Also used in Spain. Update: Plot, staff, 1986 instead of 1987

Totally Phenomenal

Year published/aired: 2009

Year produced/filmed: 2005

# of episodes: 20

Grade: 10-13

Genres: Science


Broadcaster: SWR, Deutsche Welle

Production company:



Director: Harald Brenner

Producer: Ingrid Eckerle

Media: DVD

Media distribution/sponsor:

Additional media: CD-ROM, DVD-ROM

Working material:

Material publisher:

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short):  Documentaries of inventions

Episodes: ~15 minutes each, I think all are available as German and English.

1. Super Eyes

2. Super Noses

3. Super Ears

4. The Sense of Touch

5. The Sense of Taste

6. Nerve Network

7. Invasion of the Viruses

8. The Trail of DNA

9. Cloning

10. Mr Jonas Dives into the Depth

19. Blick ins Weltall (A Glimpse into Space)

Laser erobern die Welt

18. Satelliten weisen den Weg (Satellites Show the Way)

11. Strahlen schaffen Durchblick (X-Rays Investigated)

17. Vom Erz zum Stahl (From Ore to Steel)

Wegweisende Echos

12. Currents of Energy

13. Waves that Warm

14. Biofuels

15. The Versatility of Crude Oil

16. Pretty Windy

20. Glaciers

Thumbing in California

Year published/aired: 1971

Year produced/filmed: 

# of episodes: 5

Grade: 9-10

Genres: Teen lives

Sub-subject: culture/geography

Broadcaster WDR

Production company:






Media distribution/sponsor:

Additional media:

Working material:

Material publisher: Lensing

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short):  Teen lives, everyday's situations and issues set in Francisco Bay Area hosted by young, black Benny Clark. Different American dialects, hippie groups and music. Every episode has 2 parts, including studio scenes.

Episodes: 25-30 minutes each 

1. The Painted Bus (Berkely Campus)

2. Sunday in the Fillmore (Park, bar romance)

3. Confrontation in Sunnyvale

4. Apple Cider and Lettuce

5. The Lumberjacks

Update: New entry previously not on my wiki. 1971 not 1973

This Week


Title: This Week - Nachrichten in englischer Sprache

Year published/aired: 1992-2006

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 20+

Grade: 5 or 10

Genres: News


Broadcaster: WDR, America

Production company:





Media: VHS

Media distribution/sponsor:

Additional media:

Working material:

Material publisher: VGS

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short):  News program. Voices of America (voanews). Reports of politics, culture, society, science. In Germany 15 minutes (instead of 24 minutes). First 20 episodes in Germany. Suddenly quit in 2006. The WDR aired then "Democracy in America". On the web since 1999.

Episodes: 15/24minutes each

This is Britain!


Year published/aired: 2005

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 9 ?

Grade: 5-6

Genres: documentary

Sub-subject: culture, Geography


Production company: FWU




Media: DVDx2 ?

Additional media: Books,

Working material:

Material publisher: Oxford University Press

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short):  Documentaries about British culture, 2 Families. For subjects see episodes. Also sports (swimming shown , ep 1 ?). Pictured: Food.

Episodes:  35-40 minutes each DVD

Level 1: School, Halloween, Animals, Pets, Christmas

Level 2: Food, Bonfire Night, Easter, London

Elementary School English (YBM Kim, 2020)

  I found another South Korean clips on YouTube from uploader Jayedu. Playlist 2020GH English Class. Not exactly sure about the title. Grade...