Searching for other Swedish SVT Utbildningsradions series on YouTube, I finally found a clip, showing all 3 teens. Another one by Eskil Garpebring.
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This is a database of historical movies and TV series for English learning (ELT) used at schools. First mainly German and of the 80s. This is a fan blog and not commercial but for scientific purposes.
Searching for other Swedish SVT Utbildningsradions series on YouTube, I finally found a clip, showing all 3 teens. Another one by Eskil Garpebring.
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I haven't watched it completely, yet. And I haven't found more episodes.
I also found some few more other series aired in Sweden (SVT), coming soon.
Searching for books and videos of Double Trouble (assumed to be of 1984) hard to find, as there'a movie and other series of the same title, I found episode 1 by searching for its title: Heads or Tails. The series is from 1982 as shown on the ending credits.
Very interesting. The boy looks different than on my earlier pics. Hair a bit darker.
At the end there's also the cover of the book shown (I had pics, but just in b&w).
Penny played by Nicola Cowper
Bob Timothy Ward
Co-script, directed and produced by Eskil Garpebring. A similar, 1974 series from him with a boy and girl is Switch On (b&w). And Reporters. He also did Come and See Us.
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I found another South Korean clips on YouTube from uploader Jayedu. Playlist 2020GH English Class. Not exactly sure about the title. Grade...