Sunday, February 27, 2022

California: The Golden State (Kalifornien: Der goldene Staat)

Year published/aired: 2011 

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes:   

Grade: 6-10   

Genres: geography

Sub-subject: USA

Broadcaster: - ?

Production company: Heil-Film





Media: DVDx 1

Media distribution: Heil-Film

Additional media: sheets, online link

Working material:

Material publisher:

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): Another short geography course, this time just about California. Pic from the trailer. San Francisco, San Diego, Death Valley, climate, different landscapes, enonomy, ...

Also see other movies from that company (blog search).


Episodes:  28 minutes total (one language ?), bilingual, so maybe just 2x14 minutes for each German and English audio. Aka Kalifornien/California (DVD title).

-Los Angeles (biggest plot, 7 minutes)

Friday, February 25, 2022

English for Juniors (1991)

I found it and it should be related to How to Get a Scoop.

Later I found a 1991 radio broadcasting (Schulfunk) series (of the same name). For 6th grade. 15 minutes per episode. Both are from WDR. Editor Stephan Piltz. Editor and maybe producer: Dr. Heide-Rose Verderber.

There are also radio series English for Beginners, English for Seniors (10th Grade).

2 episodes of English for juniors are about geography.

-Rob Roy of Loch Lomond (Scotland in 1700)

-Hello Glen Coe (German and English boy on a trip to Scotland)

-Seargant 'Babyface' and the Truant

-Seargant 'Babyface' and the Bully Boys

-The Pop Fan

-Mrs Markham and the Rose Killer

-Professor Thompsons and the Old Shakespeare Theatre


As all these are not set in Lymington, I still think that there is a ~1976 TV series.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Info 13: issues fixed ?

2 days ago, at afternoon, I could access my wiki for a long time (maybe 30 or more minutes and also after that there were no issues). Maybe they have fixed (most) of their issues. But there are also important steps to do before accessing.

First, entering the site with just "" ist not enough, although redirecting to www.... There is a certificate error (as it was valid only up to 2010). Can be overriden in Firefox. 

TLS 1.1 can also be (still) set in current Firefox. Probably it also has to be set in the Firefox security setting (->certificates, server-> exception for this site). I already had this, and viewing the certificate under the setting says that it would be valid. The setting must not be made when browsing in a private window.

It can still be a coincidence, there are new ad windows. Maybe the ad server had issues. Or only works at afternoons. 

And it's still unclear if future Firefox or other browser versions handle TLS 1.1 and a 2010 cerificate or for how long. I doubt that the wiki farm owner will renew the certificate.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Country Profiles: A look over ... Portugal

Another one of the 10 episodes of this international ICEM production, this time 1997. For 5th grade. 15 minutes. Director: Elisa Antunes. German version and material by Annerose and Rainer Hahn, Christine Lang. As usual geography, history, culture, agriculture, food, ecology etc.

11 yo girl Joana lives in capital Lisbon. On weekends she's often with her family in a cottage in rural village Obidos near a castle visiting her granddad. She has a little brother called Francisco and plays a recorder flute.

Full film text on praxis-unterrichtsfilm via

Main entry

Some more details about the issues on wiki-site:


Saturday, February 19, 2022



Year published/aired: 1970 ? 

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes:   

Grade: Beginners ?   

Genres: Basics


Broadcaster: Swedish TV, others

Production company: 





Media: -

Media distribution:

Additional media: vinyl, tapes ?

Working material: Dennis Gotobed, Per-Olof Hensjø, Stig Eriksson

Material publisher: Sveriges Radio förlag (SR)

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short):  Different parts and books. Radio and TV series. Hosted by Dennis Gotobed (pic 2) aired in Sweden. I first found "Smile, Please" 1964. Another one is Time for English. Different grades and titles. One is Start : engelska för dig. 1, Radio- och tv-kurs för nybörjare. Finnish title: Start 1 : Radion ja television englannin peruskurssi. At least 6 units/books. Also used in Denmark and Norway. Obviously a typical basic course of it's time with a studio host and short scenes.


Thursday, February 17, 2022

Focus on the USA (Die USA kennenlernen)


Year published/aired: 2017 

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes:   

Grade: 6 ?   

Genres: geography

Sub-subject: USA

Broadcaster: - ?

Production company: Heil-Film





Media: DVDx 1

Media distribution: Heil-Film

Additional media: DVD-ROM parts

Working material:

Material publisher:

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): General geography course about the USA. Pic from the trailer (shown like this). Short parts about all of the 50 states (in 20 or 37 minutes).

DVD extras include film texts (German and English), sheets, dictionary. DVD subtitle: Die 50 Staaten und das Sternenbanner; The 50 states + The Star Spangled Banner.

Also see other movies from that company (blog search).


Episodes:  37 minutes total (one language ?), bilingual, according another site 20 minutes. So probably 2x~20 minutes for each German and English audio.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

The Victor - English Method


Year published/aired: 1985 (or 1987) 

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 20  

Grade: Beginners ?   

Genres: everyday's situations


Broadcaster: - ?

Production company: (Victor) EBNER (Institute)

Story: J. Bonnet ?, J. Seilern


Director: J. Bonnet ?, N. Weyer

Producer: Christian Ebner

Media: VHSx10, DVDx 4?

Media distribution: CREDSA (Spain), Institute Video Langues

Additional media:

Working material:

Material publisher:

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): General course including animations. Later 2000s title: "Víctor : curso de inglés". I found this during research for other titles of CREDSA and/or Video Teaching Services de Espana (The Cottage, 1988). 

Animations of Victor by J. Tendron (Aniforms). Half of the time, animations are shown. Otherwise looks similar like the classics like Telekolleg. A later version is called The New English Method. There are also French, Spanish, Italian, German and maybe other courses. And a DVD called Let's speak American (2009). One Warner DVD set (2 DVD) is for kids: "L'anglais avec Victor : dès 10 ans" (2006).


Episodes:  30 minutes each episode, 2 on each VHS

10 VHS, VHS 6 (pictured) has parts 12-20.


Sunday, February 13, 2022

California Stories

Year published/aired:

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes:

Grade: 6-10   

Genres: documentary teen lives

Sub-subject: geography, ecology

Broadcaster: - ?

Production company:





Media: DVD

Media distribution: Heil-Film (Germany)

Additional media: download, DVD-ROM parts

Working material:

Material publisher:

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): 8 short stories including interviews about California and teen lives. 29 minutes total. Ranch, wind farm, geography, school (classroom with Mac PCs). Optional English subtitles. On DVD-ROM 8 sheets, 8 texts, 2 handouts. Pic from the official trailer. Sounds interesting. I haven't seen all of it, but most or all teens are obviously quite old.

Founder and director Paul R. Heil died in 1979. So current producer/director not known. And not sure if this a full German production of all 8 movies.

There's also another 2011 DVD (28 minutes) Kalifornien, der Goldene Staat - The Golden State) aka Kalifornien/California (DVD title), coming soon.


Episodes:  29 minutes total

Chris, The Snowboarder
4 Dollar Gasoline
Hope Elementary School
Isaiah, On Melrose Ave.
Mariaposa Song
Ranch Rodeo
Rudy's Garden
Tehachapi Windfarm


Friday, February 11, 2022

Info 12:, stats


I am also updating my previous wiki, but there are currently some (more) issues. Next to the older issues TLS 1.1 instead of 1.2 (currently working on Firefox when enabled) missing SSL (https), not being crawled by Google search etc, there are now very often server issues. (Maybe they try to fix the other issues?)

Often the site cannot be accessed at all. Between 10-11 am, the site is not down and I can post 1 or 2 posts including uploading pics, but after some few minutes it's down again.

So it was the right decision to move it here, but I want to keep the wiki for several reasons including backup. It has some few more functions (like everyone can download the site, show what links to a page). I have disabled the edit functions for everyone to prevent spam.

I have few hits here, though. ~2-3 per post each day. Yesterday 10 hit, last month 209 (including my hits). And I'm running out of good (vintage) series. But I try to continue. Some posts are exclusive and hard to find.

Stats on top incl posts from total time, graph below monthly stats (daily hits, two days ago 14 hits).

Update: For about a week, I can't access wiki-site at all. Different down site detectors showing different results. So, currently I think that these are not server issues but maybe browser blocking or similar. I think the site is also redirected. Today, the site was also shown as down (after the certifcate error), but after a google search and evtereing the full site, see below, I was able to access it. After Uploading 2 pics and making one post, it's (shown as) down again. There's another site domain, redirect (I currently not remember), when editing I've seen search on a site like activetech. Some sites work (previously) According whois the domain wiki-site was updated in June 2021 and hosted on amazon servers.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Country Profiles: Finland - Meet three sisters


Another one of the 10 episodes of this international ICEM production, this time 1996. (Suomi Finland), German title: Finnland: Drei Schwestern.  1996, 19 min (3 sisters, everyday situations). 

Heini, Henna-Kaisa and Hanneriika living in a mid-size Finnish city Kajaani in district Kaynuu. This documentary shows their lives during one year. They have cows and sheep. Mother is a teacher, dad works in a paper factory. Change of Finland, technology in agriculture, high unemployment, hobbies, school, ...

Main entry

Monday, February 7, 2022

Country Profiles: Adventure Austria


Another, 1997 episode of this 10 parts series. German title: Abenteuer Österreich. 19 min, 2 boys of Vienna (Lukas, probably pic below) and Tyrol (Peter, obviously in green on the right in city Steinach in Wipptal, Stubaital). Norwegian title: Land i verden: Opplevelser i Østerrike.

Geography, history, attractions, traditions (food, Christmas) and economy/ jobs (of parents) and differences between the alps and a big city. Lukas is dreaming of a holiday in the country. He also likes ice-hockey and ice-skating in Vienna. Also shown or talked about: Salzburg (Mozart), Linz, Salzkammergut,... I wonder, how they all put it in 19 minutes. I think English and German versions are on 2 different VHS. Not sure about the DVD and the Nowegian release. At least subtitles there.

Full transcript available on the previous website of via (2002).

Main entry


Saturday, February 5, 2022

Country Profiles: Heartland USA


Another, 1997 episode of this 10 parts series. Produced by The Phoenix Learning Group. I found some tiny pics (only this one from this episode) and the film text on the previous "Praxis-Unterrichtsfilm" site via and some more German titles.

The plot here is about Lee (originated from Korea) and Anne Roby and their family living in St. Louis, Missouri, a big Midwest city. Going to school, shopping, meeting friends,playing golf, ... 

They have another, older brother Seth, studying aboard. Parents are divorced. They moved from Iowa and Pennsylvania.

20 minutes. Co-production of ICEM (International Council for Education Media) ; directed by John Dallavis, produced by Barbara Bryant. Released on VHS and DVD. (VHS maybe bilingual, DVD maybe just US version). 5th grade. German Version and material by Rainer Hahn.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Die größte Grundschule Großbritanniens (Britain's Biggest Primary School)


Year published/aired: ~2015 

Year produced/filmed: 2015

# of episodes:

Grade: ~7-10 ?  

Genres: documentary school

Sub-subject: culture

Broadcaster: Channel 5,

Production company: Century Films



Director: Alice Mayhall, Rob McCabe, Claire Cameron

Producer: Nasfim Haque, Alice Mayhall, Claire Cameron

Media: DVDx5

Media distribution: BBC, Heil-Film (Germany)

Additional media: download, DVD-ROM parts

Working material:

Material publisher:

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): Documentaries about the biggest school in UK: Gascoigne Primary in Barking. More than 1100 pupils, 60 languages, 160 teachers and care workers. Including interviews. German and English audio. At least 5 DVDs=episodes. Many pages only list 3 or 4. (IMDb: 4). Pic from the trailer. Narrator: Zawe Ashton. 

Chinese title: 英國規模最大的小學教育.


Episodes:  DVDs below from German release, 43-44 minutes each

DVD I: In at the Deep End - Ins kalte Wasser springen

II. The Trouble with Boys - Der Ärger mit Jungs (3 boys)

III: Learning to Love - Lieben Lernen (7 yo Alaniss returns to school)

IV: Goodbye Year 6 - Abschied von der Sechsten

V: Christmas - Weihnachten (Food, Christmas play with 150 kids)

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Scout - Baukästen für den Englischunterricht


Another Baukasten (tool box), mainly book series published in 1984 by Langenscheidt-Longman. First one was Issues (1976). Contents can be found on Authors: Gabriela Apel-Schurig, Angelika Oberwinter, Cornelia Renner, Manfred Schurig, H.J. Hoss. ~48-56 pages each. Obviously mainly example sentences with some illustrations. Book 8 also has songs. Books 7-9 are also about culture. Book 9 was published in 1986.  ~10 chapters each. Also 2 teacher books ~96 pages with handouts (units 1-4+5-9). Maybe some more additional material (eg audio like in Issues)? Book 9 is also about exchange students and London. Sample: 9.6 What to visit in London. 9.8 How to use the subway in London. 9.10 How English people live.

Scout 1: What's your name?

Scout 2: Hey, can I have your pencil?

Scout 3: Have you got any brothers and sisters?

Scout 4: Have you got a pet?

Scout 5: I'm Looking for a Jumper

Scout 6: Shall We go by Train?

Scout 7: What's Your favourite Food?

Scout 8: Do you like watching TV?

Scout 9: Would you like to come to Britain?

Elementary School English (YBM Kim, 2020)

  I found another South Korean clips on YouTube from uploader Jayedu. Playlist 2020GH English Class. Not exactly sure about the title. Grade...