Saturday, July 3, 2021

A New Start

Episode 1 out of 4 of series Moving to Marlborough (1983). ~15 minutes.

Some parts are taken from the scripts of RPZ-Informationen 1/85. Examples to show the concept. Own translation (most parts are German).

Pic showing main character, 14 yo Andy (Christopher Humburg) in the first scene, entering the room of his father, who recently died by a car accident finding and picking up the broken glasses, putting them on.

Plot (short): Martina and Andy moved from Cologne to Malborough. Martina easily fits in, Andy refuses country and language.

Subjects: Moving, School life.

Video-raster: (table)

Sequence: Leaving - Scenes 1-3, in total 6 minutes

Scene 1 (VHS counter 000-015) Story Line: Intro with music, view in empty appartment, dad's glasses, Martina says farewell to her friends

Scene 2 (015-027) Mom and Martina before departure, prehistory car accident, farewell and departure.

Scene 3: trip from Cologne to Ostende (Belgium)

Sequence: Past&future, scene 4: 5 minutes, on the way, Having to make new friends, prehistory how the English mom got to Germany

Sequence: The new home, scenes 5+6 in total 2 minutes

Scene 5: Arrival at Aunt Vera

Scene 6: "Let's have a nice cup of tea"

Sequence The new school, scenes 7-12 in total 5 minutes

scene 7: Andy and Martina going to St John's Upper School.

scenes 8-11: different classes of them. Students ask Andy about Germany, Martina meets Mike Frazer and got invited to the trip to Avebury

scene 12: Andy telephoning to Germany. (end of ep. 1)

Film script: scene 4 of ep 1 (page 47 M17). (I haven't found earlier scripts. either missing or not there)

Martina: Oh! It's such a beautiful town.

Andy: Ein richtiges Kaff!

Mom: Andy, how can you say that! You don't know anything abot Marlborough yet. See the High Street....

Martina: Where's your old school, mum?

Mom: Well, the old building was down in London Road. They built a new one somewhere there. Hey, it'll be your new school.

Andy: Schule! Das hat mir gerade noch gefehlt!

Mom: Oh! You'll soon get used to the English school, I'm sure.

Andy: Aber ich hab hier keine Freunde!

Mom: Andy, will you speak English to me, please!


Didactic suggestions:

A. The teacher asked the students what are the advantages and disadvantages of moving (on board or foil).

After that, the students watch some scenes. Before rewatching, they should focus on the characters. How do they feel? Then fill out Worksheet M1.

After that a discussion of the results and ask how they would feel.

B. After watching this episode the teacher can test the students. The class is divided in 4 groups. Different material like maps are put down in the 4 corners of the room.

1. Marlborough and places of interest, 2 Story of M, 3 How to get to M, 4 What's on in M. Each group chooses one subject.

After that, the groups present their work. Then they should make a leaflet.

Episode 2: Martina and Mark

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