Friday, December 8, 2023

What's on...

Year published/aired:
2017 ?

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 8 per grade? 

Grade: 3e-6e, A1-B1 

Genres: basics, grammar


Broadcaster: -

Production company: 


Story: James Windsor, Alexandra Bailey, others



Media: DVD, online

Media distribution

Additional media: books, Class Audio CD, digital ...

Working material: James Windsor, Alexandra Bailey, others

Material publisher: Hachette

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): A French secondary course by Hachette. There are class boxes with 2 or 3 CDs and 1 DVD, might be DVD-ROM. Edition 2017. Some clips might be animations and some are extracts from movies. Also reportages and interviews. Around 14 clips per DVD. Probably similar course like Teen Time. (Same year).

Pic from grade 6e, video 6 (taken from official book sample).

Episodes: Unknown length, ~14 videos per DVD (14 confirmed in 4e)



Getting to School (Kenya)


2. Wrong shoes (girl Riley, school uniform)

3. Master Chef Junior (TV show kids cooking)

11. On the catwalk (kids boys, girls)

21. Get ready (BK Birla School) India

Love our food (Jamie Oliver)


1. Meet Oliver! (boy, dark haired ~11 yo)

2. What Oliver likes

5. ? Let's make a cake (girl)

6. Yummy food in Edinburgh! (pictured) 

7. Fun for tourists in Cardiff (teen girl)

Disney animation clip (Super heroes)

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Elementary School English (YBM Kim, 2020)

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