Friday, January 28, 2022

In Sync (Five Days)


Year published/aired: 2011 ?

Year produced/filmed: 2009 ?

# of episodes: 2 DVD, books 4 levels

Grade: Beginner-advanced 

Genres: teen lives

Sub-subject: culture/ US/London/USA

Broadcaster: - ?

Production company:





Media: DVDx2

Media distribution/sponsor: Pearson Longman

Additional media: books, audio CDs, CD ROMs, ...

Working material: Ingrid Freebairn, Jonathan Bygrave, others

Material publisher: Pearson

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): 4 part book series with different DVDs and audio CDs. In Sync has 2 DVDs, "Five Days" (for In Sync 2=level 2), pictured, a drama DVD with American and British teens making a video about London for a contest, and "Our World" (In Sync 4) showing lives/culture of UK and US teens. The series is based on the British series "Upbeat".  I also have Take a Look!. And 3 more series, co-work with Brian Abbs (blog search).

Characters in Five Days: Simon, Rachel, Nina and Harry. Books or videos might be published/released in 2009.

Episodes:  Unknown length/episodes. I assume ~60 minutes or less for each DVD.


Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Book: Stephen Speight: The Computer Virus


Another reader by Stephen Speight (1992, Klett, 40 pages with illustrations, English Readers series, Early stage 6). This one is aimed at younger kids, obviously 6th grade and is also available on audio cassette (I haven't heard that). Few questions, almost no vocabulary.

Detective, sabotage plot about 2 competing teams of school newspaper reporters. Again, the main character is a girl. Fun, timeless plot with a happy ending, not involving pregnant teens or similar, but so fewer stuff for discussion. Timeless (replace diskette by USB stick or computer with cell phone and app/SMS). A bit unrealistic. But one of the best of that author (by now).

A kid of one team breaks in the house of the competing team, putting a virus on their computer (by just leaving a diskette in the drive for some seconds (without typing anything)). The computer is defective and playing a game and has to be tricked (sounds a bit like the 1983 movie WarGames). Schoolsell is the name of the paper, then renamed to Bargain Bazaar. Advertiser is the oppenent's paper.





Murderer - what murderer?

It's a virus

The detectives

Caught red-handed

Can you kill our virus?

You can't catch me

Two papers are better than one

Monday, January 24, 2022

Update: USA I-VI (1999) - DVD 2003


I have updated that post including Bavarian company (Heil-Film), running lengths and this pic (taken from a trailer). Originally I had this under USA (2003) but that is obviously for the DVD releases. Part 1 (VHS) has been released in 1999. Not sure when this was filmed as the director died in 1979. But due to the clothes it can't be in the 70s.

Pictures of England

Year published/aired: 1990

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 1

Grade: 6-12

Genres: Documentary

Sub-subject: Geography

Broadcaster: no ?

Production company: Heil-Film

Media publisher:



Director: Paul R. Heil (or successor)

Media: VHSx1 

Additional media:

Working material:

Material publisher:

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): One of several documentaries by Bavarian company Heil-Film. About geography, land, cities, daily living, leisure. I haven't found that one on their site, VHS probably OOP. They made movies at least since 1950. The director who founded the company died in 1979.

It includes: Stonehenge, Warwick Castle, Cambridge, Straford upon Avon, Land's End, etc. Infos taken from 2 different online media databases/libraries. One missing year and grade, other missing plots).

Similar looking recent DVDs about general England are: A Trip to England (18 min), A Week in England (18 min, 2005), Eine Reise durch England (18 min, bilingual), Take a Look at the UK - Ein Blick auf das Vereinigte Königreich (15 min, 2010).

Also DVD about Great Britain, London, Wales, Ireland, USA (incl. USA (1999) DVD2003 USA I-VI)), California, Europe, and other countries incl Germany.

I also had A Global City - Weltstadt New York.

Episodes: 30 minutes total

Saturday, January 22, 2022



Year published/aired: 2004

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 6

Grade: ~4

Genres: Songs

Sub-subject: basics

Broadcaster: no ?

Production company:

Media publisher:




Media: VHSx2 

Additional media:

Working material:

Material publisher:

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): Learning by Singing. Including documentaries. For elementary schools (<= 4th grade. I haven't found any clips yet. Pic taken from a PDF "Dem Ton auf der Spur" by (Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich). Kids should as least sing the refrain.

Obviously used (mainly) or only in Switzerland. According a PDF Medienzentrum Heidelberg (only 1 song listened: The Rain Song, pictured) this was released in 2000. 2004 according a DOC Grundschule (Kreis-hz).

I think the (lyrics) Rain Song is by John Parry (Johnny Parry?) but could be a traditional.  I found a BBC Northern Ireland Education Online PDF ("One Potato Two Potato", radio series, script by Bernagh Brims, story by Bernard McLaverty, 2001). Maybe from BBC's 'Singing Together? Hard to find infos with this title.


Episodes: 10 minutes each song

VHS1: -1 London Bridge 2 The Rain Song 3 All Around My Hat

VHS2: -1 Loch Lomond 2 The Dark House 3 God Saves the Queen

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Action UK! 1


I previously had Action UK! 2 but 1 is for 5th grade and has other short films ("Way-In"). The DVD by Klett is combined for Green/Red/Orange Line and has a running time of 31 minutes + 13 minutes bonus. 

The 2017 Green Line version is 41+15 minutes. There are several other books (depending on grade and German state) and several additional materials including books (including photo stories), Audio CD, sheets, transcripsts, apps (1 year valid) etc and materials for teachers. Pic is taken from the cover of book Green Line 1 (ebook sample and has some pics from the DVD including geocaching and farm).

Kids (maybe not all are shown on the DVD(s)) are Dave, Olivia, Holly, Luke and Jay (Blue Line).

Kids Laura, Jinsoo und Marley in London (Blue Line, confirmed on DVD)

Episodes of the 2014 DVD (incomplete list), one episode must be "On the Farm" with Maya, Josh and Greg (confirmed 5th grade, obviously Orange Line). There's a separate 2009 photo story book. But not sure if the clip is on the current 2014 or 2017 DVD.

7 units, 6 chapters each (Green Line 1) Action UK Studio, Focus on, That's Life, Try it out.

Intoduction /Way-In, short reports (BBC Motion Gallery: Schools in the UK, What you can see on the Thames),


(Focus On) Reports: (at least Green Line)

Three Reporters from Greenwich

At Home in Greenwich

Our Favourite clubs


At the market

A year in our lives

On the Farm (Maya, Josh und Greg)


That's life! scenes (at least Green line)

Where's My Trainer?

Hurry Up!

No time

At the cinema

Stacey's Birthday

A picnic in the country

7. (unknown)

Sequences with the kids/action!: (at least blue/red/orange)

Around the House (Laura has an older brother missing her hair plattening iron)

Making Friends (friendship at school (Thomas Tallis School))

Who's the fastest? (running competition of Jinsoo and Marley)

The sleepover (Laura, Parule, Emily, Alicia, brother Nathan)

Out and about Greenwich (Marley, Jinsoo), post office, city

A trip to the country (Geocaching 3 kids including Jinsoo)

Bonus: 5 tracks (incomplete)

Shopping, Special days in Britain, How to be polite (blonde girl for section Across cultures 1), Shopping for food, Making-of.

Update: I later found a short clip. 2 screenshots here

Sunday, January 16, 2022

I Want to Go to School


Year published/aired: 1959 

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes:  1

Grade: 8 (Germany)

Genres: Documentary


Broadcaster: - ?

Production company: Graphic Film Ltd.



Director: John Krish

Media: 16mm /DVD, BD

Media publisher: BFI Video /FWU

Additional media:  

Working material:

Material publisher: 

Novel available: 

Other literature:


Plot (short):  A day at school Primary Junior Mixed School in Luton. B&w. Produced for the National Union of teachers. Part of "A Day in the Life - Four Portraits of Post-war Britain". Later released on DVD/BD with 3 other movies 1953- 1964. In Germany adapted by FWU. Maybe I have to make a list for 16mm movies to separate them from the VHS and TV broadcasts.

Episodes: 31 minutes

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Video Visits


Year published/aired: ~1985-2000s 

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes:  ?

Grade: 9/10

Genres: Geography

Sub-subject: Travel/cultures

Broadcaster: - ?

Production company:



Director: several

Media: VHS, Laserdisc

Media publisher: International Video Network

Additional media:  

Working material:

Material publisher: 

Novel available: 

Other literature:


Plot (short):  Several (at least 65 in 2005) travel videos, (some) obviously also used at schools. I found it at a catalogue (Medienzentrum Heidelberg) like "Discovering Canada" (1992). Also about non-English speaking countries. Oldest VHS I found is from 1985.

Episodes: (selection, mainly English speaking) ~60-80 minutes each

Spain 1986, Paris 1986, Japan 1988, New Zealand 1988, Discovering Germany 1989, Chicago: One magnificient City 1991, Canada 1992, California 1995, Texas 1996, China 2003, ...

London, New York, Australia, Great Cities of Europe, Carribean, Bahamas, San Francisco - Golden Gateway, Alaska - Alaska Experience, Royal Windsor and Eton, Discovering Wales, ...

Monday, January 10, 2022

Action Worldwide!

Year published/aired: 2018/2019 

Year produced/filmed: 2014 ?

# of episodes:  ?

Grade: 9/10

Genres: Geography


Broadcaster: - ?

Production company:

Media publisher: Klett

Story: Gerlind Becker,



Media: 1 DVD (x2)

Media publisher: Klett

Additional media: books, 

Working material:

Material publisher: Klett/Egmont

Novel available: 

Other literature:


Plot (short):  "Filmsequenzen DVD" (additional scenes and listening /watching comprehension) for school book series Blue/Red/ Orange Line 5/6. Grades 9/10. One DVD each (Grade 5 and 6, not separate like for Blue). 30 minutes each.

There are also DVDs Film in Action!, Action UK! , Action USA! and Jobs in Action!

Episodes: <30 minutes without Bonus, 33/36 minutes total per DVD incl. Bonus

Several scenes (maybe around 5 or 7 units with ~4 scenes each?) obviously different countries/continents including Afrika (elephants), Australia (kangaroos), India and/ or Asia /Taj Mahal), USA (City, Surfing Hawaii ?), Canada (Ice bear). Many animals and famous landscapes/buildings (pics on DVD covers).

"Way in" and "Film Corner" scenes like in the other Action DVDs. No more details known. Subtitles English and German.

DVDs published in 2018 and 2019 according author and back DVD cover. Publisher says 2014. I think the books are published in 2014. Film scenes are from archives anyway. Maybe filmed <2010 like the other DVDs.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Jobs in Action!


Year published/aired: 2009

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes:  5 units ?

Grade: 9/10

Genres: Jobs

Sub-subject: teen lives

Broadcaster: - ?

Production company: Scoop Films (Berlin)

Media publisher: Klett

Story: Gerlind Becker, Markus Reinecke


Director: Christian Mertens

Media: DVD

Media publisher: Klett

Additional media: books, CD-ROM, sheets

Working material: Ingrid Hartmann-Scheer, Petra Reuter

Material publisher: Klett/Egmont

Novel available: 

Other literature:


Plot (short):  "Filmsequenzen DVD" (additional scenes and listening /watching comprehension) for school book series Green Line 5-6 /Kl 9-10. 5 means 5th year of English (9th grade). Maya, Josh und Greg finished school and look for jobs. Maya (Katie Marie Warsop) tried the Ryam Hotel in Berlin, but is being bullied (pic from unit 3 taken from the official trailer). More details and staff at crew united. 

There's another DVD for Red Line 5-6 (obviously same plot but different level/school system). And a separate DVD for Orange Line (not combined Red Blue Orange Line like in later DVDs).

Working sheets include pre, while and post view activities.

There are also DVDs Film in Action!, Action UK! , Action USA! and Action Worldwide!

Episodes: 36 minutes total (incomplete list) no Bonus?, At least 5 units. (Probably not more than 7).

No more details as OOP. I think this is mainly about Maya. The other students are not undecided.

Unit 1: 4 scenes (Maya in Berlin, careers office) Scene 1: 1:34, Scene 2: 3'24, Scene 3: 0'43, Scene 4: 0'47

Units 3-5 are set in the Berlin hotel.

Friday, January 7, 2022

Scottish Sketchbook

Year published/aired: 2000 ?

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes:  2

Grade: 10-

Genres: Documentaries, Scotland


Broadcaster: BR

Production company:

Media publisher: 

Story: Hannelore Gottschalk



Media: VHSx2 (x2)

Media publisher:

Additional media:

Working material:

Material publisher: TR-Verlagsunion 

Novel available: 

Other literature:


Plot (short): Documentaries about recent Scotland. German productions. 2x2 VHS, also as bilingual versions. There's also a 1999 series Irish Sketchbook (Skizzen aus Irland).

Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Menrose, Silicon Glen, St. Andrews, Whiskey, Fish company,... VHS 2: Highland Games, Inverness, Glasgow, Isle of Skye etc. Also abut economy but mainly geography (landscapes, castles). No clips/pics found. Also no books.

Episodes: ~30 minutes each

1. From the Border Country to Balmoral (From the Borders to Balmoral Castle)

2. From Braermar to Ayr


Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Action USA!


Year published/aired: 2008, 2017

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes:  7 + Bonus (x3)

Grade: 8-

Genres: America

Sub-subject: teen lives, cultures

Broadcaster: - ?

Production company: Scoop Films (Berlin, 2008), JDM Productions (NY)

Media publisher: Klett

Story: Gerlind Becker, Markus Reinecke

Editor: Michael Mattison, Monique Kunhar

Director: Christian Mertens, John Miglietta (USA)

Media: DVD

Media publisher: Klett

Additional media: books, computer disks, 24 foils, app

Working material:

Material publisher: Klett/Egmont

Novel available: 

Other literature:


Plot (short): At least 3 different DVDs, 2 different production companies (Berlin, New York). And all might even differ for each German state. 

"Filmsequenzen DVD" (and listening comprehension) for school book series Green Line 4 (and at least 3). And Blue/Red/Orange Line 4. 4 means 4th year of English (8th grade). There's also a combined DVD "Action UK!/USA! 3" (Green Line 3) 2018, 40minutes+20 Bonus. Teen Lives, chores, American Football, Western scene,...

There are also DVDs Film in Action!, Action UK! And also Jobs in Action! and Action Worldwide!

First I haven't found any clips. But I later found a 7 minute trailer on jdmpromedia under Just Around the Corner (2017 Green Line, also pic below).

Episodes: DVD totals: 34 minutes (2008), 38 minutes (2017, Green Line, in Bavaria 42+15), 40 Minutes+17 (2017, Blue/Red/Orange Line)


2008 (Action USA! 4) incomplete list, OOP

(Maybe all here just photo stories in the books, so titles might differ)

-Meeting a star (photo story) probably American Football

-Go, Greg, go! (photo story) 

-At the Cruise-In (photo story ?) I found a sheet with b&w pics.

Awarded movie starring James Deacon as Greg. More infos (plot, cast) on Crew United.

2017 Green Line: (for G9: 4 units in book#4, units 5-7 in book#5)

1. Go on, text her! (5'41'')

2. School life: Dos and don'ts (Across cultures 2) 4'05''

3. New Yorkers don't do thing like that! 6'22

4. What you say and how you say it  (5'10)

5. America: A big salad bowl!? (5'51)

6. Zach and his chores (4'24)

7. A trip to die for? (6'47)


8. New York City, here we come! (4'52)

9. Talking about jobs (4'49)


2017 Blue/Red Orange:  incomplete list

-Way In (introduction, documentary)

-Film Corner (several short films of the teens showing their lives in the USA) Action-Filme? (see Action UK! for amount and samples of episodes).

(Pic below from 2017 Green Line)

Monday, January 3, 2022

Film in Action! / A Great Mistake (Green Line 5)


Year published/aired: 2010

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes:  ~5 + Bonus ?

Grade: 9-10

Genres: Horror, romance, crime, soap opera, Sci-Fi


Broadcaster: - ?

Production company: February Films, London

Media publisher: 

Story: Gerlind Becker, Abner Pastoll


Director: Abner Pastoll

Media: DVD

Media publisher: Klett

Additional media: books

Working material: Christoph Deeg, Jörg Schulze

Material publisher: Klett/Egmont

Novel available: 

Other literature:

Plot (short): "Filmsequenzen DVD" for school book series Green Line 5-6. 5 short films, commercials, BBC Motion Gallery, scenes of teens etc.

Including short horror film "A Great Mistake" (pictured), 14 minutes. Short Film Corner Festival de Cannes. Greg (James Deacon)  meets H.G. Wells (Tim Downie) who came from the past. Time travel. Josh turned into a Zombie, ... Book cover looks similar with pic mirrored and without the white FSK box "Lehrprogramm".

There are also DVDs Action USA! (coming soon). Action UK! And also Jobs in Action! (2009) and Action Worldwide! (2018)

OOP. Please note, there's also a later, unrelated book called Film in Action (without "!", same publisher).


Episodes: total 68 minutes +4 minutes. Publisher says DVD 34 minutes but DVD rear cover says 68+4 minutes. 

Complete contents currently unavailable as DVD is OOP.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Action UK! (Green Line 2)


Year published/aired: 2014 ?

Year produced/filmed: 2013

# of episodes:  13 + 4 +5 Bonus (Green Line 2)

Grade: 6, others

Genres: Basics

Sub-subject: Everyday's situations, London

Broadcaster: - ?

Production company: February Films, London

Media publisher: 

Story: Gerlind Becker,



Media: DVD

Additional media: books, Audio CD, photo stories (book)

Working material:

Material publisher: Klett/Egmont

Novel available: 

Other literature:

Plot (short): "Filmsequenzen DVD" for school book series. Pictured for Green Line 2. 2 means 2nd year English so 6th grade. There are also DVDs for other grades and some differ in each German state. I think same kids in Green Line 1 (Luke, Olivia, Dave, Holly and Jay). Older teens in others. Around 7-13 units + Bonus. Short films, reports etc.

There are also DVDs Action USA! (coming soon), Film in Action! (9th grade with horror/time travel). Jobs in Action! (2009) and Action Worldwide! (2018)


Episodes: total: 48+17 minutes bonus (Green Line 2)

1 The new boy (4'50)

2. The film star

3. Giving a presentation: Example 1

4.   " 2

5. Royal London (Across cultures 1)

6. A Look at the Thames

8. A picnic in the park

9. Speaking English

10. Where's Maisie?

11. A Look at Cornwall

12. The Caves

13. British stories and legends


14-17 Trailer, Outtakes, Deleted scenes, Behind the scenes

18-22 bonus sequences with the kids, ~ 1 minute each (Friends, Stars!, London Life, Food and drink, In the news)

Elementary School English (YBM Kim, 2020)

  I found another South Korean clips on YouTube from uploader Jayedu. Playlist 2020GH English Class. Not exactly sure about the title. Grade...