Saturday, June 11, 2022

Update: Lighthouse / Access (2022)


The previous post, showing other kids, taken from the Behind the scenes clip from the official Cornelsen channel. The new pic above is taken from the new book preview of Access 1 (5th grade), courtesy: Cornelson (Fair use). There are 5 kids from Garville Road. From left Noah Williams, Alice Shaw, Zane Adebayo and Lily Hall. "The five kids from Brighton". Unpictured: Sunita Chandra. There are several more good pics in the book. More infos about the characters on the concept page (advanced edition).

Either the other kids are from Access 2 or 3 or are in the sub series (People and Places ?). There are no previews of the other books. To be published in July. (Video DVDs maybe a bit later). Lighthouse and Access don't have "English G" anymore in the title. G is I think for Gesamtschule.

I also have ordered the DVD English G Lighthouse 2 (having the same kids as in 1, update soon).

I probably won't order the new DVD, but wait for a cheaper one in used condition.

I found some more earlier series with DVDs but most kids/teens are not that handsome and I don't need all DVDs, although some older DVDs are cheap, others are rare and expensive.

Most older DVDs/DVD-ROMS have few scenes and include animations or other stuff. Same for Audio CDs. Most ones are obviously speaken by grown-ups only (as the free samples suggest). I only found one (older) CD with confirmed kid voice actors.

Update: Noah is obviously much more shown than Joe. Noah has different hair styles looking much different, I thought that they were 2 different actors. Joe has shorter hair in Access 2, also looking different (and one year older). Lily with her short hair almost looks like a boy. Also see update 2 (linked in the main post).

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