During research for the Kevin and Ann series, I found some other clips on YouTube assuming for another course, but it's also the same South Korean public course Elementary School English by Genius Education Co. Ltd. (천재교육) / Ham Soonae (함순애) grades 3-6 but a later edition. I think not the current edition by EBS. Maybe a late 2010s edition.
Pic 1 from grade 5 lesson 8 (How much are the shoes?) showing Tony, pic 2 from grade 4 lesson 8 (I'm a pilot) showing Kevin. Some girls are Lisa and Ubin. Most or all units still have the same title like "Whose Sock is this?". Clips are 10-20 minutes but have 2 very brief live-action scenes each, about 1 minute total. 2020 uploads by TV-rw4gg (방콕TV). One clip is called 5학년영어#Where are you from?#디지털교과서#천재교과서#함순애#1과2차시.
Probably the link from the namu wiki helps for more details about all editions
Grade 5: (11 lessons)
Lesson 1 Where Are You From (1-2, 3-4, Culture & Review)
Lesson 2 What Do You Do on Weekends?
Lesson 3 May I Sit Here?
Lesson 4 Whose Sock is This?
Main post (Kevin and Ann)