Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Telekolleg I Englisch (1967)


I found a b&w clip on YouTube aired in 1976, English - lesson 54. It's definitely Telekolleg I, at least the accompanying books are titled like that. There are probably 78 lessons. At least aired since May 1967. Oldest books (TR-Verlagsunion) I found were published in 1969.

Telekolleg I (1982) in color (Englisch für Anfänger), host Graham Pascoe was very famous. I had him in Auffrischungskurs Englisch (abridged, 1996)

I'm a bit confused as I found Telekolleg II books claiming to be published in 1973 (why is Telekolleg I then 1982? A 1977 edition is about the 1982 course). I'm also not sure about the host here. Follow Me (host Francis Matthews, BBC) was in 1978 and already in color.

There was also Telekolleg II and related series. Telekolleg is ELT for adults. So not School TV anyway. This one aired in Switzerland but Telekolleg first aired in German from bradcaster BR.



Monday, June 17, 2024

Team Up in English (Rise & Shine (Didier)?)

Sorry, I'm currently running out of courses. During research I found an OOP DVD set called "Merry English on DVD" 1+2 by Eli Publishing (Italy). Probably that only has animations. On Eli Multimedia's YouTube channel, I found 2 15 year old clips from 2009 titled Team Up in English. But both are from Editions Didier. The other one is obviously from Rise & Shine showing a blond boy with spiked hair. Maybe this one as well. So that course is much earlier than 2016. Eli indeed had a 2009 four-level lower secondary course called Team Up in English (A1-B1). At least with a DVD-ROM but I think that didn't include videos. Author/concept by Fergal Kavanagh.

There's also a Thai version published by Aksorn. 

I also found "New Team Up in English" (2011?). Base, Plus and Multi edition, latter one with a Drama Reader. There's a DVD called "Hello From Britain!" and other online materials. Not to be confused with Team Up! (Pearson).


Friday, June 7, 2024

Come and see London

Year published/aired:

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 1

Grade: 7-10

Genres: London


Broadcaster: -

Production company:


Story: Klaus Stanjek


Director: Klaus Stanjek

Media: 16mm film

Media distribution: FWU 

Additional media:

Working material:

Material publisher:

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short):  A 15 yo boy from London writing a letter to his girl friend in Germany inviting her to London. Presentation /Sightseeing/ documentary about London. 14 minutes. Grades 7-10. Re-release in 2001.

Recently found on the YouTube channel The Art of Film on 16mm. 

Maybe there are other episodes with other subject?



Elementary School English (YBM Kim, 2020)

  I found another South Korean clips on YouTube from uploader Jayedu. Playlist 2020GH English Class. Not exactly sure about the title. Grade...