Sunday, August 8, 2021

Thumbing in California

Year published/aired: 1971

Year produced/filmed: 

# of episodes: 5

Grade: 9-10

Genres: Teen lives

Sub-subject: culture/geography

Broadcaster WDR

Production company:






Media distribution/sponsor:

Additional media:

Working material:

Material publisher: Lensing

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short):  Teen lives, everyday's situations and issues set in Francisco Bay Area hosted by young, black Benny Clark. Different American dialects, hippie groups and music. Every episode has 2 parts, including studio scenes.

Episodes: 25-30 minutes each 

1. The Painted Bus (Berkely Campus)

2. Sunday in the Fillmore (Park, bar romance)

3. Confrontation in Sunnyvale

4. Apple Cider and Lettuce

5. The Lumberjacks

Update: New entry previously not on my wiki. 1971 not 1973

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