Friday, November 18, 2022

Total English

Year published/aired:

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 10-12 units each

Grade: A1-C1 

Genres: basics, grammar


Broadcaster: -

Production company: 


Story: Richard Acklam, Jonathan Bygrave, ...



Media: digital

Media distribution: Pearson

Additional media: books, Class Audio CD, digital ...

Working material: 

Material publisher: Pearson, Stark

Novel available:

Other literature:

Plot (short): A six level general course for adults. Books with DVDs for students and resource packs for teachers including CD-ROM, interactive whiteboard (Active teach) and Class CDs. Current edition is called New Total English. Also as split edition with 6 intensive units. I haven't seen them all. Some few kids and teens shown. Pic from Pre-intermediate episode 2.

Episodes: Unknown DVD length. New Total English, ~2-4 minutes each clip


1. Favourites (city)

2. A journey (Canada, Montreal, Nova Scotia)  

3. The flowers

4. Holiday places (UK, USA)

5. The interview (rock star London)

6. The company (office, baker, shop)

7. Get active (different hobbies, mainly sports)

8. 100 years ago (UK in 1901, 1902, b&w) kids, adults, soccer

9. Job hunting (young lady)

10. Change your life (family moving from UK to NZ)


 1. Meeting People (adult at different houses)



1. London Life

2. El Sistema (pictured) Venezuala kids orchestra


 1. Jamies America (cook Jamie Olivier) fiesta party in Mexico

Upper Intermediate

1. Online Addiction


1. Ultimate challenge (Steve Fossett, 2006 record flight)


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