Monday, January 29, 2024

Hit the Road!


Year published/aired: 2019

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes:  ~51-60 each

Grade: A2-B2 

Genres: basics, grammar

Sub-subject: culture

Broadcaster: -

Production company:


Story: Gael Manescau, Maxime Badet, 



Media: USB, online

Media distribution: Magnard

Additional media: books, USB, MP3, MP4

Working material: Maxime Badet, 

Material publisher: Magnard

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): An English high school course by Editions Magnard (Paris, France). The oldest edition I found is from 2019. 1re and 2de. And 1re Tle (Terminale), Tle (latter one has 51 videos, the 2023 edition 60 videos). ~16 units each. For General or technology bac (STMG, ST2S, STI2D...) level 4. I think grades 10-12?

Many documentaries, some animated videos, and older students (Pupils' Tips clips).

Videos for students are available on USB or online.

Pic from 1re video 55 Pupils' Tips (official sample).

Episodes: unknown length


Before Class:

Walls apart

Smart Robots

Work to live or Live to work?


Ireland: the Land of Music


Pupils Tips:

Travailler effiacement

Videos et series en VO

Fair un expose

Conseils fondamentaux

Comprehension de l'oral

Pratiquer l'oral

Ameliorer sa prononciation


also some links to other Web videos


Amish Life : Bate's Story

Meet Barbie (Amish)

Maori Heritage

New Orleans

Sunday, January 21, 2024

English G 21 Viewing

English G 21 was a long running school book series (2010- ~2018) with many different editions and supplements. There were also different DVDs. This is about the DVD series Viewing (2010). At least 2, one for grade 9 (Band 5) and grade 10/6 each. With slight differences for different German states (3 editions each A, B, D).

I haven't found any notable book or clip previews for this 2010 DVDs. But at least the TOCs. DVD length is ~51 minutes each.

Other DVDs, often 2 parts are Out and About, WWW (What's in? What's on? What's up? , grades 7,8+) and maybe more. There were also CD-ROMs (maybe not containing videos) and different DVD-ROMs (Digitaler Unterrichtsplaner) and software English Coach 21. A later subseries was English G Lighthouse/Headlight/Highlight (later English G removed, grades 5-10). DVDs:


1 Australia: Rabbit proof fence 4'24

bonus clip: Kevin Rudd's speech - The stolen generations 1'30

2 The road ahead: The Business: A reality TV show

The interviews 10'56

Visual aids in presentation (Study skills) 5'24

3 Life in the big city - Hong Kong: Live your dream! 2'06

Tsotsi 5'57

Bonus clips: Mumbai (3 clips 2.20-2.50)

4 Teen world - High school boot camp 2 parts 5'37+1'36 

Bonus clip: One year later - An interview 2'22


1 You and yours - Teens like you?

Kay 3'08

Sally 0'29

Bill 0'55

Father 0'42

Bonus: Boys and girls  1'04

2 Stand up! - Speak - That's enough debate


Bonus: Make poverty history

3 Our one world - Moon - Who's the real Sam Bell?

Bonus Human Power STation

The Electric shower


Somerset's going green

4 Love reading - Video book reviews: Jason


Bonus Looking for Alaska - a school project

Juno review

Mr. Bean: The exam 9'01

Monday, January 15, 2024

Join the Team


Year published/aired: 2009 ?

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes:  ~8 units each

Grade: A1-B1, 3e-6e 

Genres: basics, grammar

Sub-subject: culture

Broadcaster: -

Production company: Big Year Productions,


Story: Vanessa Roth, 



Media: DVD, DVD-ROM, digital

Media distribution: Nathan

Additional media: books, DVD-ROM, MP3, MP4

Working material: Helene Adrian, Cyril Dowling, 

Material publisher: Nathan

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): An English course for young teens by Edition Nathan (Paris, France). Grades 3e-6e. The oldest edition I found is from 2009. Unit 5 Growing up from grade 4e has a 2004 documentary by Vanessa Roth/Big Year Productions called "Third Monday in October" about elections filmed at an US middle grade school.

The DVD-audio ROM for students (eleves) should contain short video clips as well. At least 3e (at least 2013 edition). I also found a Video DVD.

Pic from 4e unit 5 Growing up (official preview sample).

Episodes: unknown DVD length

4e (2012)

Unit 5 Growing Up

Third Monday in October

Unit 6 Special Investigation Unit

Unit 7 Sportsworld

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

You did it!


Year published/aired: 2023

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes:  7 units

Grade: A1-A2, 6e 

Genres: basics, grammar

Sub-subject: culture

Broadcaster: -

Production company:


Story: Fiona Ratkoff, others



Media: digital only?

Media distribution: Edition Bordas

Additional media: books, 

Working material: 

Material publisher: Editions Bordas

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): An new English course for young teens by Editions Bordas (France). I only found it for grade 6e. Maybe other grades later? (Some) clips are set at the Eleanor Roosevelt Middle School (USA). American host kids: Will and Sophia (unit 1). There are also 7 song clips including karaoke and 7 games.

The clips are included at least in this special edition "Usage classe hors équipement élève. * Manuel numérique enseignant - licence classe" (139 EUR). Not sure if this contains a DVD or DVD-ROM, maybe currently just online clips? In the workbook I only found 7 clips mentioned in total. Maybe more in a digital (teacher's book) "Manuel numérique enseignant".

Another course from that publisher is Hi There!

Pic from unit 7 At the camp (official preview sample).

Episodes: unknown DVD length, clips are very short

clips 6e:

Les rituels (8 clips) intro

Unit 0: Mime challenge - The alphabet

Wild adventures - Anansi and the Melon

An amazing week - Days of the week

Attractions in California

Unit 1: Get set - Welcome to Eleanor Roosevelt Middle School

Let's take a green challenge - recycling

Unit 2: Almost there! - House Monsters

Unit 3: A city that never sleeps - Christmas at the Rockefeller Center

Unit 4: Unique - Anne with an E (clip from TV series)

Unit 5: London loves monuments

Follow the guide - Directions rap song

Unit 6: Parading! - Discover the Carnival

Tasting the national dish - Kids try Jamaican food

Unit 7: At the camp (pictured)  1'15'' (Camping in California)

Emotions - Camper Letters Home

Unplugging - Mountain camp activities

Let's save... our forests

Team time - John Muir - Camping with the president

Time capsule 3: Let's Celebrate Earth Day

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Together - L'anglais en action!

Year published/aired:
2011 ?

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: ?

Grade: A2-B1, 3e-6e 

Genres: basics, grammar


Broadcaster: -

Production company:


Story: Hans Peter Richter, others



Media: DVD, USB stick

Media distribution: Editions Maison des Langues

Additional media: books, MP3 audio CD,

Working material: Fréderic Chotard,

Material publisher: Editions Maison des Langues

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short):  A secondary French course for grades (years) 3e-6e. The oldest edition I found was from 2011 (not sure if containing DVD), then 2013, 2017. The student's books have a DVD containing 8 videos with optional subtitles (unknown length) at least for 4e, 2013 edition. I only found one official sample in total for all grades. A teacher book has CD-ROMs (not sure if containing clips).

Another series from same publisher is Blockbuster, Bloggers.

Episodes: unknown length, most or all clips are probably short 


Unit 5: Moods (3'23'')

Elementary School English (YBM Kim, 2020)

  I found another South Korean clips on YouTube from uploader Jayedu. Playlist 2020GH English Class. Not exactly sure about the title. Grade...