Monday, November 27, 2023

Rise & Shine (Didier)


Year published/aired: 2009 ?

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 11 clips 

Grade: 6e 

Genres: basics, grammar


Broadcaster: -

Production company: 


Story: Sophie Plays, Odile Martin-Coucher, others



Media: DVD

Media distribution

Additional media: books, Class Audio CD, digital ...

Working material: Sophie Plays, Odile Martin-Coucher, others

Material publisher: Editions Didier (now: Editions Hatier)

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): A French course for kids. I only found 6e. 3rd Edition ? and 3rd year of English? At least one Box has 3 audio CDs and should have 1 DVD as well. DVD might be DVD-ROM. Course this edition 2016? Clip obviously from 2009 or even earlier, see below.

Not to be confused with the Pearson course Rise and Shine.

Similar French courses are Enjoy English (grades 3-6), e for English and Pack your Bags.

Episodes: Unknown length, clips are very short. 25 short clips, 1-2 per unit

1 The Alphabet Song, Tips for Year 7

6. Packed Lunches 1'21'', At the school restaurant

Unit 2: Discover a day at Josh's School 2'30'' (pictured)

The three time tables trick

School uniforms

3. All around the world. Imaginary identities, Make a Jack O'Lantern

4. True Sport, a Canadian initiative, Netball, A card game

7. On the phone

8. St. Patricks Day in NYC

Easter at the White House

10 A trip to London, The Moon Landing

11. Weather report, Australian TV


Update: I found the same clip on Eli's Team Up in English, uploaded in 2009.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Audio/Video-Sampler (Diesterweg)

This is a 2010 DVD-ROM from Diesterweg (Westermann) with 60 minutes video and 70 minutes audio for grades 7 and up. Whiteboard support. Can be used with course Notting Hill Gate. (That is for grades 5 and up).

Subtitle: Authentische Filmsequenzen und Hörmaterialien für Englisch ab Klasse 7.

Subjects: Food and Drink, Be a Sport, On the Street, Life Stories, The World of Science, Cash in hand, Art and Music, Going Places.

Pic taken from the back cover. Can't say if there are also younger kids or teens shown.

Monday, November 13, 2023


DVD full title:
English - Take 1

Year published/aired: 2010

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes:  6-8 clips, 3 DVDs

Grade: 5-9

Genres: basics, grammar

Sub-subject: culture

Broadcaster: -

Production company:


Story: Julia Engel, Silke Flüßhöh



Media: DVDx3

Media distribution: Westermann (Diesterweg)

Additional media: teacher's books

Working material: 

Material publisher: Diesterweg

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short):  A DVD series for grades 5-9. 3 DVDs. DVD 1 for grades 5-6. DVDs are quite short. Books only for teachers. 48 pages, sheets Pre- While, Post-viewing, solutions. Released in 2010/2011. I haven't found any clips. Just DVD covers. No pics on the rear covers. All DVD showing girls on the cover. Later I found at least b&w images from the official book 2 preview. Book 1 is probably OOP. Pic 2 below showing Taylor from Take 2 clip 3 (Haverstock school).

Episodes: DVD 22-34 minutes each

Take 1: (23 minutes)

Meet Katie, George and Tyler

Haverstock School



Katie's House

Jobs at Home

Take 2: 22 minutes

Meet Leanne, Rebecca and Daniel 1:33

After the Holidays 2:46 (book: Daniel's Holiday in Corfu, Rebecca's trip to Vienna)

Haverstock School 6:00 (A School's Uniforms)

Sightseeing in London 5:18

Talking about Festivals 2:25

Rules at School 1:20

Rules at Home 0:47 

Skateboarding 2:27

Take 3: (34 minutes)

Meet Jessica, Pranav and Joshua 5:10

Living in London 3:22

The Science Museum 4:37

Cooking with Friends 7:07

Karate with Jessica 2:59

Talking about Feelings 6:38

Going Shopping 4:16


Sunday, November 5, 2023

Update 2: Backpack


By coincidence, I found several more episodes on YouTube. I wonder, why I haven't found them earlier (probably as it's another uploader). Some more, very good scenes of the blond boy with the bowlcut (called Nick), also older. Pic 1 from Level 2 unit 7b. Pic 2 from evel 1 unit 1b. Good rear view of the bowl cut in Level 2 unit 9b. Sitting: Level 2 unit 8c. Some more kids in class.

Many clips, but I think only from levels 1+2. There are 7 levels. I have to search for more. I also found Starter Level and Level 3. There are some few official clips of levels 1-6. The other boy from first upgrade is another boy, called Corey. Best in level 5 (2nd edition).

More info and pics about this 2004 Pearson course on my earlier posts (also showing level 4)

Elementary School English (YBM Kim, 2020)

  I found another South Korean clips on YouTube from uploader Jayedu. Playlist 2020GH English Class. Not exactly sure about the title. Grade...