Tuesday, October 5, 2021

(American) Kernel Lessons (AKL)


I think this is just a book series, originally started in 1969 by Robert O'Neill published by Longman and at least with (audio) tapes for language labs (lab drills). Also abbreviated as AKL +the level (e.g. AKL: Intermediate). Later reissued like "Kernel One". "American Kernel Lessons" published in 1978.

One famous story is The Man Who Escaped (24 episodes, 1979). Another one is The Rainbow Project (1999 ?).

O'Neill, who died in 2014 was a famous ELT author with ~30 books. In 1970 he wrote English in Situations.

At least one book (other series) was also made in a series: The Lost Secret. There were also some co-authors.

Interseting series, but I have to do more research.

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