Saturday, December 30, 2023

Try n' Fly

Year published/aired:

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: ~7-8 per grade? 

Grade: 3e-4e, A2-B1 

Genres: basics, grammar

Sub-subject: sports, culture, geography

Broadcaster: -

Production company: 


Story: Audrey Brizard, Michael Combier, others



Media: DVD, online, USB key

Media distribution

Additional media: books, Class Audio CD, digital ...

Working material: Audrey Brizard, Michael Combier, others

Material publisher: Hachette

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): A French secondary course by Hachette. Grades 3+4. First published in 2022. There's also a 2023 edition. Not sure where the clips are. I haven't found plain DVDs. Maybe digital only. Most clips obviously only showing grown-ups. Some are animations only. Clips are under categories: Take Off, Fly on..., fly further.

Episodes: Unknown length, most clips probably very short


Take Off! Under the Spotlights

I: C. Emma Raducanu (Tennis)

2. Ada Lovelace (scientist, animation)

9. The Space Race (animation)

Indian Chai

Indian Cooking by Gordon Ramsay

New Zealand Curry

13. An Island of Champions (Jamaica, Sports, grown-ups)

Girl Ranger (pictured)

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Starwise (The Visitor)

Year published/aired: 1984 

Year produced/filmed: 

# of episodes: 4 ?

Grade: 5-8

Genres: Adventure, Sci-Fi



Production company: Skan Productions ?


Story: Michael Gorell Barnes


Director: Malcolm Hossick

Media: VHSx4 ?

Media Publisher: Nelson Filmscan, Åløkke Video

Additional media: books, teacher books

Working material: Doug Case, Michael Palmer, Donn Byrne

Material Publisher: Filmscan, Longman ?

Novel available: 

Other literature:

Plot (short): Another Sci-Fi series published 1984 by Nelson Filmscan. 4 parts for grades 5-8. Danish editors: Kari Edvardsen, Hardy Nikolajsen, Elizabeth Winther. I haven't found much info. Best sources next to worldcat is . Main school book series is maybe called Track 1 (by Michael Palmer, Donn Byrne, publisher Longman). Maybe it's the same as The Visitor, see below. Series: Children's English Course by Video.

Episodes: 90 minutes total 

Starwise 1: The Visitor (5th grade)

Starwise 4 ... (8th grade)


Info: A related series is obiously "The Visitor". (Maybe that's even the same (part 1)). More info (plot) there. I have also added a logo. I haven't found any screenshots or clips.


Friday, December 15, 2023

World Wide English


Year published/aired: 2010 ?

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 12x3

Grade: A2-B1, 7th

Genres: basics, grammar

Sub-subject: Geography

Broadcaster: -

Production company: Tellus Vision (Sweden)


Story: Akira Morita, Akihiko Sato, Bill Benfield, others


Director: Vicky Finch

Media: DVDx3, digital

Media distribution: Cornelsen, Seibido (Japan)

Additional media: books, teacher CD

Working material:

Material publisher: Cornelsen

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): There are at least 3 DVDs. ~1h20 each. 12 Programmes with 5 minute Introduction and 10 minute documentary (Cornelsen). Bonus clip with foods. Optional subtitles. I thought I found it earlier, but currently can't find it. I found a book sample (Japanese version, publisher Seibido). Maybe this is the original production? At least some clips were produced by Swedish Tellus Vision (Vol 1 only ?).

Pic 1 from review unit (7), book, on left Robert from LA?, pic 2 below from DVD 2 (Japanese sample). Obviously there are mainly or only grown ups or older teens shown and many landscape scenes.

Full Japanese title: World Wide English on DVD - For Global Communication Skills. (I only found 2 volumes there, green and orange covers, revised edition). Probably abridged. Original title: 世界で輝く若者たちの英語. First edition vol 1 is yellow.

Update: Added director, 2010 instead of 2011.



Volume 1: UK: England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Irleland

Volume 2: New York, Los Angeles, Canada, Bahamas

Volume 3: Australia, South Africa, India, New Zealand


Vol 1: Revised edition (Japanese)

1. LA Living th Dream 3'38 Intro

2. LA Meeting Different Kinds of People 3'46 documentary

3. Scotland: A Country Filled with Imagination and New Ideas

4. Scotland: Being a Typical Scot, and Proud of It 3'59

5. Canada: Living in Harmony with Nature 4'21

6. Canada: A Young Adventurer in Ottawa 3'57

7. Review Section (pic 1)

8. NZ: Into the Peacefulness 3'57

9. NZ: An Interesting Walk with Sophie 4'04

10. England: Having a Big Influence on the World 3'44

11. England: Living Your Life to the Maximum 3'44

12. The Bahamas: Developed Tourism Maximum 3'51

13. The Bahamas: Making Steps to Archive Your Goals 3'55

14. Review Section II

DVD 2 ?: original 1st? Japanese edition

1. New York: The City That Never Sleeps 3'28 Intro

2. New York: A Passion for Hip Hop 3'59 documentary

3. Australia: The Unique continent 3'24 intro

4. Australia: A Girl with Big Dreams and High Hopes  3.57

5. Northern Ireland: A Country with Old History and Unique Nature 3'56

6. Northern Ireland: More Than Meets the Eye 3'27

7. Review Section 4'40

8. South Africa: The Rainbow Nation 3'01

9. South Africa: Life Is a Gift 3'47

10. Wales: A Small Country with a Big History 3'26

11. Wales: Enjoying New Experiences 3'44

12. India: A Lively Country of Colors and Contrasts 3'52

13: India: The Most Important Things in My Life 3'43

14: Review Section II


Friday, December 8, 2023

What's on...

Year published/aired:
2017 ?

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 8 per grade? 

Grade: 3e-6e, A1-B1 

Genres: basics, grammar


Broadcaster: -

Production company: 


Story: James Windsor, Alexandra Bailey, others



Media: DVD, online

Media distribution

Additional media: books, Class Audio CD, digital ...

Working material: James Windsor, Alexandra Bailey, others

Material publisher: Hachette

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): A French secondary course by Hachette. There are class boxes with 2 or 3 CDs and 1 DVD, might be DVD-ROM. Edition 2017. Some clips might be animations and some are extracts from movies. Also reportages and interviews. Around 14 clips per DVD. Probably similar course like Teen Time. (Same year).

Pic from grade 6e, video 6 (taken from official book sample).

Episodes: Unknown length, ~14 videos per DVD (14 confirmed in 4e)



Getting to School (Kenya)


2. Wrong shoes (girl Riley, school uniform)

3. Master Chef Junior (TV show kids cooking)

11. On the catwalk (kids boys, girls)

21. Get ready (BK Birla School) India

Love our food (Jamie Oliver)


1. Meet Oliver! (boy, dark haired ~11 yo)

2. What Oliver likes

5. ? Let's make a cake (girl)

6. Yummy food in Edinburgh! (pictured) 

7. Fun for tourists in Cardiff (teen girl)

Disney animation clip (Super heroes)

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Teen Time

Year published/aired:
2017 ?

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 5 per grade? 

Grade: 3e-6e, A1-B1 

Genres: basics, grammar


Broadcaster: -

Production company: 


Story: Christoph Poiré, Sarah Collin, others



Media: DVD, online

Media distribution

Additional media: books, Class Audio CD, digital ...

Working material: Christoph Poiré, Sarah Collin, others

Material publisher: Hachette

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): A French secondary course by Hachette. There are class boxes with 3 CDs and 1 DVD, might be DVD-ROM. According back cover, per grade there should only be 5 videos (including movie extracts, animations and reportages) but I found some more in most grades in each workbook. Either videos are longer or some are links only. Length of the videos is unknown. The main student books (manuels and workbooks) have links to videos. ~6-7 units per grade.

Pic from grade 4e, video 2 (taken from official book sample).

Episodes: Unknown length, 5 videos per DVD 


1. Connected lives 

2. Safer Internet Day

3: Awesome con (Comic convention DC)

4. How did they become superhoes?

6. What do I want to do?

7. Teen jobs

8-9. Mexican immigration

Unit 6 Girls aren't strong


1. A long walk to freedom (Nelson Mandela)

2. One of the greatest Sports nations (NZ, Rugby) pictured.

2b. Eat, Move, Live (Valerie Adams)

3. The life of a pioneer (b&w) ~1830s, Bridgeman

5. Earth Hour (RatPac Documentary Films, Mandarin Film Productions)

6. Progress for a better future


1. Wales, a sporting nation (bog snorkelling ?)

2. Cheaper with the CityPASS (NYC) promotional video

3. We had a great time (Thanksgiving)

4. Whodunnit? (detective)

5. Who's gonna win the show? (girl, talent show)

6. Britain's Got Talent (dos and don'ts)


(only 3 videos found, no photos in the books)

1. Mr. Bean (cooking)

2. Garfield

3. Free Time (Tom Sheward and his family) half-brother, 2 half-sisters

Elementary School English (YBM Kim, 2020)

  I found another South Korean clips on YouTube from uploader Jayedu. Playlist 2020GH English Class. Not exactly sure about the title. Grade...