Friday, July 29, 2022

Out and About (SEMERC)


Year published/aired: ~2000

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 4

Grade: ~8th Grade+

Genres: everyday's situations

Sub-subject: social issues

Broadcaster: -

Production company: SEMERC





Media: CD-ROMS (x4)

Media distribution: SEMERC, now: Inclusive Technology

Additional media:

Working material:

Material publisher:

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): This is a series of interactive PC CD-ROMs with videos from SEMERC (Special Education Micro-Electronics Resource Centre, 1982-1989) later Granada Learning and Keele University for older learners (14+) with learning difficulties/special needs (SEN). I think not for learning English (ELT) in first place but ICT (information and communication technology). Can be used with switch access (large external buttons).

As I have posts about outher series called Out & About, I post this as well for comparison. It's also interesting. A related Software company is Sherston.

For Windows XP- WIN10.

Episodes: (CD-ROMs, videos unknown length)

1. Out and About 1 Plus: The Living Community (pictured)

2. Out and About 2 Plus: Around The Home ('Cooking for Fun' with Ainsley Harriet)

3. Out and Abont 3: Gadget at Home

4. Out and About 4: Money and Finance

Out and About Assistive Technology Screener

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Vox pop (television interviews)


Year published/aired: 2015 ?

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes:  66 ?

Grade: pre-intermediate

Genres: short interviews

Sub-subject: teen lives

Broadcaster: -

Production company: Sharp Focus Productions





Media: ?

Media distribution: Cambridge University Press

Additional media:

Working material:

Material publisher:

Novel available:

Other literature: Greg Myers: Matters of Opinion: Talking About public issues

Plot (short): There are different series called Vox pop. I think this is from Cambridge University Press for Spanish people. Some few teens (the same in all episodes). I think part of Cambridge English Empower. Interviewer: Marie Lawrence.

Episodes: ~3 minutes each

1: The Use of social networks 

2 Dangerous situations

3. Places to visit in your town

4: Sports

5: Describing a photograph

6: TV series

7. Agreeing and disagreeing

8: Appearances in the media

9. Fame 

10. Your worst holiday

12: What should I do?

13: A coincidence

14: What do you most regret in life so far?

15: Talking about experiences

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Out & About (Cambridge University Press)

Year published/aired: 2015

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 

Grade: B1-B2, Intermediate to Upper Intermediate

Genres: short documentaries


Broadcaster: -

Production company:


Story: Mark Hancock and Annie McDonald



Media: DVD x2

Media distribution: Cambridge University Press

Additional media: books,

Working material:

Material publisher:

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Another English course by Cambridge University Press. 2 levels. Short documentaries. At least some are set in London. English for Spanic Speakers (ESS).

I was wrong. The interactive CD-ROM is another 3rd one: Out and About 1 Plus: The Living Community from SEMERC (Special Education Micro-Electronics Resource Centre) later Granada Learning.

Episodes: (unknown levels)

-Fashion Trends


-City Break (London)



-You are what you eat (New York, pictured)


Info: Used in Spain (only ?).

Friday, July 15, 2022

English G 21: Out and About 1

Year published/aired:

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 6 (each grade)

Grade: 5-

Genres: everyday's situations


Broadcaster: -

Production company: Tellus Vision (Sweden)

Producer: Anna Nordqvist

Story: Barbara Derkow-Disselbeck, Allen Woppert


Director: Anna Nordqvist

Media: 1xDVD

Media distribution: Cornelsen

Additional media: books, CD-ROMs, Audio CD, readers, ...

Working material:

Material publisher: Cornelsen

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): Another DVD from German publisher Cornelsen (1 for 5th grade, 2 for 6th grade). Not sure if the kids from the cover are shown in the movies. I think most scenes showing kids in school uniforms. Set in Bristol. Also including animated scenes. Unknown length, maybe in total 60 minutes but including animations.

There are 3 more DVDs in this G 21 series, probably for grades 3-5, 3: WWW (What's in? What's on? What's up?), 4: WWW, 5: Viewing (eg. Australia). One Audio CD is called: Bristol Radio Roadshow. The reader: The Case of the Corner Shop Robbers. Both for 5th grade.

Barbara Derkow also directed The Groovy Granny Show and several other early series, including the 1980s (Two-Two-O-One, ....). Tellus Vision also made Ghost Stories.

Out & About is also an unrelated 2015 series by Cambridge University Press. A 3rd Out and About which has interactive CD-ROMs with video contents is from SEMERC/Granada Learning.

Another later series is (English G) Lighthouse.



1. Meeting People (at school ?)

2. People at Home (family)

3. Shopping 

4. Mealtime 

5. It was great! (School party or other at school or fair?)

6. Going places (probably Sightseing)

Monday, July 11, 2022

My Family and Me

Alternate title:
Families around the World

Year published/aired: 2002 ?

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 26

Grade: 4-

Genres: Documentaries

Sub-subject: Geography

Broadcaster: TFO-TV Ontario, others

Production company: Marathon, now: Zodiak Media

Producer:  Olivier Bremond, Pascal Breton, Vincent Garenq

Story:  Vincent Garenq, Anita Bonan, others



Media: VHSx26

Media distribution: Schlessinger Media

Additional media:

Working material:

Material publisher: 

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): French documentaries about kids' lives in different countries.

There are 2 similar series by Marathon Media: This is My Country (52 episodes) and I Love My City (26 episodes), shown in catalogues of Zodiak Media (where this pic is from). Some few episodes (4) are available as stream. English adaption by Nicky Baker.

There is also a 1997 series "Montre-moi ton école" (26 ep) by Marathon. And Mon Animal et moi (52 ep).

Episodes: 13 minutes each

1. Devie and her Family in India (12 yo girl)

2. Anna-Katarina and her Family in Lapland (8 yo girl)

3. Lilian and her Family in Brazil (Family of 60)

4. Theo and his Family in England (10 yo boy)


My family from...

-Los Angeles (10 yo girl, LA)

-New York City (11 yo girl)

-France (11 yo boy Antoine)

-Italy (girl, Amalfi coast)


-China (14 yo boy)

-Japan (11 yo boy, Tokyo) 

-Serbia-Montenegro (10 yo boy)

-Iceland (girl)

-Chile (5 yo boy, Valparaiso Hills)

-Cuba (girl)

-Burkina Faso (12 yo boy)

-Costa-Rica (9 yo boy)

-My Inuit family from Canada (12 yo girl)

Jordan, Vietnam, South Korea, Israel, South Africa, Greenland

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Real Video Timesavers: Teen Life - UK!

As announced, the other English Timesaver book with DVD/VHS, 2003. Also aired on Channel 5. Book by Barry Tomalin, 64 pages. Also used at least in Norway.

The video is long (1.5 hours), units are 5-8 minutes. Also Soccer scenes, Ice skating, School scenes, etc.

Unit 1: Rooted: Return to Africa.

Intermediate - Advanced. B1/C1.

Friday, July 1, 2022

Junior English Timesaver

Year published/aired: 2010 ? (series 1998 ?)

Year produced/filmed:

# of episodes: 12

Grade: 7-8 ?

Genres: everyday's situations


Broadcaster: -?

Production company: 


Story: Sarah Johnson, Fiona Beddall



Media: DVDx1

Media distribution: Scholastic

Additional media:

Working material:

Material publisher: Scholastic

Novel available:

Other literature: 

Plot (short): "English Timersavers" is mainly a book series, I think originally by publisher Mary Glasgow Magazines/Mary Glasgow Plus. There are obviously many books. Some have (Audio)-CDs

Junior English Timesaver (JET) is a subseries and I found only this containing a DVD (or DVD-ROM with videos). There are 12 short video diaries from real London kids. Some b&w caps are included in the sample (2 girls in school uniform).

The one pictured is also included in a set of 5 called Drama in the Classroom (also published as single one). Should be released in 2010. But the series is much older. At least since 1998.

One other with VHS/DVD is Real Video Timesavers: Teen Life - UK! (see below).

There are also DVD Readers and Timesavers Interactive Resource Books (some with CD-ROMs) from Scholastic.


Episodes: (unknown running time)

-10 London Transport (from sample material)

Elementary School English (YBM Kim, 2020)

  I found another South Korean clips on YouTube from uploader Jayedu. Playlist 2020GH English Class. Not exactly sure about the title. Grade...