Year published/aired: 2006 (books 1991-2002)
Year produced/filmed: 1999
# of episodes: 2x16
Grade: (3-) 5-6
Genres: Everyday's situtations
Sub-subject: New York
Broadcaster: -
Production company:
Production country: South Korea ?
Media: CD-ROM x2
Media distribution: Kumsung
Additional media: teacher books
Working material:
Material publisher:
Novel available:
Other literature:
Plot (short): A course from South Korea. At least for grades 3-6. There are supplement CD-ROMs for each grade, but I think only grades 5+6 have these live-action scenes. Characters are Jinho, Nami, Mrs. Smith, Peter, Joon, and Ann. Kevin, Mike, Jenny, and Sam appear only in American scenes, and Kevin appears in Korea. Kevin (pic 2 below) was also named Bill in 5th grade. Pic 1 showing Joon with painted freckles.
Setting is South Korea and there are Korean children such as Mina and Minsu, but the school is an elementary school attended by Americans, probably a foreign school.
I don't know Korean, but I did some research, mainly for the CDs. Best source is the Namu Wiki and the Naver blog.
The main book cartoon character and maybe the series title is Jito (in English Zeeto) Korean 지토. It's a small green flying Alien. (The Book title is 영어 (what means English) and below Elementary School English and the grade). The Alien isn't pictured on the cover but kids. Update: pictured on grade 3+4 books. Book publishers for grade 3+4 was Genius Education aka Chunjae (천재교육), For grade 5+6 Kumsung Publishing aka Geumseong (금성출판사).
Not much is known about the actors. On the Namu wiki I found at least one name of a Korean child actor, Ahn Jae-hong (안재홍 * 1989). Korean title: 초등학교 영어5. Best search term 추억의 초등학교 영어 CD.
All clips (live-action and animation/clay) of grade 6 (on 13 pages), other clips are on YouTube, mainly uploader wayhenry.
Other sources including the wiki
Updates: All book covers of different years (and I think different publishers)
Screenshots including how clips appear on screen within a page, and ISO
Update 2: There are also English sites on the Namu Wiki, at least the characters (also check the main categories, some pages still missing) charactersm 2nd link for Jito:
I found a later editions with other actors
Episodes: clips are very short ~20 seconds each. Each unit has 2 clips. 352x240px
Grade 3 ?
Grade 4: Units from Back CD cover (no live-action ?)
1. Nice to Meet You
2. Don't Do That
3. How old are you?
4. What Time is it?
5. Who is she?
6. Is this your cap?
7. Sorry, I can't
8. How much is it?
Grade 5:
1. How Are You?
2. What Day is it Today?
3. It's under the Table
4. What a nice Day
5. Where is Namdaemum?
6. I get up at Seven every day
7. She's tall
8. Let's go swimming!
9. Whose Boat is this ? (swimming here)
10. Do you want some more?
11. What are you doing?
12. This is a bedroom
13. What did you do yesterday?
14. Is Peter here?
15. Can yo join us?
16. Did you have a nice vacation?
Grade 6:
1. Where Are you from?
2. Is this York Street?
3. I like Spring
4. When is your birthday?
5. May I Help You?
6. Can I Have Some Water?
7. My Father is a Pilot
8. What Will You Do This Summer?
9. How was your Vacation?
10. I'm stronger than you
11. What Do You Want to do?
12. Will you Help me Please?
13. That's Too Bad
14. Would you like to come to My House?
15. It's Time to go Home
16. So long, Everyone!