Sunday, February 26, 2023

High Note

Year published/aired:
2020 ?

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: ?, ~10-12 units each

Grade: A2-C1, ~10th

Genres: basics


Broadcaster: -

Production company:


Story: Rachael Roberts,



Media: digital pack only?

Media distribution: Pearson 

Additional media: books, class CD, ebooks

Working material: Rachael Roberts,

Material publisher: Pearson, Harlow, Stark

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short):  A five-level intensive upper-secondary course (British English) from Pearson for older teens (16-18 yo). Pic from official training sample video (communication video: speaking lessons 1F). Grammar, Documentation and Communication (and life skills ?) videos. Grammar and similar videos obviously don't have a title maybe just the documentaries. No separate DVDs but digital resources. The class CD mainly or only has audio. The teacher's books obviously have 4 audio CDs for each level.

Episodes: unknown length 

High Note 1:

Unit 4: (School life)

Documentary: A different kind of school (on a boat)

High Note 2:

1 Close to you

2 Learn to play

3 Far from Home

4 A good buy

5 Fit and well

6 A new you

7 A job for life?

8 Switch on


High Note 4:

Unit 1 (Get the message)

Documentary: Getting through to animals (at least lady with parrot)

Monday, February 20, 2023

Your World

Year published/aired:
2022 ?

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: ?, 9 units each

Grade: 7 ?

Genres: basics


Broadcaster: -

Production company:


Story: Graham Fruen,



Media: digital pack only?

Media distribution: Pearson 

Additional media: books,

Working material: Graham Fruen,

Material publisher: Pearson

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short):  A four-level secondary cource (British English) from Pearson (Spain). With BBC videos (Culture videos). Videos as digital maybe included in teacher books and interactive student's books. Pic from the official Spanish YouTube channel (unknown level, probably from level 1 unit 1.6 Everyday English showing Noah, Lena and Mateo).

 Several, probably short videos including Grammar, Speaking and Vocabulary.

Episodes: unknown length 

Your World 1: (Your World and You, BBC)

1. Child prodigies

A typical day?

Feeling the Music

Museums in the UK

Get on board


Your World 2:

Street Talk (BBC)

1.4 Grammar in Action (Rachel)

1.6 Speaking (pictured ?)

Get Dancing! (BBC)

Your World 3

Unit 1 Street Talk (BBC) 

Grammar in Action (Abe)

1.6. Everyday English (Bea and Abe)

Disconnecting (BBC Culture) Matt, Natalie

Indian Food, Liverpool style

The Highland Games

Artic Life

Learning goals

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Steps Plus

Year published/aired:
2017 ?

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: ?

Grade: A1-B1, grade 4-8

Genres: basics


Broadcaster: -

Production company:


Story: Sylvia Wheeldon, Paul Shipton,



Media: digital pack only?

Media distribution: Oxford University 

Additional media: books, Class audio CD,

Working material: Sylvia Wheeldon, Paul Shipton,

Material publisher: Oxford University

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short):  A five-level (primary ?) course for grades 4-8 (elementary school in Poland).

Related Polish series are Team up (plus), Level up, Power up and Everybody up. Pearson also has a different course called Team up.

I haven't found DVDs but I think digital packs/online with the workbooks and or teacher packs. Hard to find with this simple title, either on Google with name of one of the authors or better change the country (local) to Poland on Oxford University (oup).

Pic from grade 7 Liam's Vlog. Another pic of younger boys in the update.

Update: I also found Steps in English (2011) which is obviously a prequel. (And has DVDs).

Episodes: unknown length (most or all assumed to be very short)


Grade IV:  Unit 2: School sports (Rugby)

Unit 5 My dad's day

Unit 6: A Camping Holiday (family, mainly girls)

Grade V: Unit 2: School lunches boys, see update

Unit 3: A typical saturday (boy and older sister and teen boys)


Grade 7: Grammar Example

Liam's Vlog

Unit 1: The UK

Unit 2 I Love London (black teen girl)

Unit 3 The World of Food

Unit 4 Washington DC 

Unit 5 Volunteering

Unit 7 Rugby (level 7 ?) not school, grown ups ?

Unit  8 Australia

Grade 8:

Unit 1 US High School

Unit 2 A teenage inventor 

Unit 3 Votes for women

Unit 4: Caitlin's Vlog 

Culture Steps


Friday, February 10, 2023

Everybody Up

Year published/aired:
~2012, 2016

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: ?

Grade: pre A1-B1, ~1st

Genres: basics


Broadcaster: -

Production company:


Story: Susan Banman Sileci, Kathleen Kampa,



Media: digital pack only?

Media distribution: Oxford University 

Additional media: books, audio CDs, songs

Working material: Susan Banman Sileci,

Material publisher: Oxford University

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short):  Another interesting course from Oxford University. A seven-level primary  course aimed at 5-12 yo. American English. Cross-curricular lessons. Pic from official sample Level 1 unit 4 (second edition). DVDs including videos area available as Teachers Book Packs. And digital resources called itools (including interactive whiteboard).

Episodes: unknown length (most or all clips are very short, ~2 minutes)

Starter Level:

8 units/clips (animations only) 

Level 1:

Unit 1 Shapes

Unit 2: Colors

Unit 3: Toys

Unit 4: Food

Unit 5: Animals

Unit 6: Abilites

Unit 7: Healthy habits

Unit 8: Transportation

Level 2:

Unit 1: The senses

Unit 2: Places

Unit 3: Dairy products

Unit 4: Clothes

Unit 5: Activities

Unit 6: Numbers

Unit 7: Daily Routine

Unit 8: Countries

Level 3

Unit 1: Cooking

Unit 2 Activities

Unit 3: Illnesses

Unit 4: Countries

Unit 5 Adjectives

Unit 6: Farm chores (Social studies)

Unit 7: Weather

Unit 8: Technology 

Level 4...


Saturday, February 4, 2023


Year published/aired:

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: ?

Grade: A1-B1, grade 4-8

Genres: basics


Broadcaster: -

Production company:


Story: Sarah Phillips, Diana Anyakwo Konsultacja,



Media: digital pack only?

Media distribution: Oxford University 

Additional media: books,

Working material: Sarah Phillips, Diana Anyakwo Konsultacja, MaƂgorzata Tetiurka

Material publisher: Oxford University

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short):  I think a quite new (2020/2021), five-level (primary ?) course for grades 4-8 (elementary school in Poland). Not to be confused with Link It! and Link Up. I only found official (book) and video samples partly in Polish. Probably used in Poland only? "Real videos" and Culture videos.

There's also a 2022 edition. Related Polish series are Team up (plus), Level up, Power up and Everybody up. Pearson also has a different course called Team up.

I haven't found DVDs but I think digital packs/online with the workbooks. Hard to find with this simple title, either on Google with name of one of the authors or better change the country (local) to Poland on Oxford University (oup).

Episodes: unknown length (most or all assumed to be very short), some clips are animations only (but probably less than half), I only found few sample videos, some I only found in books

4th grade

Unit 5: A family party (Rosie, Edith, Joel, Alex)

8th grade:

Unit 4f: Don't panic - Real English

Unit 5: Video game technology - Culture video

Unit 7d: Where's Chris (animation only)

7g: Superheroes special - Real English (pictured)

7h Two Collections - Culture video


Elementary School English (YBM Kim, 2020)

  I found another South Korean clips on YouTube from uploader Jayedu. Playlist 2020GH English Class. Not exactly sure about the title. Grade...