Saturday, July 3, 2021

Found - and Lost

Episode 3 out of 4 of series Moving to Marlborough (1983) ~15 minutes

Some parts are taken from the scripts of RPZ-Informationen 1/85. Examples to show the concept. Own translation (most parts are German).

Plot: Mom and sister noticed that Andy ran away. A woman found Andy's wallet containing money and telephone number. Mom and sister drove to Southampton. Andy got invited to a boat tour. On the boat, Shirley convinced Andy to return and stay in England. Andy had no money, anyway. Martina separated from friend Mark. Family reunion. Happy end.

Videoraster (partial): Sequences:

Ein Lebenszeichen, 3 scenes

Southampton, scenes 4-6

Boating: scene 7, at the docks Andy said "it's difficult to fit in"

Auf Andys Spuren, scene 8, Mom and Martina arrived

On the boat, scene 9, Andy talked to Shirley. "I still feel foreign"

A good friend? scene 10

It'll be alright! scene 11 (final) Andy met mom and sister. "it'll be alright!" To Martina: You'll find someone else very soon.

Film script scene 2 (partial):

Mom: Poor Andy! He really has a difficult time in England, so far, you know.

Martina: It's his own fault. He makes things difficult for himself, if you ask me.

Didactic goals:

Geography, Egoism, relationship with Mark, comparing sitiation of Andy and Martina, talking: making suggestions, accepting, present subjects, asking info.

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