Monday, November 29, 2021

Books: SDZ-Informationen

SDZ stands for Sprachdidaktisches Zentrum (at Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg im Breisgau), Germany. SDZ-Informationen is a series of 1980s and 1990s booklets for teachers about teaching English (and for other subjects). I have posts of most of the TV series, some others, I previously didn't know at all. Not sure if all of them are real TV series or just school books. Needs further inverstigations.

The publishing years are often several years later than the TV series. Google is a poor source. Next to worldcat, there is, where for some of these (and other) books, there's at least a table of contents.

List of all known booklets (English)

How to Get a Scoop


Problems of a Rich Country 

ZOOM- Your English Magazine

Double Trouble

The London Outing

Moving to Marlborough

The Ballinish Bowl

The Secret of Adlington Hall

Going Abroad: Klassenfahrten nach GB (leaflet only?) 1988, Marita Schocker-von Ditfurth

Young People: Travelling - Leisure - Holidays (Landeskunde, 1984, Marita Schocker-von Ditfurth)  

Facts and views on jobs and works, (Landeskunde, 1986, Marita Schocker-von Ditfurth)

Scotland's For Me (1993 Carmen Dier) Tourist office commercial (clip)?

Xmas (1989 Carmen Dier)


Materialen zum Hörverstehen im Englishunterricht, 1991 Doris Kocher

Authentische Hörtexte im Englischunterricht der Sekundarstufe I, 1988

Filmstrip and slide catalog, 1984

A similar booklet series is RPZ-Informationen.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Let's Talk in English (1981)


Chinese title: 大家說英語

Year published/aired: 2000 (1981)

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes:

Grade: 6 ? Junior High

Genres: basics

Sub-subject: magazine

Broadcaster: PTS (Taiwan), Good TV

Production company:

Media publisher:




Media:  DVDx28 ?

Additional media: CD ROMs, audio CD, e-magazine

Working material:

Material publisher: 

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short):  (TV) and print magazine. Hosts Andrea Rex & Anne Marie Gabe. Television broadcast since 2000. Co-exists with "Studio Classroom" (空中英语教室 since 1962, radio). I think this is an (unlimited) abonnement subscription. 28 DVDs (for six months ?)



Let's Talk in English (1976) Schulfunk

Year published/aired: 1976

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 28

Grade: 5

Genres: basics


Broadcaster: BR

Production company:

Media publisher:

Story: Karlheinz Hecht




Additional media:

Working material: Wladimir Maxim

Material publisher: TR-Verlagsunion

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): Schulfunk, so I believe this is just a radio broadcast. I found clips from a DVD with the same title, but this is obviously a different, later series.



Thursday, November 25, 2021

A Global City (Weltstadt New York)


Year published/aired: 2012

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 1 (11 chapters)

Grade: 6-12

Genres: New York

Sub-subject: culture

Broadcaster: no ?

Production company: Heil-Film

Media publisher:




Media: DVDx1 

Additional media: DVD-Rom extras, film texts, dictionaire, sheets

Working material:

Material publisher:

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): Bilingual New York documentary, 14 minutes (total). Manhattan to Harlem. People, politics, economy, subway, culture, ... 11 chapters from 0'32 to 6'31 minutes. 

Pic from the official trailer. I haven't seen the complete film. I wonder why DVDs are that short. Starting at 70 EUR. (Due to licenses).



Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Take a Look!

Year published/aired:

Year produced/filmed: 2009 ?

# of episodes: 5 ?

Grade: 6 



Broadcaster: - ?

Production company:





Media: DVD

Media distribution/sponsor: Pearson Longman

Additional media: DVD extras, worksheets, books, 3 audio CDs

Working material: Ingrid Freebairn, Brian Abbs, others

Material publisher: Pearson

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): This is a teacher supplement DVD from Pearson for different book series including Look!, My Life, New Sky. Characters are Ben and Tara (pic, left row). Tanya (unpictured), Lawrence, Helen (right row), Anna, Ed and other teens. They want to make their own TV programme. "Drama" DVD obviously life action scenes. (Set in Whytham), at least 5 episodes.

Subtitles English and Portuguese.

I haven't found a pic of the DVD. The pic and info are taken from the worksheet.

There's another 2009 (or 2011) DVD called "Five Days" for the "In Sync" series (I found different pics of that one). Grade 7-8. American English. Based on "Upbeat" (British English).

Episodes: (unknown length), maybe uncomplete

1. Happy Birthday! (Tara turns 13)

2. School Life (favourite subjects)

3. How much? (shopping clothes, Oxford Market)

4. It's raining! (hobbies, favourite movies)

5. I'm bored! (hobbies, dance competition, food)

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Country Profiles: Switzerland, just a moment, please!

Another episode of this series. German subtitle: Die Schweiz - einen Augenblick bitte!

 22 min 11 yo Eric lives in Geneve, relatives in Wallis.

Nowegian title: Sveits - bare et lite oyeblikk! (series: Land i verden)

More info about this series at the main entry

Friday, November 19, 2021

Crossing Borders

Year published/aired: 1988

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 3

Grade: 9-13

Genres: documentary

Sub-subject: culture

Broadcaster: WDR

Production company:

Media publisher: 

Story: Stuart Marlow

Editor: Dieter Buttjes

Director: Stuart Marlow ?

Media: VHSx3 

Additional media:

Working material: Dieter Buttjes ?

Material publisher:

Novel available: 

Other literature: yes

Plot (short):  Documentary.  A young American lady discovering some parts of Britain.

Hard to find infos especially with titles like this. Some basic infos I found on fachportal-paedagogik (main plot, broadcaster, grade).  Episode titles, release year, (amount) of media and people on worldcat.


Episodes: 18-19 minutes each

1. Up the Thames and down Portobello Road

2. Growing Up with different languages

3. Views of Belfast and kids in Derry

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

New Offenburg


Full Title: New Offenburg - Die letzten Badener der USA

Year published/aired: 2013

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 1

Grade: ~7?

Genres: documentary history

Sub-subject: culture

Broadcaster: no ?

Production company: barrierifilm, Blue Elephant

Media publisher: wide released

Story: Johannes Suhm


Director: Johannes Suhm

Media: DVDx1 

Additional media:

Working material:

Material publisher:

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short):  Documentary about German immigrants (Black Forest) in Ste. Genevieve, Missouri. Last generation of immigrants grewing up with German language and founding 3 towns including New Offenburg. More infos on IMDb. 78 minutes + bonus 18 minutes (deleted scenes, short film "Oma Emilie". Audio English and German /Alemannic /Badish dialect. With subtitles German and English.

Probably mainly very old people shown. Few kids. Also sports shown (American Football). But I only have seen the trailer.


Episodes: 1

Monday, November 15, 2021

Click On


Year published/aired: 2001 ?

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 4 DVDs x 5 modules x2 units

Grade: beginners-intermediate

Genres: everyday's situations

Sub-subject: grammar

Broadcaster: no ?

Production company: Express Publishing

Media publisher:




Media: DVDx4 

Additional media: books, Audio CDs, DVDs

Working material: Virginia Evans, Neil O'Sullivan

Material publisher:

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): Factual report in style of TV documentaries. 2D and 3D animations. Pic from part 3. 4 DVDs + DVD Click on starter. Not sure what is on the DVDs, probably mainly texts with pics and animations. Maybe no live action scenes? Also games and songs. British + American culture.

There is also another series called "Double Click" (2005) by the same authors. And several others from this publisher like "Forum" (2015). Mainly book series.


Saturday, November 13, 2021

It's British - isn't it? - Holiday by the Sea


Year published/aired: ~2009

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 8 units (3+5 bonus)

Grade: 6-7

Genres: British culture, holidays


Broadcaster: no ?

Production company: focus-multimedia, FWU

Media publisher: Schulfilme online




Media: DVDx1 (8 in the series)

Additional media: DVD-ROM parts, worksheets

Working material:

Material publisher:

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): Documentery about British culture and holidays. DVDs consist of different amount of movies and running times. Shortest DVD is 5 min

This is at least partial the same as Elementary English. Maybe with different running times. Or with additional bilinguar part?

Pictured: Holiday by the Sea. 2 sisters from Southern England, Jenna 15, Lucy 12 yo, also on a beach (on holiday in Wales). Another episode. This time for grades 6-7.

Episodes: 5-96 minutes each

Halloween - The Custom and the Legend

My Family (see previous post) 8 units incl animated scenes. 8 units, 29 minutes total = It's British - isn't it?: Me and my Family DVD 48 minutes bilingual (29 minutes each for English and German version)

First year English

-My Family

- A Tour of the House 

-Bedtime Story

2nd year English

-part1 How do Sally and Connor live?

Sally presents the room and the furniture in her flat (animated)

-part 2 A Day in Connor's Life (9 minutes) - school etc

-Children in other Countries

5. Holiday by the Sea (2 sisters) 20 minutes main film (no animated scenes) + 17 minutes extras (5th DVD of this series, probably 3rd of Elementary English)

Holiday by the Sea
A Maritime Setting
The Welsh Language 

+5 bonus units= 8 units

Main entry

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Elementary English


Year published/aired: ~2010

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 3x8 units ?

Grade: 5-6

Genres: British culture, holidays


Broadcaster: no ?

Production company: focus-multimedia, FWU

Media publisher: Schulfilme online




Media: DVDx3 ?

Additional media: DVD-ROM parts, worksheets

Working material:

Material publisher:

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): Documentery about British culture and holidays. DVDs consist of different amount of movies and running times. Shortest DVD is 5 min

This is at least partial the same as I'ts British - isn't it? Maybe with different running times. Or missing bilinguar part?

Pictured: My Family with 12 yo Connor Emerton and younger brother Shay.

Episodes: 5-96 minutes each

Halloween - The Custom and the Legend

My Family (pictured) 8 units incl animated scenes. 8 units, 29 minutes total = It's British - isn't it?: Me and my Family DVD 48 minutes bilingual (29 minutes each for English and German version)

First year English

-My Family

- A Tour of the House 

-Bedtime Story

2nd year English

-part1 How do Sally and Connor live?

Sally presents the room and the furniture in her flat (animated)

-part 2 A Day in Connor's Life (9 minutes) - school etc

-Children in other Countries

Holiday by the Sea (2 sisters, coming soon) 2009

Body & Clothes (2011)

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Talking Heads (100 unga röster i Europa)

Year published/aired:
1994 documentary (1992 talk show)

Year produced/filmed: 1994

# of episodes: 10 *




Broadcaster Finlands Svenska Television (FST) / YLE Fem 

Production country: Finland

Production company:






Media publisher: 

Additional media:

Working material: Stefan Randström

Material publisher: Litorale

Novel available: yes

Other literature:

Plot (short): Originally Talking Heads was a Finnish/Swedish talk show (hard to find with that title) starting in ~1992. Hosts: Steffe Randström and Baba Lybeck. There was a 10 parts, awarded travel documentary (1994) and a book. 100 Young Voices in Europe. Interviews of 100 teens and young adults 15-30 yo in different countries. I found some clips of the talk show, but none of the documentary.


1. Sarajevo: Är människan ond eller god?
2. Moskva: Är Ryssland ett hot eller en möjlighet?
3. Madrid: Om flirt, förälskelse och kärlek.
4. Berlin: Behövs socialismen igen?
5. Warszawa: Är abort mord?
6. Paris: Ska invandrarna ta seden dit de kommer?
7. London: Är popvideon konst?
8. Rom: Om propaganda och nyfascism.
9. Köpenhamn: Kan vi minska ungdomsarbetslösheten?
10. Prag: Finns Generation X?

Sunday, November 7, 2021

USA - Jenseits der großen Städte

Year published/aired: 1989

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 4




Broadcaster: WDR, (HR, SFB)

Production company:




Director: Jörg Goralewski

Media: VHSx4

Media publisher: 

Additional media:

Working material: Johann Bordon ; Hans-Jürgen Berg

Material publisher: 

Novel available

Other literature:

Plot (short): Another documentary series. Probably for 9th graders.

Episodes: 30 minutes each

1. Mason City, Iowa

2. Salina, Kansas

3. Quincy, Illinois

4. Cape Giradeau, Missouri

Friday, November 5, 2021

The European Connection

Year published/aired: 1989

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 

Grade: Beginners-native speakers

Genres: Business English



Production company: Vektor Ltd. (BBC), IBM UK

Producer: Dr. Bill Walmsley




Media: Laserdisc

Media publisher: BBC English by Television

Additional media: books, audiocassette, 3.5" disks

Working material: 

Material publisher: 

Novel available

Other literature:

Plot (short): The first interactive course on videodisc. English-German. There are also sequels in the Connections series: 

La Connection Francaise, Die Deutsche Verbindung (1990, Goethe Institute), La Conexion Espanola, The Personal Connction, The Meetings Connection (1991). Obviously all for business English. Different levels from beginners to native speakers. I found earlier Laserdiscs starting from 1983, but not interactive (Ensemble, Kontakte (BBC English), Switch On English (Klett)). Vektor Ltd. was previously Brighton Polytechnic.

Meetings, telephone skills, European topics, negotiations,...

I haven't found any pics of clips.


Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Linguaphone Video English


Year published/aired: mid 1980s

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 8 ?




Broadcaster: - ?

Production company: Linguaphone





Media: VHSx8 ?

Media publisher: Linguaphone, Sonodisc

Additional media: books, audio cassettes, DVDs, vinyl

Working material:

Material publisher:

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): Mainly an audio course for the own transportable language lab, but also VHS in the (3rd) "Video Plus" edition. Audio course on reels, tapes, vinyl and shellac since the 1950s. Exact year of VHS unknown, mid 1980s. Pic from episode/unit "Family". Also for many other languages like French and German.

At least a French course "Holiday French" has non-studio scenes. 30 minutes VHS in there (+70 min audio).



Monday, November 1, 2021



Year published/aired: 1997 ?

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 6 ?

Grade: 1

Genres: basics ?



Production company: BBC English





Media: VHSx6

Media publisher: Barcanova D.L. ?  /Anaya

Additional media: books, audio cassettes, wall charts, flashcards, VHS

Working material: Anne-Carol Fisher

Material publisher: Anaya educacion (Spain)

Novel available

Other literature:

Plot (short): This is obviously mainly a picture book series for 1st graders, but there also were VHS (I just have found pics of books, so can't say much about the VHS, but are partial animated). Books also later reissued as New Goldfish. Different illustrators. Best infos on worldcat. Audiobooks have 9 units on each of the 2 cassettes.

Episodes: 50 or (2x) 38 minutes each. VHS known:

4. Robin (VHS)

6. /2. Daniel and the Twins (VHS)



3. New Friends (Goldfish Reader) book only? Also as #1 together with the following as 2
4. The Magic Forest (New Goldfish Reader) book only?

3. /5. Harrap (New Goldfish Reader) book only?

5. The Smugglers' Den (book only?)

6. A Dangerous Adventure  (New Goldfish Reader) book only?

Elementary School English (YBM Kim, 2020)

  I found another South Korean clips on YouTube from uploader Jayedu. Playlist 2020GH English Class. Not exactly sure about the title. Grade...