Wednesday, August 11, 2021

USA (2003)


This is about the 2003 series. For subjects USA do a search, for American English see Category:American English or tag here. There is also a 1975 WDR series.

Year published/aired: 1999, 2003 (DVD)

Year produced/filmed: 1990s ?

# of episodes: 6

Grade: 7-12

Genres: Geography

Sub-subject: USA


Production company: Heil-Film ?




Media: DVDx5

Additional media: bilingual sheets, slides, short films

Working material:

Material publisher: 

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): German documentary series, I think by Heil-Film (Paul R. Heil). DVDs released in 2003 according the official site, but contains (bonus) scenes before 9/11. Part I originally released in 1999 (VHS ?). Part V in 2001?

Episodes: ~20-26 minutes each (incl bonus ?)

USA I: Der Osten - The East (DVD extras 9-11, Halloween, slides, 2 maps, quiz) Florida to Maine (pic 1)

USA II: Die Mitte - The Middle

USA III: Rocky Mountains

USA IV: Der Westen - West Coast

USA V: Von Küste zu Küste - From Coast to Coast

USA VI: Regionen & Themen - Regions & Themes

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