Sunday, August 27, 2023

Update: Think


I found this better scene from an earlier level, Starter Level, episode 1 Just a Little Joke (Cambridge University Press), clip A1 video 1. Younger studentes sitting eating ice cream. The boy pictured is called Tom (Thomas) said he's from Paris, Texas (USA). 2 boys and 2 girls. The other boy is called Dan. One girl is Ruby, the other Ellie or similar.

Level 1 already has older teens. The previous pic was from level 4 episode 4.

I also have added some clip titles. The video series is called Get Th!nking.

Main entry

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Steps in English

Year published/aired:
2011 ?

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 8 units each

Grade: A1-B1, grade 4-8

Genres: basics


Broadcaster: -

Production company:


Story: Tim Falla, Paul A. Davies, Sylvia Wheeldon, Paul Shipton,



Media: DVD

Media distribution: Oxford University 

Additional media: books, Class audio CD,

Working material: Sylvia Wheeldon, Paul Shipton, Tim Falla, Paul A. Davies,

Material publisher: Oxford University

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short):  A secondary ? course for grades 4-8 (elementary school in Poland). At least 3 levels. Pic taken from a book of Level 2 showing Agata, Sophie and Marcus. Not sure if it's also as clip on a DVD but it's likely. Level 1 is aimed at kids aged 11+

Obviously this is a prequel of Steps Plus (2017), same staff. I also found DVDs unlike Steps Plus. There's also Exam Steps in English and Steps Forward (~2015, not to be confused with Step Forward, a recent adult course from  Oxford). Steps Forward  has the same cover image than Steps in English. Not sure what the difference is.

Other characters in level 1: Tomek, Amy, Dylan, Mrs. Trent.

There is also a different course in Spain with the same title by Victoria Keller, publisher IBEP.

Episodes: unknown length (most or all assumed to be very short) ~2-5 minutes

Steps in English 1

Unit 1: Family and Friends

Unit 2: School

Unit 3: My Home

Culture Steps: Tomek's blog, Project, DVD.

Steps in English 2

Unit 1 Greeting Cards

Unit 2 School Lunches

Unit 3 The Lake District

Unit 4 London

Unit 5 Cape Town


Saturday, August 12, 2023

Update: Steps Plus


I found this course, but already had a post. But I found some more and better clips on YouTube also showing younger kids in earlier levels. Also sports like Rugby. And good plots like family camping. So I have added some more episodes on the main post.

New pic from Class/Level V Unit 2 School lunches.

Main post with previous pic from grade 7

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Update 2: Five times Britain


There are 2 new uploads with 3 episodes. Or is this a subseries? Five Times Britain - The British Isles. One about London (pic 1, unknown episode, maybe ep 2, there's no episode with that title), pic 2 is about Wales, teen girls paddling (probably ep 3). Unpictured: Scotland (probably ep 4) shown in the second half of both uploads. Latter one not showing kids or teens. Touristic and industry (oil rig).

Main entry

Friday, August 4, 2023



Year published/aired: 2017 ?

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 6 units per level ?

Grade: A1-B1, grade 4-8

Genres:  basics, everyday's situations

Sub-subject: culture

Broadcaster: -

Production company:


Story: Katherine Stannett, Nick Beare



Media: DVD, digital

Media distribution: Macmillan 

Additional media: books, ebook, class audio CD, ...

Working material: Katherine Stannett, Nick Beare

Material publisher: Macmillan

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short):  A five-level primary course for kids. Grades 4-8 (Poland) so the upper levels might be secondary. Pic 1 from grade 6 Unit 2 Over to You, pic 2 from Unit 2 Around the World (official samples YouTube site Macmillan Poland ~2020 so maybe an earlier edition). 

The earliest books and DVD I've found are from 2017. There are probably newer editions, maybe same contents? In 2023 there are AR Augmented Reality contents.

Early grades (4-5 ?) have animations. At least the "Around the World" clips obviously have few kids/teens showing.

At least used Poland.

Episodes: unknown total length, most clips are probably very short ~1-4 minutes each

Brainy 7: Unit 1 The Big Screen 

Video 4 Grammar hub: Past simple  

Video 6: Over to you! - Work in pairs. Who's your favourite actor? (Jamie)



Elementary School English (YBM Kim, 2020)

  I found another South Korean clips on YouTube from uploader Jayedu. Playlist 2020GH English Class. Not exactly sure about the title. Grade...