Thursday, March 28, 2024

Update: Go Ahead


I did some more research about Go Ahead 8 (grade 8) as the book cover has handsome teens (see main post).

As mentioned, Go Ahead 5 has the same kids as in English G Lighthouse 1 (and related series). 

I now found this clip in a book preview. But this is taken from a short film called

How Tommy Lemenchick Became a Grade 7 Legend. Full movie is 12 minutes. Probably there are just some short clips on Go Ahead 8. But still interesting. Probably some more clips. And probably same as English G Lighthouse 4. I think there are few previews of OOP versions of Go Ahead. Some earlier 90s/00s issues don't have DVDs

Main entry

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Camden Road

Year published/aired:

Year produced/filmed: 2023?

# of episodes:  23 clips (grade 5)

Grade: 5

Genres: basics, grammar

Sub-subject: Everyday's situtations

Broadcaster: -

Production company: Miguel Amortegui

Producer: Miguel Amortegui




Media: DVD/online resources

Media distribution: Westermann (Diesterweg)

Additional media: books, audio CDs, DVD-ROMs

Working material: 

Material publisher: Westermann

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): A new course for (currently only) grade 5. Published in March 2024. For Bavarian middle schools (Realschule).

There is currently 1 teacher DVD which is in fact a DVD-ROM. Earlier courses are Camden Market Junior for grades 3-4, Camden Market, Camden Town (incl. Camden Town Advanced, 3 DVDs for teachers UK/USA) and Notting Hill Gate. And Portobello Road, London Bridge. Not all have DVDs. Camden Town has student's workbooks with DVDs.

On the official book preview there is the code (page 2) for watching all videos in HD. Not sure if this is a mistake. 6 units. In total 23 short clips, I think 15-23 are text only. There are some more data on the DVD-ROM including audio files and maybe scripts and solutions.

Episodes: ~ 5 minutes each

1. This is my pet (older teen boy+girl)

2. This is Gracies Room 

5. Breakfast Time (interviews)

6. A School Day in GB (incl gym) Midhurst Rother College

7. Celebrating Birthdays (interviews of different people old +young, incl. freckled boy George) 

9. Unit: Our sports (play golf with Jake...)

12. At Camden Market (girl Alex and boy Sam, pictured) 5'48"

15-23: Text only

23: Die einfache Vergangenheit von be

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

English G 21 What's in? What's on? What's up?


This is a 2 part DVD series, abbreviated as WWW, for the long running Cornelsen school book series English G21 (2010- ~2018). There were also different books for these DVDs called Unterrichtsideen zum Film mir Kopiervorlagen (handouts, script etc). For 3 different book editions (depending on German state) A, B and D,  DVD "Band 3" is for grade 7, Band 4 is for grade 8. Main author:  Barbara Derkow-Disselbeck. Movie production Tellus Vision. Director Anna Nordqvist. 

Luckily I found one movie (full clip/trailer) about 11 youngster from Orkney on (Over the Sea to School) Band 3. Series director for that series: Les Wilson. That full series has 13 episodes.

Band 3: (OOP)

1. London 9'35

Photo: Montage: London 2'00"

Movie: Notting Hill (at the market) 1'33 (Universal LLLP)

Movie: Notting Hill (traffic scene) 0'55

Photos+docu: London street markets 1'17

Movie/interview: Extra: Brick Lane 3'48 (The Works TSC)

2. Scotland 10'34

Movie: William Wallace 0'35

docu: Over the Sea to School (Orkney Island) 2'00 Caledonia TV

docu Over the Sea (A typical school day) 2'38

music video: Travis Music Video 1'06

3. Up North 9'19

docu: I love MCR (Introduction) 0'57 (Manchester, Channel M)

docu: I love MCR (Youth Hostels) 0'36

photo: Montage: Manchester Football 0'28

Movie: Goal 0'27 (Goal Acquisitions)

docu: Making of Goal 1'42

4. Canada 10'58

docus by BC Pictures (Dragonboat, Toronto)

movie 3 clips: Fly Away Home (1996 movie)

5. Music, music, music 12'55

movies The Commitments (auditions), Fame, School of Rock, The Commitments (Mustang Sally)


Band 4: (sample PDF from offical website)

1 New York (17'20")

Movie: Hester Street 3'29

Movie: You've Got Mail 2'36

docu: 24 Hours in NYC 4'15

docu: 9/11 1'27

docu Extra: Firefighter Interview 1'30

2 California (13'08)

Docu: Earthquakes 3'13

Movie: 1.5 2'10

docu BBC Planet Earth 2'15

photo montage: Montage: California 0'39

3 Smalltown USA 10'51

photos: Montage Smalltowns 0'51

comedy: The Andy Griffith Show 1'20

TV series: Everwood 1'01

musical film: High School Musical (detention) 1'47

musical film: High School Musical (music scene) 0'46

(4 Atlanta) ...

Other DVDs were (1st with pic)

Out and About 1+2



Sunday, March 3, 2024

Get Involved!


Year published/aired: 2021

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: ~9 units per level  x3

Grade: A1+ -B2

Genres:  basics, everyday's situations

Sub-subject: grammar

Broadcaster: -

Production company:


Story: Kate Pickering, others



Media: digital only

Media distribution: Macmillan 

Additional media: books, ebook, class Audio CD, game,

Working material: Kate Pickering, others

Material publisher: Macmillan

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short):  A six-level secondary course. American and British English. I think videos only as digital content. Photo 1 from official book sample. Level A2, unit 7 (Real-world speaking: Giving Opinions". Also good Level A1 unit 2 (Elena and Owen sitting). In A1+ Me and My Family is probably a young redhaired boy called Martin Cane. (Not sure if shown in a video). Around 3 videos in each unit.

On YouTube I found "Get involved starter unit 3 video Ordering a meal" but not as good. Later I found 6 clips of Level A2+ (pic 2 below from unit 3 Making a goal diary). Another interesting clip is Unit 2: Living in 1927 (also with younger kids). Most actors are obviously teens f/m ~14-17 yo.

Episodes: unknown total length. Clips are very short ~1-3 minutes.

A1+ (British English ?):


1. Top three places in the world

2. Me and My Family

3. Farmer's Market

4. Sloth calendar

5. Smarphone gadget crafts

6. Fairy tale house

7. This day in history

8. Nadiya's journey 

Real-world speaking

1. Meeting new people

2. Talking about photos

3. Ordering Food

4. Making plans

5. Asking for information

6. Talking about last weekend

7. Buying a ticket


1. Design a new country and make a poster to introduce your country

2. Make a circle map of important people in your life


Elementary School English (YBM Kim, 2020)

  I found another South Korean clips on YouTube from uploader Jayedu. Playlist 2020GH English Class. Not exactly sure about the title. Grade...