Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Sammy Learning

Another South Korean ELT course. 2007 Web course, used at least until 2010. Original title 새미학습. Pic 1 from grade 3 Lesson 10 I can swim 2/4 clip 새미학습 초등영어 3학년 2학기 10단원 2차시.

Pic 2 from YouTube clip "새미학습 초등영어 4학년 1학기 1단원 1차시" Elementary grade 4 or 1. Lesson 1 Nice to meet you 1/4. Both uploader min780508 신민철.

From reporters Kim Jae-hong and Kwon Jeong-ho from Gyeongnam. Aka Sammi Learning, Saemi Learning. I haven't checked all clips but there are few live-action scenes. 

There are also clips with the green alien comic character Zeeto 지토 from the "Kevin and Ann" series. Lesson 1 Nice to Meet You 3/4.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Elementary School English (YBM Kim, 2020)


I found another South Korean clips on YouTube from uploader Jayedu. Playlist 2020GH English Class. Not exactly sure about the title. Grades 5 and 6. Original source are from YBM digital textbook (webdt.edunet). Pic from Grade 5 Lesson 7 What Time Do You Get up? unit 2. YouTube title 초등학교 5학년 영어 ybm(김) 7단원 2차시 디지털교과서 활용 학습 안내.

Different clips "Think and Talk" including songs "Let's sing". Few and short clips. Not sure if there's a CD-ROM/DVD version as well. Hard to research. I don't know Korean.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Elementary School English (later edition)


During research for the Kevin and Ann series, I found some other clips on YouTube assuming for another course, but it's also the same South Korean public course Elementary School English by Genius Education Co. Ltd. (천재교육) / Ham Soonae (함순애) grades 3-6 but a later edition. I think not the current edition by EBS. Maybe a late 2010s edition.

Pic 1 from grade 5 lesson 8 (How much are the shoes?) showing Tony, pic 2 from grade 4 lesson 8 (I'm a pilot) showing Kevin. Some girls are Lisa and Ubin. Most or all units still have the same title like "Whose Sock is this?". Clips are 10-20 minutes but have 2 very brief live-action scenes each, about 1 minute total. 2020 uploads by TV-rw4gg (방콕TV). One clip is called  5학년영어#Where are you from?#디지털교과서#천재교과서#함순애#1과2차시.


Probably the link from the namu wiki helps for more details about all editions



Grade 5: (11 lessons)

Lesson 1 Where Are You From  (1-2, 3-4, Culture & Review)

Lesson 2 What Do You Do on Weekends?

Lesson 3 May I Sit Here?

Lesson 4 Whose Sock is This?


Main post (Kevin and Ann)


Update: The London Outing

  Like for Bridges, I found the 2 VHS/leaflet covers on my backups taken in 2007 from the FWU archives. Now lost and there are no pics on th...