Saturday, May 28, 2022

Reports in English: Middle West USA

This is a 4 part series, subseries of "Reports in English - Canada, USA and South Africa", which is part of Reports in English. 15 minutes each, bilinguar, 8th grade. I found this only via

-Middle West USA: Homecoming at Glenwood High (pictured)

-Middle West USA: Greeks and Tigers in Columbia

-Middle West USA: Law Enforcement in Salina

-Middle West USA: Kentuckian's News Channel 

Homecoming at Glenwood High showing the life of 2 teens at a High school and leiseure time. Greeks and Tigers in Columbia is about a college. Sorority and fraternity groups.

Law Enforcement in Salina is about crimes and inside a jail. Kentuckian's News Channel is about local TV station WHAS 11


Thursday, May 26, 2022

Update: English G Lighthouse

I have now bought the regular Headlight 1 DVD. 53 minutes and much better image quality. It also has English and German subtitles. Although the Lighthouse Whiteboard DVD-ROM has 6 units as well and should contain all clips, there are only clips of units 1+3. The DVD has much more scenes, another brother and another boys in the People and Places part.

I have updated the post and added titles, length and descriptions of the units.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Lighthouse / Access (2022)

Year published/aired: 2022

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 6 (each grade) ?

Grade: 5-

Genres: everyday's situations

Sub-subject: geography

Broadcaster: -

Production company: Grasshopper Films Ltd.





Media: 1xDVD, 1xDVD-ROM,

Media distribution: Cornelsen

Additional media: books, audio, CD-ROM, interactive whiteboard...

Working material:

Material publisher: Cornelsen

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Previously called English G Lighthouse and English G Access, this is the new 2022/2023 series. Obviously they are making new movies every 10 years. Originally a school book series with several additional media (audio CD, CD-ROM, several books).

The setting is now Brighton. This time mainly 5 kids instead of 3 (Noah Williams, Alice Shaw, Zane Adebayo, Lily Hall and Sunita Chandra) but also a 2nd group of 4 (Joe, Gloria,  Daisy. and another boy. The kid on the right is a boy and called Joe. Pic from the official Making-Of clip. Probably from Lighthouse 1 (5th grade), update I now found other kids, see link below. There are also the 2 sister projects depending on the school type (Headlight and Highlight).

I now also have ordered the regular DVD of English G Lighthouse 1 as I found more scenes on Headlight, (update soon). There is also a book New Highlight, but I haven't found a DVD for that.

I think to be released in July or July 2022  2023 (Lighthouse 1, 5th grade) for the new school year (not sure about the DVD). The previous series English G Lighthouse

Also to be used supplements plays in Scene it!.

I will also post

English G Access (2014/2017) The world behind the picture (DVDs 1-10)


Episodes: ~53 minutes total ?

Update: Showing older Joe with shorter hair in Lighthouse 2 (2023). Noah is obviously more often shown and has a bit longer hair later. DVD/movie company is not Rockfinch but Grasshopper Films Ltd. (Claire Spencer) located in Brighton. Previous company and movies were set in Plymouth.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

English G Lighthouse

Year published/aired: 2012

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 6 (each grade)

Grade: 5-

Genres: everyday's situations

Sub-subject: geography

Broadcaster: -

Production company: Rockfinch Ltd, Ireland

Producer: Claire Cunningham

Story: Susan Abbey

Editor: Rory Gavin

Director: Claire Cunningham

Media: 1xDVD, 1xDVD-ROM,

Media distribution: Cornelsen

Additional media: books, audio, CD-ROM, interactive whiteboard...

Working material:

Material publisher: Cornelsen

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): There are Video DVDs (green and yellow cover) and Interactive Whiteboard DVD-ROMs (Interaktive Tafelbilder, green cover) as supplement for the books, also Audio CDs, CD-ROMs and other media. Pictured is a scene from Lighthouse 1 (1st year= 5th grade). Adventures of 3 kids from Harbour Road (Plymouth), others than on the cover, Sarah (Claire Paddison), Paul (Drew Bales) and Anna (Harmony Rump). School, sports (table tennis, shopping), at home. Also geography of Plymouth "People and Places (without these kids).

There is also a Lighthouse DVD (without English G, also for 5th grade, white cover) with other kids. Other/older kids also appear in DVDs for later grades. In mid 2022 there will be new DVDs (Lighthouse/Access 2022) published (other kids, set in Brighton, Making-of on YouTube).

The DVD is 53 minutes, has English and German subtitles. I own the whiteboard version  which should contain all clips. 8 clips, together ~25 minutes, thereof People and Places 2x3 minutes.  Unique scenes with kids ~7 minutes only. Pics, songs (grown-ups) games and book contents (compressed) for Windows only (but are not much of interest), work without installing and without whiteboard. The video quality is rather poor (640x360, AVI but WMV3 codec and 6373 kbit/s) and plays in a window. There is also an editor but I haven't tested that.

By coincidence I found caps of other clips in the Headlight book and later also bought the Headlight DVD. Probably all 3 DVDs (Lighthouse, Headlight and Highlight) are the same. Lighthouse 3 has a combined one. The DVDs of the Bavarian course Go Ahead (2017) are obviously also (almost) the same.

Update:  The image quality is much better (DVD quality). 6 units for each the Harbour Road Kids and People and Places. 2 more boys on the DVD. Each unit has 2-3 chapters.
Clips of units 2, 4-6 are completely missing on the whiteboard disc (both Harbour Road Kids and People and Places). That has 6 units as well but has pictures and songs instead.

English G Lighthouse 2 has same actors and some few more.

Unit 2 is at home of one of the girls. There's also a brother Tom, slightly older, Justin Biber haircut. In People and Places there's another younger boy Joe showing his room.
Unit 4 is at an aquarium and later outside sitting like at the intro. P&P: at school
Unit 5 is at a cafe and dancing at home. P&P: Jimmy ~ 10 yo at a recording studio. Plymouth Music Zone.
Unit 6 is camping all 3 with brother Tom. P&P ferry trip.
On both:
Unit 1: Introduction, street, school. P&P: School (Eggbuckland Community College)
Unit 3: Shopping birthday presents. P&P: Plymouth

Episodes: ~53 minutes total (per DVD/grade)

The Kids from Harbour Road 

1. Meet the Kids! 6' 

2. Homework time 6'15

3. Sarah isn't happy! 6'42

4. A class project 5'39

5. What's your talent? 4'33

6. Summer holidays 5'11


People and places

1. Eggbuckland Community College 2'41

2. A tour of my room 2'34

3. Plymouth, England 2'31

4. A normal day at school 2'50

5. A visit to PMZ 2'47

6. A ferry trip to Cawsand 3'

The new 2022 series is called just Lighthouse (and Access)

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

The English Programme


Year published/aired: 1976-2003

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 297

Grade: ~7-13 ?

Genres: Documentary

Sub-subject: drama

Broadcaster: ITV Schools

Production company: Thames Television

Producer: Ross Devenish, others



Director: Ross Devenish, others


Media distribution

Additional media:

Working material:

Material publisher: 

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Not mainly for learning English, often documentaries, books (classics), dramas, plays (Shakespeare), culture, etc. Some language episodes like Which English? (1978, pictured), mainly grown-ups. But also some kids and teens.


Episodes: 25-30 minutes each


Monday, May 16, 2022

Big Cities

Year published/aired:

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 29

Grade: 9-13

Genres: Documentaries

Sub-subject: Geography

Broadcaster: SWR

Production company: 


Story: Rene Habitz, others


Director: Chris Metzler, others


Media distribution

Additional media:

Working material:

Material publisher: 

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Documentaries about different big cities in different countries. Economy, agriculture, traffic, buildings,...


Episodes: 30 minutes each

Big Cities: Europa

1.1 Ein Dorf in Berlin

1.2 Fisch und Gemüse direkt aus Berlin

1.3 Handys bauen in Hamburg

2.1 London ...

2.2 Stockholm

2.8 Madrid

3.10 Paris

3.11 Lyon

4.3 Lissabon

4.4 Porto

Big Cities: Asien

2.5 Seoul


Hongkong, Bangkok, Amman, Tokio,...

Big Cities:  Nord- Mittel und Südamerika

2.3 Cuzco

2.4 Rio de Janeiro


2.7 Toronto (pictured, Multi-Kulti Fotoprojekt)

3.2 Los Angeles

4.5 Monterrey (Mexico) (2018)


Thursday, May 12, 2022

James May's Things You Need to Know


German title: 10 Dinge, die du wissen musst / Things you need to know

Year published/aired: 2011

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 9

Grade: 7-13

Genres: Scientific


Broadcaster: BBC Two, WDR

Production company: 360 Production, Yap Films

Producer: John Farren/Elliot Halpern 





Media distribution

Additional media:

Working material:

Material publisher: 

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): James May gives a scientific explanation to - well just about everything; from human evolution and functions, meteorology, chemistry, physics, and so many other subjects. Also with animations. In Germany 5 then 6 episodes (probably only of season 2) aired in 12/2014. Two seasons 3+6 episodes. More details on Wikipedia and IMDb.

Episodes: 30 minutes each

Einstein (Original title: ... about Einstein) Does God play dice?

The Brain (Why does Ice cream make my head hurt?)

Evolution (evolutionary theory of hotness)

Speed (Why do cats have 9 lives?)

Engineering (The truth about air travel)

Chemistry (How chemistry runs our lives)

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Jugendliche & Corona


Original title: Beyond Pandemic: Voices of Youths from Around the World

Year published/aired: 2021

Year produced/filmed: 2020

# of episodes: 3 ?

Grade: 7-13

Genres: documentary teens, covid

Sub-subject: culture

Broadcaster: SWR, NHK, others

Production company: NHK ?




Director: Kirsten Praller (Germany)


Media distribution

Additional media:

Working material:

Material publisher: 

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Teen lives during the covid pandemic in different countries. 16 teens of 8 countries reporting via smart phones. In "cooperation with" (original idea by) Japanese NHK. Obviously as a one part special (1 hour). Currently, 3 episodes have been aired. In both English and German. I don't know if there will be more episodes. The original Japanese title is  "Beyond Pandemic: Voices of Youths from Around the World" NHK X 公視【當我們同在疫起:全球青年大聲說】預告, full staff is unknown. Pictured is 18 yo Devin from the USA. One girl and boy from Taiwan are called Stacy Hua (花湧惠) and Buya Watan (陳宇).

There's a similar series: Ich in der Krise.

Episodes: 10 minutes each. English episode titles:


-Everyday Life and Discrimination

-Quarantine and Fake News

-Homeschooling and Money Problems

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Ich in der Krise


Year published/aired: 2021

Year produced/filmed: 2020

# of episodes: 10

Grade: 7-13

Genres: documentary teens, covid

Sub-subject: culture

Broadcaster: SWR, WDR

Production company: 

Producer:  Irja von Bernstorff

Story: Irja von Bernstorff




Media distribution

Additional media:

Working material:

Material publisher: 

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Teen lives during the covid pandemic in different countries. Bilingual. One 13 yo British girl Gabrielle (London, musician) and one 14 yo American boy. Episode pictured: "Zum Tennisprofi trotz Corona-Quarantäne? Philip aus New York". "Ich in der Krise?!". SWR Kindernetz. He wants to become a tennis pro, but lockdown in NY is hard. This last episodes are missing on the Kindernetz page, but are available on YouTube.

There's a similar series: Jugendliche & Corona (Beyond Pandemic).

Episodes: 10 minutes each

-Die Corona-Krise in den USA: Philip erzählt (pictured)

-Die Corona-Krise in England: Gabrielle erzählt

8 more episodes in German and English of kids/teens of Iran, Argentina, India, Russia, France, Thailand, Mexico, Italy. Italy is about a Soccer boy.

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Reports in English: USA: Irvine

This is an episode, part of "Reports in English - Canada, USA and South Africa". I think this subseries starting in January 2005 with Canada. It's still unknown when this episode has been aired and when it was filmed. Probably around 2005 as well but definitely before 2008. The main series with one-part documentaries starting in 1992.

I found this pic on planet-schule via (2012). Even there, many pages are missing, like the PDF film script (that from ep "My New York" still exists). On the other hand some few vids as downloads still working (not this one). From lists, there are often only the first pages. 

The plot description is only general about the city for the upper class. For 8th or 9th grade. 30 minutes.

Elementary School English (YBM Kim, 2020)

  I found another South Korean clips on YouTube from uploader Jayedu. Playlist 2020GH English Class. Not exactly sure about the title. Grade...