Thursday, May 11, 2023

Update 2: Lighthouse / Access 2 (2022/2023)

I found some more book previews and clips. As usual, they first publish book #1 for 5th grade and later the other grades. July/November 2023. DVD 2 later. Noah is obviously much more shown than Joe. Noah has longer hair in book/DVD 2 (6th grade) and Joe has shorter hair and looking older (one year later, pictured on right next to Gloria and Daisy). Both looking like different actors. Lily (see other post) with her short hair looking almost like a boy. Maybe Joe is mainly or only shown in Access 2? They are often shown in their school uniforms.

The movie company is obviously Grasshopper Films Ltd. (set in Brighton, Claire Spencer) as credited in the books. (Not to be confused with Grasshopper Film, or German based Grasshopper Films). Pic taken from official book sample Lighthouse 2, Unit 5, courtesy of Cornelsen/Grasshopper Films (Fair Use).

There is also a new, short clip (showing younger Joe) on the official YouTube channel.

Main entries (first showing younger Joe, 1st update showing Noah)

I prefer the 2012 English G Lighthouse/Headlights/Highlight also used for Go Ahead 5/6. There are 2 sample videos on the official website under Go Ahead Handreichungen für den Unterricht 5. Jahrgangsschule Realschule Bayern 2017. Main entry

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