Sunday, January 29, 2023

Game Changer


Year published/aired: 2022

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: ?

Grade: A0-B1

Genres: Teen lives

Sub-subject: documentaries, geography

Broadcaster: -

Production company:


Story: Denise Santos, Mauricio Shiroma,



Media: digital pack

Media distribution: Cambridge University, 

Additional media: books, classroom audio, ebooks,

Working material: Denise Santos, Mauricio Shiroma,

Material publisher: Cambridge University

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short):  A new (June 2022), four-level secondary course with teen-friendly videos and global scope and different cultures of the world (eg. Africa, Himalaya, Mexico). I haven't found DVDs but digital packs with the workbooks. Pic from a sample vid, I found on YouTube. I haven't found any other clips and few info/samples.

A similar, earlier (2021) course with global scope (From the World of Better Learning) is Both Sides.

Episodes: unknown length (assumed to be very short)

Level 1:

Unit 1: 1. What things that change do you see?

1.2. Which four cities are in the video?


Monday, January 23, 2023

Update: Newland Street


I found 2 sample pages of a book for teen soap DVD Newland Street on one of the author's website (Mark Hancock). Pic from episode 3 Meeting in the gym also showing  Jamie on left, Mel's little brother. I found it by searching for way to go! / New ways to go. (As usual all pics are copyrighted by the publishers or movie companies, here Cambridge University/Klett/Kilombo Films. Used under fair use policy).

I will update some characters and another episode title on the main entry.

way to go!

Year published/aired:
2005 (DVD)

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: ?

Grade: Elementary-Pre intermediate, A1-A2

Genres: Teen lives

Sub-subject: documentaries

Broadcaster: -

Production company:


Story: Penny Ur, Mark Hancock



Media: DVDx1, VHSx1

Media distribution: Cambridge University, Klett

Additional media: activity book, audio CD, resources

Working material: Penny Ur, Mark Hancock, Ramon Ribé

Material publisher: Cambridge ELT

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short):  Teen videos of different genres, including documentaries, school plays and sketches (OOP). I haven't found any clips or screenshots except this on the cover and no notable samples of the activity book. Classroom supplement DVD with optional English subtitles and exercises.

I also have checked the archives. 

There were obviously at least 4 workbooks, ~72 pages each next to activity book included with the DVD. 

According one author (Mark Hancock), the (books) were published in 2001. There also was "New Ways to go" in 2002, a four-level course especially for Spanish schools. Ramon Ribé only worked on levels 1-2.

A related DVD of that time (same authors but higher level) is the teen soap Newland Street (60 minutes, Kilombo Films). Maybe Kilombo also produced this one? Mark Hancock has some samples on his site including screenshots.

Episodes: DVD length 40 minutes


Thursday, January 19, 2023

Newland Street

Year published/aired: 2004

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: ?

Grade: Pre intermediate-intermediate

Genres: Teen soap


Broadcaster: -

Production company: Kilombo Films


Story: Penny Ur, Mark Hancock



Media: DVDx1, VHSx1

Media distribution: Cambridge University, Klett

Additional media: activity book

Working material: Penny Ur, Mark Hancock, Ribe, Ramon

Material publisher: Cambridge ELT

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short):  A soap for teens. ~60 minutes DVD and VHS (OOP). I haven't found any clips or screenshots except this on the cover and no samples of the activity book. Classroom supplement DVD with optional English subtitles. Media by Sonopress. Produced by Kilombo Films (Spain ?)

I also have checked the archives. 

A releated DVD of that time is way to Go! (40 minutes, teen videos incl. documentaries, lower level).

Update: I found 2 sample pages on one of the author's site (Mark Hancock) with some screenshots and some more infos about 2 episodes and characters.

characters: Mr Chan (school cafe), Jamie, Mel's little brother, Lizard and Spike (all ep 2), ep 3: Pam, Ben and Haley's mother (also pictured: Jamie, Spike, Lizard). One screenshot at

Episodes: DVD length ~60 minutes

2. Spike and Lizard

3. Meeting in the gym


Sunday, January 15, 2023



Year published/aired: 2017

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes:

Grade: A1-B1

Genres: everyday's situations

Sub-subject: grammar

Broadcaster: -

Production company:


Story: Nicholas Tims,



Media: DVDx1

Media distribution: Oxford University

Additional media: books, digital, Audio Visual pack, sheets, PDF

Working material:

Material publisher: Oxford University

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short):  A four-level (Starter, 1-3) secondary course for teens from Oxford University. Pic from level 1 unit 4 (official sample, 1st edition). There is a class DVD and MP3 CD on the Audio Visual pack. Also digital resources. Published in 2017 (1st edition ?). 

I think no play scenes, probably simple presentations as pictured. Not sure about the 2nd edition.

Episodes: Unknown DVD length

Wednesday, January 11, 2023


Year published/aired:
2015- ?

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: ?, Levels 1-9

Grade: A1-B2, (C1)

Genres: basics, grammar

Sub-subject: culture

Broadcaster: -

Production company:


Story: Joanna Kosta, Melanie Kosta, Joanna Williams, 



Media: DVD, online resources

Media distribution: Cambridge, UCLES

Additional media: books, audio, digital

Working material:

Material publisher: Cambridge University Press

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): A 9 level secondary course for older teens. Beginner to Upper intermediate, mainly A1-B2. ~20 units each.

Pic from Level 2, unit 2, clip Great Sounds (2nd ed.). I think the 2nd ed was published in 2018, the 1st ed in ~2015. I only have checked some few levels. Level 3 is also good. As usual, higher levels showing older teens.

Some worksbook editions have DVDs (maybe foreign editions), otherwise digital resources or teacher's resources.

Episodes: unknown DVD length, all or most clips are obviously very short ~ 1-4 minutes. Not all units have videos.

 Level 2:

What we eat

Great sounds



Street foods


Health problems


Books we like

School life

Level 4:

plots: shopping in London, Paralympics, team sports in Canada, British TV

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Grundkurs Englisch (Telekolleg)


This is an 2010 course from Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR) and part of the Telekolleg II series or pre Telekolleg. That is a course mainly for adults (but might be used for higher grades as well, like 9th grade+).

15 episodes. Hosts: Carolyn Nyhuis und Eric Gladhar. For the sake of completion. Probably no kids or teens shown.

Grundkurs Mathematik has some few kids and teens. There's also Grundkurs Deutsch (German) but I haven't checked that one.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023


Full title:
THiNK - Beyond Language

Year published/aired: 2015- ?

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: ?, Levels 1-6

Grade: A1-C1

Genres: basics, grammar

Sub-subject: culture

Broadcaster: -

Production company:


Story: Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks,



Media: DVD, /online resources

Media distribution: Helbing Languages (Germany)

Additional media: books, class audio DVD-ROM,

Working material: Herbert Puchta,

Material publisher: Cambridge University Press

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): A 6 level secondary course for older teens. Starter + 1-5. 12 units each.

Aka Th!nk, THiNK. Pic from Level 4 episode 4 (1st ed.). There's also American Think (A1-B2) and a shorter version THiNK Quick (3 levels, 4 units each). A 2nd edition was published in 2022. Video DVD and DVD-ROMs (presentation plus/interactive whiteboard).

Characters in Level 1: Olivia, Ryan, Luke, Megan. And Tom, Dan, Ruby, Ellie ~12-13 yo. Level 4: Emma, Justin, Nicole, Liam.

Episodes: unknown DVD length, all or most clips are obviously short ~ 4 minutes


1. Just a Little Joke (Tom, Dan, Ruby, Ellie, see update)

 3. The School Play

5. The Pizza (Tom, Dan, Ruby, Ellie) boys cooking with aprons

Level 1:

4. The Treasure Hunt 

6. The Phone Call 

Level 3:

1. Get Thinking, Unit Big Decisions

5. Managing stress (vlog Life competencies)

Level 4:

4. The News Clip (pictured)


Update: Another pic from the Starter Level


Elementary School English (YBM Kim, 2020)

  I found another South Korean clips on YouTube from uploader Jayedu. Playlist 2020GH English Class. Not exactly sure about the title. Grade...