Sunday, December 3, 2023

Teen Time

Year published/aired:
2017 ?

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 5 per grade? 

Grade: 3e-6e, A1-B1 

Genres: basics, grammar


Broadcaster: -

Production company: 


Story: Christoph Poiré, Sarah Collin, others



Media: DVD, online

Media distribution

Additional media: books, Class Audio CD, digital ...

Working material: Christoph Poiré, Sarah Collin, others

Material publisher: Hachette

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): A French secondary course by Hachette. There are class boxes with 3 CDs and 1 DVD, might be DVD-ROM. According back cover, per grade there should only be 5 videos (including movie extracts, animations and reportages) but I found some more in most grades in each workbook. Either videos are longer or some are links only. Length of the videos is unknown. The main student books (manuels and workbooks) have links to videos. ~6-7 units per grade.

Pic from grade 4e, video 2 (taken from official book sample).

Episodes: Unknown length, 5 videos per DVD 


1. Connected lives 

2. Safer Internet Day

3: Awesome con (Comic convention DC)

4. How did they become superhoes?

6. What do I want to do?

7. Teen jobs

8-9. Mexican immigration

Unit 6 Girls aren't strong


1. A long walk to freedom (Nelson Mandela)

2. One of the greatest Sports nations (NZ, Rugby) pictured.

2b. Eat, Move, Live (Valerie Adams)

3. The life of a pioneer (b&w) ~1830s, Bridgeman

5. Earth Hour (RatPac Documentary Films, Mandarin Film Productions)

6. Progress for a better future


1. Wales, a sporting nation (bog snorkelling ?)

2. Cheaper with the CityPASS (NYC) promotional video

3. We had a great time (Thanksgiving)

4. Whodunnit? (detective)

5. Who's gonna win the show? (girl, talent show)

6. Britain's Got Talent (dos and don'ts)


(only 3 videos found, no photos in the books)

1. Mr. Bean (cooking)

2. Garfield

3. Free Time (Tom Sheward and his family) half-brother, 2 half-sisters

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Elementary School English (YBM Kim, 2020)

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